aphorismin a sentence
She often quotes St. Augustine's aphorism, "Love the sinner and hate the sin."
aphorism = short saying intended to impart wisdom
- It demonstrates the aphorism, "A picture is worth a thousand words."
- The viewpoint is often expressed in the aphorism, "The ends justify the means."
He shared his latest aphorism: "Don't let go too soon, but don't hang on too long."
aphorism = short, wise saying
He could still hear his father speaking the old New England aphorism: If it wasn't painfully difficult, you did it wrong.
aphorism = short saying intended to impart wisdom
I had prepared myself for that, and even thought of several positive, uplifting aphorisms to cheer him up.
aphorisms = short sayings intended to impart wisdom
- She had a store of aphorisms which she dished out as the occasion demanded. (source)
- Nothing could have been less consonant with Selden's mood than Van Alstyne's after-dinner aphorisms, but as long as the latter confined himself to generalities his listener's nerves were in control. (source)
Altogether, the Old Bailey, at that date, was a choice illustration of the precept, that "Whatever is is right;" an aphorism that would be as final as it is lazy, did it not include the troublesome consequence, that nothing that ever was, was wrong.
aphorism = short saying intended to impart wisdom
- "Well," my father exclaimed indignantly, preparing us for the aphorism he uses like a maraschino cherry to top off all his unappreciated repair projects, "a man standing next to a river cannot appreciate water."† (source)
- There were company-wide notices about each day's menus, each day's weather, each day's words of the wise—last week's aphorisms were from MLK, Gandhi, Salk, Mother Teresa and Steve Jobs.† (source)
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- The person questioned smiles beatifically and responds in some non sequitur that would make the babble of the Web's worst village idiot seem like sage aphorisms in comparison.† (source)
- employed as carpenter known to use humble modes of transportation, feet or donkeys preferred believed to have walked on water often portrayed with arms outstretched known to have spent time alone in the wilderness believed to have had a confrontation with the devil, possibly tempted last seen in the company of thieves creator of many aphorisms and parables buried, but arose on the third dayhad disciples, twelve at first, although not all equally devoted very forgiving came to redeem an unworthy world You may not subscribe to this list, may find it too glib, but if you want to read like a literature professor, you need to put aside your belief system, at least for the period during whic† (source)
- And when they spoke, they often used roundabout expressions and aphorisms that left Eragon more confused than when they began.† (source)
- He would be an aphorist of last things, giving me the barest glance—civilized, ironic—as he spoke his deft and stylish line about my journey out.† (source)
- They know I have no use for surgical aphorisms such as "When in doubt, cut it out" or "Why wait when you can operate" other than for how reliably they reveal the shallowest intellects in our field.† (source)
- His eyes are twinkling, and I just know he's about to give me some clever little aphorism.† (source)
- For now, the convenient aphorism "kids from other, harder schools" is metamorphosing into real flesh and bone.† (source)
- He had a knack for aphorism.† (source)
- —Mason Cooley (1927-2002), U.S. aphorist He tried to kill me," Andy keeps saying.† (source)
- Keep up the circulation of his blood for years to come, and excite aphorism and anecdotes and dreams for the instruction and amusements by the action of his brain upon his mind.† (source)
- In the jockeys' room he orchestrated a string of clever practical jokes, sequestered himself in corners to pore over literature, and mystified his fellow jocks with aphorisms from Omar Khayyam and "Old Waldo" Emerson.† (source)
- He thought of Medusa's Echo and a Gallic aphorism that proclaimed that the more things changed the more they remained the same.† (source)
- And it is more effective than the large number of aphorisms that make up our State bills of rights, which would sound much better in a treatise on ethics than in a constitution of government.† (source)
- ESTRAGON: (aphoristic for once).† (source)
- I thought them admirably suited to the subject, little Zen-like aphorisms for each photograph.† (source)
- The famous Hermetic aphorism—Know ye not that ye are gods?† (source)
- "I sum it up in my newest aphorism," he said.† (source)
- But he bucks himself up with aphorisms like "A man is not made for defeat.† (source)
- After a while, he had more than fifty of these "aphorisms," which he shared with his friends.† (source)
- The aphorism contained a certain literal truth.† (source)
- After ten standard months I was done, acknowledging the ancient aphorism to the effect that no book or poem is ever finished, merely abandoned.† (source)
- I had seen him like this only one other time—when he was getting massaged—and the echo of his aphorism "When you're in bed, you're dead" began anew inside my head.† (source)
- I hated the idea of Morrie's lying in bed under any circumstances (his last aphorism, "When you're in bed, you're dead," rang in my ears), and curled on his side, he was so small, so withered, it was more a boy's body than a man's.† (source)
- He mentioned a dear friend Morrie had, Maurie Stein, who had first sent Morrie's aphorisms to the Boston Globe.† (source)
- His favorite aphorism is some Asian saying about how "the hungriest lion is not the one at the top of the hill, but the lion just beneath him, who wants to get to the top."† (source)
- This later became an aphorism in his famous textbook, a Stonism as readers called it: "If the teeth chatter it is a chill, but if the bed shakes it is a true rigor† (source)
- The letters sparkled with aphorisms—on the virtue of America standing free from binding involvement with other nations: "We stand well, let us stand still"; on the perils of majority rule: "Absolute power in a majority is as drunk as it is in one"; on lawyers: "No civilized society can do without lawyers."† (source)
- He found the stricken rider distracting himself from his pain by firing off aphorisms from Ralph Waldo Emerson—"Old Waldo"—at the nurses.† (source)
- He reminisces for a while and throws out a few light aphorisms before turning bleak and discussing Bosnia and balkanism, victims of wars, and conflicts across the globe.† (source)
- GENET AND I SAT DOWN one evening, practicing our penmanship by copying out a page of aphorisms from Bickham's before beginning our homework.† (source)
- "Split the stick," runs a Gnostic aphorism, "and there is Jesus."† (source)
- I cannot wait for your first collection of aphorisms.† (source)
- "Character," says Novalis, in one of his questionable aphorisms,—"character is destiny."† (source)
- He had professional aphorisms, which he inserted into his wife's mind.† (source)
- In verse and aphorism, Pickings recommended good health, good roads, good business, and the single standard of morality.† (source)
- That is one of your aphorisms.† (source)
- Compliments of Dadbury Petersen Advertising Corp. "Ads, not Fads, at Dad's" The Boosters all read Mr. Peterson's aphorism and said they understood it perfectly.† (source)
- It was something for him to jot down for his collection of aphorisms: one either expresses a mystery in the simplest words, or not at all.† (source)
- He was a correspondent of many of the nickel-plated Great Men whose pictures and sonorous aphorisms appeared in the magazines: the advertising men who wrote little books about Pep and Optimism, the editor of the magazine which told clerks how to become Goethes and Stonewall Jacksons by studying correspondence-courses and never touching the manhood-rotting beer, and the cornfield sage who was equally an authority on finance, peace, biology, editing, Peruvian ethnology, and making oratory pay.† (source)
- In this instance, the very opening sentence—"Is there not an appointed time to man on earth?" was startling, and as Hetty proceeded, Hutter applied, or fancied he could apply many aphorisms and figures to his own worldly and mental condition.† (source)
- I have been taught these two aphorisms in Latin and in Greek; one is, I believe, from Phaedrus, and the other from Bias.† (source)
- With the majority such an opinion is shelved with all those trite aphorisms which require some catastrophe to bring their tremendous meanings thoroughly home.† (source)
- The commissary accorded Kovaloff a fairly frigid reception, saying that the afternoon was not the best time to come with a case, that nature required one to rest a little after eating (this showed the committee-man that the commissary was acquainted with the aphorisms of the ancient sages), and that respectable people did not have their noses stolen.† (source)
- Every now and then, having learned from Newman that he had been through the museums of Europe, he uttered some polished aphorism upon the flesh-tints of Rubens and the good taste of Sansovino.† (source)
- She was in unison with Father Gillenormand; while he erected joy into aphorisms and maxims, she exhaled goodness like a perfume.† (source)
- It had many imitators, and founded an aphoristic style of writing which culminated in the essays of Emerson, often mere strings of sonorous certainties, defectively articulated.† (source)
- Here is a better recognition of popular rights, than volumes of those aphorisms which make the principal figure in several of our State bills of rights, and which would sound much better in a treatise of ethics than in a constitution of government.† (source)
- At last Doctor Pedro Recio Agilers of Tirteafuera promised to let him have supper that night though it might be in contravention of all the aphorisms of Hippocrates.† (source)
- "Because," replied the doctor, "our master Hippocrates, the polestar and beacon of medicine, says in one of his aphorisms omnis saturatio mala, perdicis autem pessima, which means 'all repletion is bad, but that of partridge is the worst of all."† (source)
- It came to pass, then, that after he had dined that day, in opposition to the rules and aphorisms of Doctor Tirteafuera, as they were taking away the cloth there came a courier with a letter from Don Quixote for the governor.† (source)
- In this Spain of ours there is a proverb, to my mind very true—as they all are, being short aphorisms drawn from long practical experience—and the one I refer to says, 'The church, or the sea, or the king's house;' as much as to say, in plainer language, whoever wants to flourish and become rich, let him follow the church, or go to sea, adopting commerce as his calling, or go into the king's service in his household, for they say, 'Better a king's crumb than a lord's favour.'† (source)
- And as this piece of yours aims at nothing more than to destroy the authority and influence which books of chivalry have in the world and with the public, there is no need for you to go a-begging for aphorisms from philosophers, precepts from Holy Scripture, fables from poets, speeches from orators, or miracles from saints; but merely to take care that your style and diction run musically, pleasantly, and plainly, with clear, proper, and well-placed words, setting forth your purpose to the best of your power, and putting your ideas intelligibly, without confusion or obscurity.† (source)
- As to references in the margin to the books and authors from whom you take the aphorisms and sayings you put into your story, it is only contriving to fit in nicely any sentences or scraps of Latin you may happen to have by heart, or at any rate that will not give you much trouble to look up; so as, when you speak of freedom and captivity, to insert Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro; and then refer in the margin to Horace, or whoever said it; or, if you allude to the power of death, to come in with— Pallida mors Aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas, Regumque turres.† (source)
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