disseminatein a sentence
- It is important to disseminate these findings to all physicians.
- I had developed something called disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which meant my blood was not clotting, my blood pressure was very low and my blood acid had risen.† (source)
- The reason was apparently genetic: the male had evolved to disseminate his genes as widely as possible, and by killing the cubs he brought all the females into heat, so that he could impregnate them.† (source)
- For example, disseminating poison in reservoirs, leaking toxic waste from chemical plants ...have you done any of those?† (source)
- Dressed in a party uniform, which too closely resembled a military uniform, Lale spent several weeks traveling around the country, disseminating newsletters and speaking at rallies and gatherings.† (source)
- The troubadours were the traveling servants or "ministers" of the Church of Mary Magdalene, using music to disseminate the story of the sacred feminine among the common folk.† (source)
- The defense commissioner, Richard Blackington, appointed nine district air raid wardens to be responsible for the effectiveness of an island blackout; he also attended, in Anacortes, a chemical warfare training class and afterward busied himself disseminating flyers about it.† (source)
- It was a place where everyone endeavored, constantly and passionately, to improve themselves, each other, share their knowledge, disseminate it to the world.† (source)
- It was on brainfrizz: inciting to violence, membership in a banned organization, hampering the dissemination of commercial products, treasonable crimes against society.† (source)
- Snow plows forward, saying that clearly the rebels are now attempting to disrupt the dissemination of information they find incriminating, but both truth and justice will reign.† (source)
- J. EDGAR HOOVER ANGERED BY FAUBUS REPORT OF FBI September 28, 1957: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover accused Governor Faubus of Arkansas of disseminating falsehoods by saying FBI agents held teenagers incommunicado for hours of questioning.† (source)
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- And the art of printing was, not least, one of the factors that forced the Church to relinquish its former position as sole disseminator of knowledge.† (source)
- Once Axel infected HeLa cells with HIV, Rifkin said, they could infect other cells and expose lab researchers around the world to HIV, "thus increasing the virus' host range and potentially leading to the further hazardous dissemination of the AIDS virus genome."† (source)
- Instead, correspondents filed their reports by voice or fax via satillite phone, and those reports were typed into computers for dissemination on the Web by editors in New York, Boston, and Seattle.† (source)
- It's where all the information about health and a lot of the complaints go, and it performs some crucial functions well, such as the collection and dissemination of worldwide epidemiological data.† (source)
- If you've never been on the wrong end of gossip, spread by malicious girls, you'd be surprised how fast they can disseminate reputation-crushing information.† (source)
- But in both instances, the dissemination of the information diluted its power.† (source)
- I have sealed this section of the court file because nothing good can come from the dissemination of this sensitive material.† (source)
- Information and ideas could be disseminated more easily, democratizing knowledge and creating a primitive network effect.† (source)
- "The biggest information-dissemination system in the world," Fang said.† (source)
- We've been severely limited in terms of in-depth dissemination.† (source)
- According to the PG, the 'top secret' classification means that the report may not be disseminated or copied.† (source)
- Those have been designed for six hundred gravities of acceleration for ...rapid and widespread dissemination.† (source)
- There was only the matter of her confession, which would be recorded for dissemination on ISIS's myriad propaganda platforms, and her execution, which would be by beheading.† (source)
- In one case a general falsehood is widely and officially disseminated; in the other the truth seems to be suppressed.† (source)
- —a willing disseminator.† (source)
- It imagines that reaching the greatest possible height, where it can disseminate its blessings most fully, is its life goal.† (source)
- The organized campaign of your clique to cut down Guild Taxation and appropriations for the education of Espers and the dissemination of Esper training to mankind is conceived in a spirit of treachery and fascism.† (source)
- The PG ordered the report confiscated from the police—it's not to be disseminated or copied.† (source)
- Dissemination, Congressman Walters; it's throughout Cain's file.† (source)
- As an early repository for Thomas Jefferson's personal collection of books on science and philosophy, the library stood as a symbol of America's commitment to the dissemination of knowledge.† (source)
- They might "build on public panic to further destabilize the system by disseminating rumors" and therefore "increase media coverage" and "stress the public health system."† (source)
- Summary Document: Central Document Number XXXXXX, forwarded to the Commission for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Central Planning Commission, Department of National Defense; disseminated at the XXXXXX Conference and the XXXXXX Conference; partially disseminated at the XXXXXX Conference.† (source)
- There's a thing called disseminated intravascular coagulation, but it's rare and requires all sorts of special circumstances to initiate it.† (source)
- Someone in the King's communications department had given unauthorized and incorrect information to someone at Emaar, and the news had been wrongly and widely disseminated.† (source)
- "Everyone is reminded that this meeting and all information disseminated here is proprietary," Tyler said.† (source)
- The purpose of this facility would be two-fold: to limit dissemination of the life form, and to provide laboratories for its investigation and analysis, with a view to protecting earth life forms from its influence.† (source)
- Although the Klan would never quite die, especially down south—David Duke, a smooth-talking Klan leader from Louisiana, mounted substantive bids for the U.S. Senate and other offices—it was certainly handicapped, at least in the short term, by Kennedy's brazen dissemination of inside information.† (source)
- During a sleepless night spent mostly in the kitchen with Linder, Berger had expected the "Poison Pen" to strike, disseminating pictures of her that would be deplorably damaging.† (source)
- This means that we now have confirmation that Dr. Teleborian not only tells lies but also broke the law by disseminating records that he himself claims are classified.† (source)
- He was slightly surprised that the Swedish Security Police had been able to penetrate the Russian military to the degree Nyström was describing, but he perfectly understood that this was information that absolutely could not be disseminated.† (source)
- Through a press code and other measures, General Douglas MacArthur, the supreme commander of the occupying forces, had strictly prohibited dissemination of or agitation for any reports on the consequences of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings — including the consequence of a desire for peace — and the officials evidently thought that Tanimoto's peace center might get the local governments in trouble.† (source)
- You are prepared to cheat, to forge, to blackmail, to corrupt the minds of children, to distribute habit-forming drugs, to encourage prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases — to do anything which is likely to cause demoralization and weaken the power of the Party?† (source)
- through the Oceanic area to North America.64 Many scholars have pointed out the close cor,espulidences between the details of the classical Greek and primitive Australian rites of initiacion.65 It is still uncertain by what means and in what eras the mythological and cultural patterns of the various archaic civiliLations may have been disseminated to the farthest corners of the earth; yet it can be stated categorically that few (if any) of the so-called "primitive cultures" studied by our anthropologists represent autochthonous growths.† (source)
- He heard himself promising to lie, to steal, to forge, to murder, to encourage drug-taking and prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases, to throw vitriol in a child's face.† (source)
- All this was mixed, broken, floating, disseminated confusedly in her thought.† (source)
- She had affiliations of her own in every capital, and a facility for picking them up again after long absences; and the carefully disseminated rumour of the Brys' wealth had at once gathered about them a group of cosmopolitan pleasure-seekers.† (source)
- Considerable sums of money are collected and expended here, employment is found for the idle, strangers are introduced, news is disseminated and charity distributed.† (source)
- The omnibuses, carriages, cyclists, and innumerable people walking in their best clothes seemed scarcely affected by the strange intelligence that the news venders were disseminating.† (source)
- Whenever my missionaries overcame a knight errant on the road they washed him, and when he got well they swore him to go and get a bulletin-board and disseminate soap and civilization the rest of his days.† (source)
- Among all the methods by which love is brought into being, among all the agents which disseminate that blessed bane, there are few so efficacious as the great gust of agitation which, now and then, sweeps over the human spirit.† (source)
- But, just as the virtues which he had still attributed, an hour or so earlier, to the Verdurins, would not have sufficed, even although the Verdurins had actually possessed them, if they had not also favoured and protected his love, to excite Swann to that state of intoxication in which he waxed tender over their magnanimity, an intoxication which, even when disseminated through the medium of other persons, could have come to him from Odette alone;—so the immorality (had it really existed) which he now found in the Verdurins would have been powerless, if they had not invited Odette with Forcheville and without him, to unstop the vials of his wrath and to make him scarify their 'infamy.'† (source)
- If the aim was the dissemination of ideas, the printing press could have accomplished that much better than warfare.† (source)
- Bred at first, as many physical diseases are, in the wickedness of men, and then disseminated in their ignorance, these epidemics, after a period, get communicated to many sufferers who are neither ignorant nor wicked.† (source)
- In the vast cosmic exchanges the universal life goes and comes in unknown quantities, rolling entirely in the invisible mystery of effluvia, employing everything, not losing a single dream, not a single slumber, sowing an animalcule here, crumbling to bits a planet there, oscillating and winding, making of light a force and of thought an element, disseminated and invisible, dissolving all, except that geometrical point, the I; bringing everything back to the soul-atom; expanding everything in God, entangling all activity, from summit to base, in the obscurity of a dizzy mechanism, attaching the flight of an insect to the movement of the earth, subordinating, who knows?† (source)
- Another of the popular fictions of Coketown, which some pains had been taken to disseminate — and which some people really believed.† (source)
- The vast extent of the country and the dissemination of the inhabitants render a collision between parties less probable and less dangerous there than elsewhere.† (source)
- What he had told me, in his room, about his belief in its disseminating the statements pasted on it, which were nothing but old leaves of abortive Memorials, might have been a fancy with him sometimes; but not when he was out, looking up at the kite in the sky, and feeling it pull and tug at his hand.† (source)
- These interests, disseminated in the provinces of so vast an empire, may be said to constitute rival nations rather than parties.† (source)
- "For the dissemination of pure truth and to secure the triumph of virtue," he read, "we must cleanse men from prejudice, diffuse principles in harmony with the spirit of the times, undertake the education of the young, unite ourselves in indissoluble bonds with the wisest men, boldly yet prudently overcome superstitions, infidelity, and folly, and form of those devoted to us a body linked together by unity of purpose and possessed of authority and power.† (source)
- Alarming details were hawked about, fatal news was disseminated,— that they were masters of the Bank;—that there were six hundred of them in the Cloister of Saint-Merry alone, entrenched and embattled in the church; that the line was not to be depended on; that Armand Carrel had been to see Marshal Clausel and that the Marshal had said: "Get a regiment first"; that Lafayette was ill, but that he had said to them, nevertheless: "I am with you.† (source)
- In the American States power has been disseminated with admirable skill for the purpose of interesting the greatest possible number of persons in the common weal.† (source)
- ] The government of democracy brings the notion of political rights to the level of the humblest citizens, just as the dissemination of wealth brings the notion of property within the reach of all the members of the community; and I confess that, to my mind, this is one of its greatest advantages.† (source)
- But the persons who conduct the administration in America can seldom afford any instruction to each other; and when they assume the direction of society, they simply possess those attainments which are most widely disseminated in the community, and no experience peculiar to themselves.† (source)
- As the officers are everywhere elected or appointed for a certain period, it has been impossible to establish the rules of a dependent series of authorities; there are almost as many independent functionaries as there are functions, and the executive power is disseminated in a multitude of hands.† (source)
- *a The United States cover an immense territory; they are separated from each other by great distances; and the population is disseminated over the surface of a country which is still half a wilderness.† (source)
- The most enlightened Americans attribute the subordinate influence of the press to this excessive dissemination; and it is adopted as an axiom of political science in that country that the only way to neutralize the effect of public journals is to multiply them indefinitely.† (source)
- One hundred millions of men disseminated over the surface of the twenty-four States, and the three dependencies, which constitute the Union, would only give 762 inhabitants to the square league; this would be far below the mean population of France, which is 1,063 to the square league; or of England, which is 1,457; and it would even be below the population of Switzerland, for that country, notwithstanding its lakes and mountains, contains 783 inhabitants to the square league.† (source)
- county to the law—The introduction of judicial power into the administration—Consequence of the extension of the elective principle to all functionaries—The Justice of the Peace in New England—By whom appointed—County officer: ensures the administration of the townships—Court of Sessions—Its action—Right of inspection and indictment disseminated like the other administrative functions—Informers encouraged by the division of fines.† (source)
- ] Whatever faith I may have in the perfectibility of man, until human nature is altered, and men wholly transformed, I shall refuse to believe in the duration of a government which is called upon to hold together forty different peoples, disseminated over a territory equal to one-half of Europe in extent; to avoid all rivalry, ambition, and struggles between them, and to direct their independent activity to the accomplishment of the same designs.† (source)
- The disseminators of this tale are the accusers whom I dread; for their hearers are apt to fancy that such enquirers do not believe in the existence of the gods.† (source)
- Beneficent Disseminator of blessings to all Thy creatures, how great and universal must be that sweetest of Thy tyrannies which can hold in thrall the free and the bond, the simple swain and the polished coxcomb, the lover in the heyday of reckless passion and the husband of maturer years.† (source)
- This independence of the judges is equally requisite to guard the Constitution and the rights of individuals from the effects of those ill humors, which the arts of designing men, or the influence of particular conjunctures, sometimes disseminate among the people themselves, and which, though they speedily give place to better information, and more deliberate reflection, have a tendency, in the meantime, to occasion dangerous innovations in the government, and serious oppressions of the minor party in the community.† (source)
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