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  • I also learned about ubuntu—the Xhosa word for humanity—and the power of authentic leadership as exhibited by giants like Nelson Mandela and a thousand other self-sacrificing visionaries who had managed the unforeseen transition from apartheid to democracy without a bloodbath.†   (source)
  • One zoo asked for "an authentic Brahmin cow" for their children's zoo.†   (source)
  • The production was so popular that national and international tours were organized to provide an authentic presentation of the fictional story to audiences everywhere.†   (source)
  • A video camera overhead was aimed directly at them, and Langdon had the feeling that this camera, unlike those at the Louvre, was authentic.†   (source)
  • Seven other houses were also open to the public, but they were all museum houses, all important architectural specimens authentically restored and staffed by professional curators and operated on a nonprofit basis.†   (source)
  • I appreciate you making things look authentic, but you didn't need to go that far.†   (source)
  • Thanks to the sedatives, so much of this seemed unreal-as if she were walking on the spongy floor of a dream-but the moment she thought of Matt, it became authentic and raw.†   (source)
  • I believe that only those were authentic "beetleskins": old and very-much-used condoms that popped out at you in public places.†   (source)
  • You felt that an argument might begin again any time; in fact it had: out of the Dean's Residence, a pure and authentic Colonial house, there now sprouted an ell with a big bare picture window.†   (source)
  • His present turned out to be a box of intricate plastic parts; the instructions on the box proclaimed that when they were properly assembled he would have an authentic miniature replica of a World War II submarine.†   (source)
  • I could hear the authentic sorrow in her voice, and I paused, unable to sum up the last couple of years into a single statement.†   (source)
  • Very authentic-sounding.†   (source)
  • A 1999 human rights report said that migrants trying to make it through Chiapas face "an authentic race against time and death."†   (source)
  • I appealed to Boney now, Detective Rhonda Boney with the sympathetic air that seemed at least partly authentic.†   (source)
  • Are those authentic?†   (source)
  • Language, behavior, ideas, ways of expression and authentic imaginations—as well as books—have been censored.†   (source)
  • There was an elegantly furnished waiting room but I barely had time to sit down on an authentic pre-Hegira de Kooning before an aide appeared and ushered me into the CEO's private office.†   (source)
  • As the countries conquered by the Red Army gradually became more firmly caught in the stranglehold of their liberators, the nomenklatura of Eastern Europe in general were unable to tolerate such authentic eyewitness accounts as this book.†   (source)
  • It was too whimsical a sighting for the archbishop to pronounce as authentic, but still.†   (source)
  • It's pretty authentic, actually.†   (source)
  • I may not agree with all or even most of the tribal traditions, but it seems to me that, out there, people live more authentic lives.†   (source)
  • There was a big parade the day before the Reenactment, which gave the reenactors an opportunity to march through town in full regalia in front of all the tourists, because the next day they'd be so covered in smoke and dirt that no one would notice the shiny brass buttons on their authentic shell jackets.†   (source)
  • There would be authentic villages from far-off lands inhabited by authentic villagers—even Pygmies, if Lieutenant Schufeldt succeeded.†   (source)
  • But what is authentic about it, I keep asking Anatole.†   (source)
  • Our command would find a municipality that was willing to have us come in and take down an actual building—an empty warehouse, say, or a house—something a little more authentic than you would find on a base.†   (source)
  • On the other hand our freedom obliges us to make something of ourselves, to live 'authentically' or 'truly.'†   (source)
  • I ordered some authentic Chinese food—pig's intestines and sea slugs.†   (source)
  • Within twenty-four hours the small provincial society world knew that an authentic count had arrived in their midst.†   (source)
  • I responded to her authentic and down-to-earth personality.†   (source)
  • Her arm was studded with pale brown lumps, gnarled and authentic.†   (source)
  • But our involuntary expressive system is in many ways even more important: it is the way we have been equipped by evolution to signal our authentic feelings.†   (source)
  • And also, without notes I'm assured that my comments will be real, authentic, and come from the heart.†   (source)
  • They know that we like to feel that things are authentic.†   (source)
  • I'm trying for the authentic camping experience.†   (source)
  • But it was absolutely authentic, he swore; he knew for a fact Taiwanese cuckoos, especially hem-orrhoidal ones, looked and sounded precisely like that.†   (source)
  • Las Vegas is now so contrived and artificial that it has become something authentic, a place unlike any other.†   (source)
  • As a souvenir Adam bought the "authentic badge holder" that Wal-Mart employees wear.†   (source)
  • I worked up a fairly authentic smile.†   (source)
  • The tower hid the older brick sections of the hospital, whose architecture felt authentic and aligned with the neighborhood.†   (source)
  • This is authentic.†   (source)
  • 'If I'm going to do this, I want to be authentic about it.†   (source)
  • To Zayd, Cedric seems so authentic in his feelings, his faith, his resentments, his finely woven codes of right and wrong.†   (source)
  • It's a good laugh, authentic, unforced; I like it, but I am feverish.†   (source)
  • Yes, her paintings were based on beauty by mistake, and New York was the secret but authentic homeland of her painting.†   (source)
  • It was very good for me, because I saw a lot of authentic backgrounds for made-up stories which I will write later on.†   (source)
  • This guy convinced me that the baseball in his possession, the ball he claimed was the Thomson home run, was in fact the authentic ball.†   (source)
  • We had so much fun at dinner—authentic Mexican cuisine, the real deal.†   (source)
  • Stillman, the litigator, said, "So, uh, Jake, we ask you to withdraw the handwritten will and allow us to proceed with the authentic one."†   (source)
  • I can see it's authentic.†   (source)
  • The couple watched the films together, and Oswald even told Marina that the films felt authentic.†   (source)
  • She wished he had signed it, not because she wanted to know his name, but so it would look more authentic—otherwise somebody might think she bought it herself.†   (source)
  • By the age of seventeen I knew that making it, in the terms I had tried to adopt, was not only unlikely, but false and empty, no more authentic for me than trying to emulate my Great-aunt Toyo.†   (source)
  • While all Paris might see Franklin as the authentic, homespun "natural" American, Vergennes knew better.†   (source)
  • Both these boys had the smell of true, authentic rebellion.†   (source)
  • Beaumont University's Public Archive Department examined the paper, the ink and the binding and determined the diary to be authentic.†   (source)
  • A Senator from a Western state hurried up to him, hand outstretched, babbling on in what he apparently believed to be the authentic Pima tongue.†   (source)
  • When Bob Dole of Kansas ran for president in 1996, his Midland dialect sounded authentic to a lot of Americans.†   (source)
  • I realize that although this is the authentic image of DeWeese himself, it's also a brand-new person who's been renewing himself continually and I'm going to have to get to know him all over again.†   (source)
  • However, successive repetitions will result in flaws if it's not authentic.†   (source)
  • The first documented, authentically researched story on Hunter Brown could push her beyondCelebrity's scope.†   (source)
  • The president — the authentic president of the United States — leaned down and smiled at Angel.†   (source)
  • But before long, authentic paper was stolen and counterfeits were as dinkum as official ones—more expensive but Loonies preferred free-enterprise passports.†   (source)
  • His tall, slender figure had an air of distinction, too authentic to be modern, and he moved as if he had a cape floating behind him in the wind.†   (source)
  • I believe in barbecue in all its regional derivations, in its ethnic translations, in forms that range from white-tablecloth presentations of cunningly sauced costillas, to Chinese take-out spareribs that stain your fingers red, to the most authentic product of the tar-paper rib shacks of the Deep South.†   (source)
  • Peter and I possess a similar command of Korean, though perhaps his grasp is slightly better, his bah-rharn or accent, or, literally, "breeze," is more authentic, still deeply redolent of the old country.†   (source)
  • Her father had been a shameless eavesdropper in his search for the authentic ring of conversation, and his daughter shared that curiosity.†   (source)
  • My authentic Chinese face got me in the door.†   (source)
  • But what was undiminishable, and, as already so flatly suggested, a joy of a kind forever, was an authentic esprit superimposed over his entire face—especially at the eyes, where it was often as arresting as a Harlequin mask, and, on occasion, much more confounding.†   (source)
  • Given the demographics of modern Israel, she suspected the accent was authentic.†   (source)
  • I can never get used to the thousands of antique shops along the roads, all bulging with authentic and attested trash from an earlier time.†   (source)
  • It was already dark, and I begun to There is no authentic report of wolves ever having killed a human being in the Canadian North; although there must have been times when the temptation was well-nigh irresistible.†   (source)
  • He was completely civil, and in such an authentic way, I felt it was his real nature and not just a veneer to please the customer—the way I had seen it in the stores in New Orleans.†   (source)
  • I wanted to go there because I had never before tried authentic, that is to say echt, Jewish cuisine and also because—well, When in Flatbush ...I said to myself.†   (source)
  • And yet somehow all that people do is clear and lucid and authentic there, as if it were magnified in the red lens, not made smaller.†   (source)
  • It's authentic.†   (source)
  • Well, we want Jurassic Park to be as real an environment as possible—as authentic as possible—and the procompsognathids are actual scavengers from the Jurassic period.†   (source)
  • Some things in this room are authentic, some are not.†   (source)
  • "The symbol is authentic," Langdon said, a little too defensively he thought.†   (source)
  • I was certain we'd stolen the authentic scroll.†   (source)
  • "We plan to do an authentic Aztec dance, in authentic Aztec dress," Esme said.†   (source)
  • Apparently, some people thought that my Parisian accent was too authentic for a foreigner.†   (source)
  • They saw his horses and buffalo and an authentic stagecoach.†   (source)
  • A fountain would be lovely, she said — something French, but it would have to be authentic.†   (source)
  • No one, not even Senator Trueba, believed they were authentic.†   (source)
  • I've got some remarkably authentic-looking shell jackets in the attic.†   (source)
  • "No —" incredulous laugh, authentic-sounding—"I'm afraid I don't."†   (source)
  • These pieces of statuary were said to be "authentic," but authentic what†   (source)
  • It was short but brimming with authentic grief and love.†   (source)
  • Only Mike, she thought, would consider Campbell's chicken gumbo soup authentic Cajun cuisine.†   (source)
  • There is no consensus about whether Neff's hidden message is authentic.†   (source)
  • Then we'll have to be authentic, won't we?†   (source)
  • They look more authentic than they did before.'†   (source)
  • The authentic Jason Bourne was convinced and he made his moves.†   (source)
  • You mean some of my authentic, been-in-the projects style is gonna rub off?†   (source)
  • That's what gives it the authentic flavor.†   (source)
  • Lenny gave the name of the city an authentic guttural rumble.†   (source)
  • It was Bourne at the bank, the signatures were authentic.†   (source)
  • I don't have to tell you how authentic the names would be even if we had the dates to trace them.†   (source)
  • Besides being gorgeous and talented, Erik was an authentically nice guy.†   (source)
  • It appears to be authentic and it doesn't really fit.†   (source)
  • It had to be authentic; everything had to be authentic.†   (source)
  • "Whole thing's phony," he told me, "If that was the authentic ball, how could you afford to buy it?"†   (source)
  • Ramona wailed in what seemed to be authentic pain, though Herschel had his doubts.†   (source)
  • That was the name on one of the five driver's licenses and we thought it seemed most authentic.†   (source)
  • To do his job, to mount the suicide authentically, he had to study Swayne's every move.†   (source)
  • Your credentials seemed authentic.†   (source)
  • His merits in her presence grow, To match the promise in her eyes, And round her happy footsteps blow The authentic airs of paradise...— COVENTRY PATMORE, The Angel in the House, 1854.†   (source)
  • He's hung his authentic-replica Red Sox baseball cap on a branch overnight for safekeeping; lie checks inside it, flicks out a spider, puts it on.†   (source)
  • He replaces his lost aspirin and candles, and throws in six small boxes of matches and a paring knife, and his authentic-replica Red Sox baseball cap.†   (source)
  • The last war was full of such instances and much suffering and heartaches could have been avoided by the transmittal of reliable information to the parties concerned regarding the whereabouts of men (in such cases); It is one of the purposes of this program to alleviate this condition and furnish speedy, reliable and authentic message service to the relatives and friends of men interned in prisoner of war camps throughout Japan.†   (source)
  • The fatigues looked authentic, but the boy was clearly not old enough to "serve" and he was hardly in a proper uniform—on his big feet, he wore a scuffed and filthy pair of basketball shoes, "high tops"; and his matted, shoulder-length hair certainly wasn't Army regulation.†   (source)
  • It's not exactly authentic, and sometimes he just goes to the Korean market and buys ready-made side dishes and marinated meat, but sometimes he'll call our grandma for a recipe and he'll try That's the thing: Daddy tries.†   (source)
  • Although the labels were authentic, they were not always appended to the tape with the corresponding songs.†   (source)
  • How authentic is that?†   (source)
  • By sheer chance his nickname had hit home; Gomez could not have known that in the improbable event that she should choose to do so, she could unearth the noble title of Jean de Satigny, which was one of the few authentic features of the French count who had given her his name.†   (source)
  • The towering boy carried some authentic-looking Army equipment: an entrenching tool, a machete, a bayonet—although the sheath for the bayonet did not look like Army issue, not to me; it was made of a shiny material in a Day-Glo-green color, and embossed upon it was the traditional skull and crossbones in Day-Glo orange.†   (source)
  • The air conditioning was set at the temperature he liked it, and a tasty snack (melon, prosciutto, a French brie with a label that appeared authentic) was set out on the dining-room table.†   (source)
  • At first he had thought the clippings were a prank, so he'd gone to the Harvard microfiche collection to confirm the articles were authentic.†   (source)
  • The wall paintings had faded, but they looked more authentically Egyptian, with the sideways-walking people and hieroglyphs that actually formed words, rather than simply providing decoration.†   (source)
  • Instead, he called in a rescue team of Eyes, who may or may not have been authentic but in any case were under his orders.†   (source)
  • A year is how long it's taken me to quietly wander round on my own and re-purchase the frauds still out, a delicate proceeding which I've found is best conducted in person: three or four trips a month, New Jersey and Oyster Bay and Providence and New Canaan, and—further afield —Miami, Houston, Dallas, Charlottesville, Atlanta, where at the invitation of my lovely client Mindy, the wife of an auto-parts magnate named Earl, I spent three fairly congenial days in the guest house of a spanking new coral-stone chateau featuring its own billiard parlour, "gentleman's pub" (with authentic, imported, English-born barkeep), and indoor shooting range with custom track mounted target system.†   (source)
  • The paintings are possibly authentic.†   (source)
  • From five destroyed Hepplewhite dining chairs he was capable of fashioning a solid and completely authentic-looking set of eight by taking the originals apart, copying the pieces (using wood salvaged from other damaged furniture of the period) and re-assembling them with half original and half new parts.†   (source)
  • The labels on the cassettes were authentic period labels, dating, of course, from some time before the inception of the early Gilead era, as all such secular music was banned under the regime.†   (source)
  • The rug is authentic.†   (source)
  • Once in a while, a writer will start his reflection with a phrase like, "What I really wanted to say was ...." and then proceed to write another essay, a better one, one that feels more authentically like the person who wrote it.†   (source)
  • An authentic blade from Valhalla.†   (source)
  • They have the lace collars, the puffed sleeves, the sashes I remember; many of them are in plaid, the authentic somber blood-lit colors, dark greens with a stripe of red, dark blues, black.†   (source)
  • Since we filmed them in the early 1980s, Ray and his wife have died, and with them two of the last authentic examples of the true Appalachian dialect.†   (source)
  • I was authentic.†   (source)
  • The prisoner, evidently proud of his one authentic gift, a brilliant memory, recited the names and addresses of twenty Kansas City stores, cafes, and garages, and recalled, accurately, the "purchase" made at each and the amount of the check passed.†   (source)
  • Inside it's pretty authentic, except that it looks too clean; and it's less forties than early fifties.†   (source)
  • That said, Adams got to the essential point, lest Pickering have any misconceptions : I will say to you, however, that I consider this letter as the most authentic intelligence yet received in America of the successes of the coalition.†   (source)
  • It is a litmus test for authentic God experience, and is—quite sadly—absent from much of our religious conversation today.†   (source)
  • Rearden turned, startled; d'Anconia's manner and voice had a quality he had seldom encountered before: a tone of authentic respect.†   (source)
  • I'm authentic Loonie, third generation.†   (source)
  • Having flourished in my own authentically kvetchy way, I believe that we would be better off if we let everyone be themselves—positive, negative, or even somewhere in between.†   (source)
  • It's just that this year an exotic bird is among them, an authentic ghetto kid who, for whatever reason, made it through the urban inferno without donning an armor.†   (source)
  • In a sense many whites play 'cultural catch-up,' letting the Black masses dictate what is in vogue and authentic.†   (source)
  • My friend Damien is the most authentic person I know, even when being true to himself has been a hard thing to be.†   (source)
  • Of course, Dick was very literal-minded, very— he had no understanding of music, poetry-and yet when you got right down toot, Dick's literalness, his pragmatic approach to every subject, was the primary reason Perry had been attracted to him, for it made Dick seem, compared to himself, so authentically tough, invulnerable, "totally masculine.†   (source)
  • If the critical information is mind-blowing and the facts authentic, the subject doesn't have much of a choice.†   (source)
  • No damn way that hag knows how to be authentic, faithful, wise, earnest, and sincere about anything except her own hateful plans.†   (source)
  • 'No name...'None he ever gave me that he would not contradict in the next breath — none remotely authentic.†   (source)
  • It was lyrically true as it emerged from Marvin Lundy's mouth and reached Brian's middle ear, unprovably true, remotely and inadmissably true but not completely unhistorical, not without some nuance of authentic inner narrative.†   (source)
  • Authentic?†   (source)
  • The Dark Daughters and Sons should swear to be authentic for air, faithful for fire, wise for water, empathetic for earth, and sincere for spirit.†   (source)
  • The authentic names, Edward.†   (source)
  • Because whoever meets with Carlos's emissaries has to be so high up, so authentic, that the Jackal has no choice but to accept him or them.†   (source)
  • But if Charlie truly believed the baseball was authentic, would he leave it in plain sight, unguarded, where a cleaning woman might decide to take it home to her kid because she doesn't earn enough money to buy him a baseball, or a delivery boy from the coffee shop around the corner—he pictured a swarthy male drifting through the corridors on a slow afternoon, with creamless coffee and a toasted English in a white bag, looking for something to pinch.†   (source)
  • Each of you who believes you can uphold the ideals of the Dark Daughters and Sons, and will try your best to be authentic, faithful, wise, empathetic, and sincere—you may continue your membership in this group.†   (source)
  • Had the assassin taken that option, expecting to smash the 'camera' under his feet and take another from his pocket as he moved swiftly to the outskirts of the crowd, his credentials as authentic as d'Anjou's and the 'anti-terrorist' from the Mossad?†   (source)
  • We are nothing if not authentic.†   (source)
  • The Prefect Council will be responsible for the workings of the new Dark Daughters and Sons, which includes being certain that from this day forth all members exemplify the following ideas: they should be authentic for air; they should be faithful for fire; they should be wise for water; they should be empathetic for earth; and they should be sincere for spirit.†   (source)
  • Authentic-real Chinese food?†   (source)
  • Each of them had been extensively examined with respect to authentic credentials and fully substantiated business or personal reasons for entering the country.†   (source)
  • Bourne changed into the French denim trousers, slipped on a dark short-sleeved shirt and the cotton safari jacket, put his money, his weapon and all his IDs-authentic and false-into his pockets and left the Pont-Royal.†   (source)
  • Each was completely "authentic" with the appropriate vehicular traffic, police, dress codes, shops, grocery and drug stores, gas stations and mock structures of buildings-many of which rose two stories high and were so real they had American hardware on the doors and windows.†   (source)
  • They can be accommodating in terms of hours and the absence of an authentic signature or two, but they give nothing for nothing, and they trust no one, especially anyone associated with our benevolent socialist government.†   (source)
  • Armed with an authentic Russian AK-47 and five standard thirty-round magazine clips, Bourne jumped out the far side of the silent coasting government car, using the bulk of the rolling vehicle to conceal himself in the grass directly across the road from the entrance.†   (source)
  • Well, you're not so authentically bright, Mr. Big Shot!" spat out the immobilized patient through his painfully swollen lips.†   (source)
  • Eventually, some black thinkers believe, this "separation" may be the shortest route to an authentic communication at some future date when blacks and whites can enter into encounters in which they truly speak as equals and in which the white man will no longer load every phrase with unconscious suggestions that he has something to "concede" to black men or that he wants to help black men "overcome" their blackness.†   (source)
  • It was always strange to me—awesome even—that the cleanly modern capital of Washington, so impersonal and official in its expansive beauty, should be one of the few cities in the nation disturbed by authentic ghosts.†   (source)
  • I read: "...it is by justice that we can authentically measure man's value or his nullity...the absence of justice is the absence of what makes him man.†   (source)
  • Beginning as a humble "one-horse" operation in the sleepy Wisconsin lakeside town of Neenah, the Kimberly-Clark Corporation is now one of the authentic giants of the world paper industry, with factories in 13 states and 8 foreign countries.†   (source)
  • I say phony because Mosby, a Virginia colonel, was not related to me in the slightest way; the story, however, was both passably authentic and colorful and I told it with drawling embellishments and winsome sidelights and bravura touches, savoring each dramatic effect and in the end turning on such slick medium-voltage charm that Leslie, eyes ashine, reached up and grasped my hand as she had at Coney Island, and I felt her palm a little moist with desire, or so it seemed.†   (source)
  • Surely today, even though the Governor General had refused to see him the day before—surely today (especially with his exquisite command of German) he would be greeted cordially by the head of the Einsatzgruppe der Sicherheitspolizei, with whom he had an entree in the form of a letter from a mutual friend in Erfurt (a sociologist, a leading Nazi theoretician on the Jewish problem), and who could not fail to be further impressed by these credentials, these honorary degrees (on authentic parchment) from Heidelberg and Leipzig, this bound volume of collected essays published in Mainz, Die polnische Judenfrage, et cetera and so on.†   (source)
  • His steam-like breathings, usually droll in their effect, were more tragic than so many groans: while from head to foot, he was in that begrimed, besmeared, neglected state, that he might have been an authentic portrait of Misfortune which could scarcely be discerned through its want of cleaning.†   (source)
  • He is the last, historic, authentic case of someone being hounded out of society.†   (source)
  • Tomorrow I start work in earnest on our hostess's book—which, believe me, is a treasure-house of period gems; pure authentic 1914.†   (source)
  • Comrade Ogilvy, who had never existed in the present, now existed in the past, and when once the act of forgery was forgotten, he would exist just as authentically, and upon the same evidence, as Charlemagne or Julius Caesar.†   (source)
  • But to Miss Rosa it must have been authentic, not only plausible but justified: hence the remark which sent Ellen again (she told this too, for the childish joke it was) into shrieks of amused and fretted astonishment "We deserve him," Miss Rosa said.†   (source)
  • It was disappointing not to have brought back in the evening some important statement, some authentic fact.†   (source)
  • It was a feeling of consecration to a duty toward all of the oppressed of the world which would be as difficult and embarrassing to speak about as religious experience and yet it was authentic as the feeling you had when you heard Bach, or stood in Chartres Cathedral or the Cathedral at Leon and saw the light coming through the great windows; or when you saw Mantegna and Greco and Brueghel in the Prado.†   (source)
  • The head-dress is authentic.†   (source)
  • The boys saw, twenty-four feet high in the mysterious night-light of the moon, and with its sleeping head bowed upon its breast so that the wicked beak lay on the breast feathers, an authentic griffin that was better worth seeing than a hundred condors.†   (source)
  • Now and then it produces something of merit, something that has an authentic folk flavor; and these accidental and isolated instances have fooled people who should know better.†   (source)
  • He did not notice much about the apartment, beyond remembering that it was simple, very clean and smartly modest, that it contained a great number of books and very few pictures, but these authentic and precious.†   (source)
  • Scarlett had received too many ardent love letters herself not to recognize the authentic note of passion when she saw it.†   (source)
  • Yet even so,' Professor Trevelyan concludes, 'neither Shakespeare's women nor those of authentic seventeenth-century memoirs, like the Verneys and the Hutchinsons, seem wanting in personality and character.'†   (source)
  • and why not, since to them the actual and authentic surrender can only be (and have been) a ceremony like the breaking of a banknote to buy a ticket for the train) of the two men, it was Sutpen who desired (or hoped: I have this from something your grandfather let drop one day and which he doubtless had from Sutpen himself in the same accidental fashion, since Sutpen never even told Ellen that he wanted it, which—the fact that at the last minute he refused to support her in her desire and insistence upon it—accounts partly for the tears) the big wedding, the full church and all the ritual.†   (source)
  • Originally, the title of this beautiful play was an authentic line drawn from the language of the people, with the brave, simple eloquence of folk expression.†   (source)
  • By chance I met this same wine again, lunching with my wine merchant in St. James's Street, in the first autumn of the war; it had softened and faded in the intervening years, but it still spoke in the pure, authentic accent of its prime, the same words of hope.†   (source)
  • He knew only what the town, the county, knew: that the strange little boy whom Clytie had used to watch and had taught to farm, who had sat, a grown man, in the justice's court that day with his head bandaged and one arm in a sling and the other in a handcuff, who had vanished and then returned with an authentic wife resembling something in a zoo, now farmed on shares a portion of the Sutpen plantation, farmed it pretty well, with solitary and steady husbandry within his physical limitations, the body and limbs which still looked too light for the task which he had set himself, who lived like a hermit in the cabin which he rebuilt and where his son wa†   (source)
  • fooled him, at least have frightened any man out of speaking the secret aloud—the same conscience which would not permit the child, since it was a boy, to bear either his name or that of its maternal grandfather, yet which would also forbid him to do the customary and provide a quick husband for the discarded woman and so give his son an authentic name.†   (source)
  • And now, next time, he was not sent for; he learned it as the town learned it: by that country grapevine whose source is among negroes, and he, Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Bon, already returned (not home again; returned) before your grandfather learned how he had come back, appeared, with a coal black and ape-like woman and an authentic wedding license, brought back by the woman since he had been so severely beaten and mauled recently that he could not even hold himself on the spavined and saddleless mule on which he rode while his wife walked beside it to keep him from falling oft; rode up to the house and apparently flung the wedding license in Judith's face with something o†   (source)
  • To my astonishment, the thing had an authentic look.†   (source)
  • a wish to find a more authentic kind of experience?†   (source)
  • He was, in fact, an authentic scientist.†   (source)
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