insolentin a sentence
I don't recommend the hotel. The employees are insolent and unhelpful.
insolent = rudely disrespectful
She was fired for insolence.
insolence = being rude and disrespectful
insolence = rude disrespect
A big, robust guy with blond hair and a relatively insolent grin, Shane was supersmart.
insolent = disrespectful
I go in my own room, the one Dona Laura had special made for me so I could be with my santos at peace and not have to bear the insolence and annoyance of young girls with no faith in the spirits.
insolence = disrespectful behavior or actions
- devise, say, a fitting reward for the hindrance and insolence of Gandalf the Grey.
insolence = rude, disrespectful behavior or action
Paul's insolence Father Breuninger had chalked up to being part of an adolescent stage.
insolence = rude disrespectful behavior
The Captain stared at him grimly, insolently, showing what he thought of Maine men.
insolently = with rude disrespect
ALAN moves away from him, insolently takes up a packet of DYSART's cigarettes from the bench, and extracts one.
insolently = rudely disrespectfully
You're going to listen, and no more insolence from you!
insolence = rude, disrespectful behavior or action
But he had more brains and more inner dignity and outer insolence and humor than any man that he had ever known.
insolence = rude disrespect
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
But the insolence of his Normans--" How are you getting on now, my dear?"
insolence = rude, disrespectful behavior or action
- Insolent life thrumming on.† (source)
- He cried as the soldiers came and a small collection of insolent Jews stood and watched.† (source)
- Sleight, sixty-five years old, is a professional river guide and desert rat with a Mormon upbringing and a reputation for insolence.† (source)
- He found the Tican workmen to be uniformly insolent.† (source)
- It was Bean, already in his flash suit, looking insolent.† (source)
- Mr. Granger looked up sharply, but Uncle Hammer eyed him insolently, a smile still on his lips.† (source)
- The sullen insolent stare she'd give, as if picturing exactly what would go on behind his door once it was closed.† (source)
- Now you glance up again, attempt an insolent grin, but it does not come off easily.† (source)
- Malfoy gave Professor Lupin an insolent stare, which took in the patches on his robes and the delapidated suitcase.† (source)
- "Hi, Pop," came an insolent voice.† (source)
- Then Erik turned his full attention back to Tino, standing insolently before him.† (source)
- I am in no mood for your insolence today.† (source)
- "You know we have no meat," she said insolently.† (source)
- She looked strange, too, like the missionary ladies at our school who were insolent and bossy in their too-tall shoes, foreign clothes, and short hair.† (source)
- Her insolent behavior contradicts her quiz scores.† (source)
- She stepped out into the hallway, determined to face down his insolence, or his mockery, and was confronted instead by her sister, clearly in distress.† (source)
- You're insolent, woman.† (source)
- Because I've just seen one in your courtyard, along with those insolent protestors.† (source)
- While these were qualities that were perfectly acceptable, perhaps even desirable, in Touchables, Vellya Paapen thought that in a Paravan they could (and would, and indeed, should) be construed as insolence.† (source)
- What she wanted to do was incapacitate this insolent pup with her elbow and use his miserable hide for leverage.† (source)
- No you don't, I thought, staring her insolently in the eye.† (source)
- I was offended, took it far too much to heart and was insolent and beastly to her, which, in turn, made her unhappy.† (source)
- You demand answers with an insolence rarely seen.† (source)
- To stare back was insolent.† (source)
- And, if I had to guess, I'd say this particular piece of insolence was the main reason Ambrose eventually tried to kill me.† (source)
- Lauren asked — in what I imagined was an insolent tone — from across the fire.† (source)
- Insolence will not be tolerated, not one bit.† (source)
- Only upon reaching that one-hundredth verse do you finally understand you are being punished for the sin of insolence.† (source)
- Tall and shaggily blond, George had been an almost insolently beautiful boy.† (source)
- However, I never really felt protected by the insolent-looking, boyish grown-up who wore the sneer of a brooding Elvis.† (source)
- Stubbornly, insolently blank.† (source)
- At times Trueba thought he caught a glimmer of murderous hatred in his eyes, but there was never cause to rebuke him for any insolence.† (source)
- For a long time the water in the cisterns had been honored as the cause of the scrotal hernia that so many men in the city endured not only without embarrassment but with a certain patriotic insolence.† (source)
- Slowly, insolently, the Sardaukar moved around the Baron, shouldered a way through the guardsmen.† (source)
- You insolent girl.† (source)
- Nothing you could handle, insolent Greek.† (source)
- Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there... MISS NARWIN: Philip, stop this insolence!† (source)
- The man lit a cigarette which he held in the corner of his mouth as he deliberately, insolently, began looking through the wallet.† (source)
- I will offload you here, insolent woman, if you don't like it.† (source)
- But Ambiades was not going to move a step at the request of a worthless and insolent petty criminal.† (source)
- For a moment, he stared back, insolent, his eyes seemingly huge behind his glasses.† (source)
- The fact that the bartender had been a little slow and insolent hadn't necessarily been a reason to break his nose.† (source)
- Keen but crooked noses, with insolent nostrils.† (source)
- "You do not have to repeat," Artkin said, insolence in his voice, an insolence that cheered Miro.† (source)
- The boy looked around the bar, slowly and with such a look of insolence that a flush spread over Pete's face.† (source)
- Shall we be told then that this people [the Americans], whose greatness is the work of our hands, and whose insolence arises from our divisions, who have mistaken the lenity of this country for its weakness, and the reluctance to punish, for a want of power to vindicate the violated rights of British subjects—shall we be told that such a people can resist the powerful efforts of this nation ?† (source)
- And certainly they couldn't be spoken to insolently.† (source)
- His round white cap was cocked at an insolent tilt, his hands were clenched, and he glared at everything in the room with a scowl of injured truculence.† (source)
- His screams took on a tone of insolence, almost laughter, as though he were the gloating victor in an extended, undeclared war.† (source)
- Max scanned the row of hideous, petulant-looking creatures that were staring insolently at him from behind their muzzles.† (source)
- He doesn't like Oswald's attitude, thinking him "haughty, arrogant ...and insolent."† (source)
- 'Let me have no more of your tricks and insolence, El-ahrairah.† (source)
- "How dare you smirk at me, you insolent slattern!" she cried.† (source)
- Besides being shiftless now they look at you sometimes with open insolence, and as far as depending on them goes, why that's out.† (source)
- "Normally, I'd take an eye for such insolence," the Commandant muses.† (source)
- They are anger, slight (subdivisible into contempt, spite and insolence), mildness, love or friendship, fear, confidence, shame, shamelessness, favor, benevolence, pity, virtuous indignation, envy, emulation and contempt.† (source)
- He was a tall blond man, and as my face came close to his he looked insolently out of his blue eyes and cursed me, his breath hot in my face as he struggled.† (source)
- Such behavior would be regarded as the height of insolence—and in this case it was.† (source)
- I will not tolerate your insufferable insolence!† (source)
- You insolent little cow!† (source)
- I suggest, Chairman Korsakov consenting, that we discuss informally how to treat this latest insolence to our nation.† (source)
- Except that now Alessandro had seen a benevolent diagram of passion and color in perfect balance, and he knew from Bindo Altoviti's brave and insolent expression that he was going to stay alive forever.† (source)
- "I thought that you always thought so," she answered, her voice insolently casual.† (source)
- Now you shall witness the folly of your insolence!† (source)
- They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boasOcl they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents, they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.† (source)
- Please forgive my insolence, but it is another thing that makes me feel somewhat desperate.† (source)
- A young Alabama soldier agreed that "when a Southron's home is threatened the spirit of resistance is irrepressable," and one of the Confederacy's numerous gentleman privates—men who enlisted in the ranks despite their wealth and social status—a thirty-two-year-old Virginia planter, declared two weeks before he was killed at Malvern Hill that to drive "the insolent invader ...from the soil polluted by their footsteps ...has something of the glorious in it, that appeals to other feelings than those of patriotism and duty."† (source)
- Without even looking back, I knew that she was about to suffer for her insolence.† (source)
- She was so different from us, sly and secretive, with a faintly contemptuous air about her which in her son was turned almost to insolence.† (source)
- Lieckweg could not keep his mouth shut, could not bring himself to stop answering the upperclassmen insolently.† (source)
- "You are insolent now that you've decided to go away," he cried.† (source)
- I knew I was making a pest of myself, but I could scarcely believe this nice young lady could be so unsympathetic, so insolent when she discovered I did not come in to buy something.† (source)
- "Your insolence will be repaid both now and in a life yet to come," observed the Master.† (source)
- And she failed to realize that in the intervening seconds there had registered somewhere in the precincts of Sholom Weiss's unmagnanimous brain her stupid contradiction of him, and its insolence.† (source)
- He considered Randy an insolent young loafer, an example of decadence in what once might have been a good family, and a sadly scrambled egghead, and had so informed his daughter.† (source)
- (Going, he turns at the exit and anxiously scans STEWARD's face for signs of impudence) I'll permit no breath of insolence† (source)
- At one of the crossroads they were stopped by a patrol of grinning Cossacks who searched them, insolently running their hands over them from head to foot.† (source)
- How dare you talk to your father like that, you insolent young cub!† (source)
- It was not simply the city way he was dressed that made her look at him and see hope in its insolence looking back.† (source)
- Senator Benton, declared the Missouri Register, is "a demagogue and a tyrant at heart ....the greatest egotist in Christendom...Wherever he goes, whatever he does, he shows but one characteristic—that of a blustering, insolent, unscrupulous demagogue."† (source)
- Why, that lousy, insolent son of a ....† (source)
- And he stormed against the natives themselves, who refused to work properly, who were insolent—and so on.† (source)
- I didn't catch Peter's reply, but it must have been insolent, because she cuffed him on the arm.† (source)
- Nobody takes her seriously, she has no strength of character, she complains to one and all, and you should see how she walks around: von hinten Lyzeum, von vorne Museum* Even worse, Peter's becoming insolent, Mr. van Daan irritable and Mother cynical.† (source)
- He's never been so insolent.† (source)
- Remembered that I am not Dumbledore, who forgave your insolence and insubordination?† (source)
- For this insolence, this spoiling-the-fun, their quarry paid.† (source)
- You've shown nothing but insolence and treachery.† (source)
- In addition to lying and cheating, I'd learned half-concealed insolence and silent resistance.† (source)
- It used to make us laugh, but now we cringed for having trained him in insolence.† (source)
- Crookshanks; slowly chewed up the spider, his yellow eyes fixed insolently on Ron.† (source)
- Boris leaned insolently against the wall.† (source)
- You're talking back, said Nancy, I am sick of your insolence.† (source)
- He eyed Ned with a smile on his lips that bordered on insolence.† (source)
- Or only looking at him insolently and arrogantly, convinced that he was too stupidly drunk to see?† (source)
- I prefer the girl branded with the letter I for 'Insolence.'† (source)
- The brassy insolence in his voice that had so frightened her.† (source)
- "I suspect it stands for Insolence," Captain Campbell said calmly.† (source)
- The words insolence and ingratitude came into it frequently, I seem to recall.† (source)
- My lord father would call that insolence, and send you to the mines for impertinence.† (source)
- The sheer casual insolence of it was worse than the blow itself.† (source)
- Viserys would have his head off for that insolence.† (source)
- Only once had a mortal dared and he'd been driven insane for his insolence.† (source)
- "So high is the vanity and the insolence of these men !" huffed Ambrose Serle in his journal.† (source)
- It seemed to Lorena that he too had a touch of insolence in his manner.† (source)
- "That you have so much passion in your body," she said insolently, "that you seek assuagement thus.† (source)
- His hair was a soft brown tumble, and his eyes were brown as well, and bright with insolence.† (source)
- Give us our foretelling, or I'll go to my lord father and have you whipped for insolence.† (source)
- Dr. Ferris smiled in a manner of innocence and insolence together.† (source)
- Wherever would we be without the endearing insolence of teenagers?† (source)
- The bravo curled a lip, whilst the fellow with the quill chuckled at his insolence.† (source)
- Infuriated by Ben's insolence, Lucas growled and hurled Ben to the other side of the room.† (source)
- But he made"—she regarded him with a curious, cool insolence—"some very bad connections.† (source)
- "Well, he'll be back," Augustus said, the insolence more pronounced in his voice.† (source)
- He pressed the switch of the radio, watching her face openly, intently, almost insolently.† (source)
- At this insolence, Hrunta raised the whip and cracked it down at Max like a thunderbolt.† (source)
- Two had the insolence to cross their spears and bar her way.† (source)
- His voice was slipping into whining insolence.† (source)
- The man looked at Augustus calmly and a little insolently, it seemed to Lorena.† (source)
- The ending took the puppet show from simple insolence to treason.† (source)
- The insolence of the look was so great that for a moment Jake contemplated gunplay.† (source)
- His lordship informed me that he had no further need of my sword, or my insolence.† (source)
- He had followed them and he stood looking at them with the insolence of exaggerated earnestness.† (source)
- A child's name is a small thing ...but insolence unpunished breeds rebellion.† (source)
- There was an insolence in his voice that caused Jake to flare up for a moment despite himself.† (source)
- Insolence was apt to bring out the comic in him, as Call knew too well.† (source)
- He has given Stannis food and shelter, yet has the insolence to plead with us for arms and men.† (source)
- Then call Hotah back and whip me for my insolence.† (source)
- There I will crush him, and what he has taken in his insolence shall be mine again for ever.† (source)
- He looked at me, sneering insolently with his cruel mouth.† (source)
- How insolently he had stood in his Red and his Power!† (source)
- 'Where such laws hold,' said Gandalf, 'it is also the custom for ambassadors to use less insolence.† (source)
- That lazy insolence stung her into an inarticulate rage.† (source)
- 'Do not bandy words in your insolence with the Mouth of Sauron!' he cried.† (source)
- I long for one, just one, rubbishy and insolently random and hard to get rid of and perennially yellow as the sun.† (source)
- Leaning toward her, one of Nasuada's commanders said, "Let us punish him, Mistress, for his insolence.† (source)
- And even if you never did, you better not say so or it's all Damn your insolence, and a boot in the backside and out on the street with you.† (source)
- He also warned her against love and marriage, with the same insolence with which he insisted that Jaime should find a decent girl and settle down because he was turning into a hopeless bachelor.† (source)
- They had provided for all manner of pleasant things for him, the Tallis family: the very home he had grown up in, countless trips to France, and his grammar school uniform and books, and then Cambridge—and in return he had used a terrible word against her sister and, in a fantastic abuse of hospitality, used his strength against her too, and sat insolently at their dining table pretending that nothing was different.† (source)
- She thought that he would at last be convinced of the unreality of his dream, and that this would redeem his insolence.† (source)
- I am against you, O Insolence!† (source)
- The insolence was gone, the old aggressive glint; now he looked worn out and there was an anxious, fatalistic quality in his eyes.† (source)
- A burning, childish blush, with a life of its own and an insolence that turned her vexation on herself.† (source)
- She told Inspector Thomas Mathew how in the last few weeks she had noticed some presaging signs, some insolence, some rudeness.† (source)
- Yet even in the midst of his new laid-backness he still had that crazed and slightly heroic look of schoolboy insolence, all the more stirring since it was drifting towards autumn, half-ruined and careless of itself.† (source)
- This girl's crimes of insolence, property destruction, and running away from her rightful owner are not devious enough to warrant a sentence of death.† (source)
- On the night when he reiterated his love for her, while the flowers for her dead husband were still perfuming the house, she could not believe that his insolence was not the first step in God knows what sinister plan for revenge.† (source)
- I will be not ruined by you, be it through innocence, as Aunt proclaims, or insolence, which I suspect.† (source)
- No work could defeat him, no matter how hard or humiliating it was, no salary, no matter how miserable, could demoralize him, and he never lost his essential fearlessness when faced with the insolence of his superiors.† (source)
- This stands for Insolence, sir.† (source)
- Now, they must have known I'd have their heads for such appalling insolence and yet they are.† (source)
- Insolence has its price, Uncle.† (source)
- Bronn grinned insolently.† (source)
- Then my lord bade you Choose any horse that you would and be gone; and to the wonder of all you took Shadowfax in your insolence.† (source)
- The day might come when America would have to "beat down" the "insolence of John Bull," Adams told Abigail, but he prayed it would not be soon.† (source)
- However, through Murtagh, Galbatorix had made her suffer for her insolence, and she had soon lost her taste for open rebellion.† (source)
- Of course I always thanked them, was appropriately pleased and proud, not saying otherwise, but I also wished secretly that for once I'd hear about Sunny speaking insolently, that they had had a terrible row in front of everyone, that once and finally Mary Burns had been most cross and vehement and had scolded her with great wrath.† (source)
- Loitering stablehands eyed her insolently, but Ser Horas Redwyne averted his gaze as she passed, and his brother Hobber pretended not to see her.† (source)
- With his cap of white-silver hair and burning black eyes, he didn't look much like either one of them, though there was something of Clary in his sharp bone structure and the shape of his eyes, and something of face in the lounging insolence with which he moved.† (source)
- He greeted the Hakims, insolently demanded tea, and then, with a practiced leer on his face, pulled an airline ticket out of his pocket and waved it at me.† (source)
- I shall forget this insolence.† (source)
- That insolence cannot go unpunished.† (source)
- Vivienne spoke up knowing that if she didn't, I might not be able to keep myself from maiming the witch for her insolence.† (source)
- He beat her cruelly for that insolence.† (source)
- His insolence angered her.† (source)
- Any insolence would cost him skin.† (source)
- History was littered with tales of brilliant men and women who had delved too deeply in arcane matters and were driven mad for their insolence.† (source)
- Dr. Ferris1 eyes flickered briefly to his face; the sparkle of insolence was too swift to be identified with certainty.† (source)
- A young man, with a look of alcoholic insolence, staggered past the group and snapped, chuckling, "Learned your lesson, Rearden?"† (source)
- Bert had always considered that Dish had been awarded the top-hand position unfairly, and he was not about to put up with such insolence from him.† (source)
- It was not the man's insolence-he had not sought any gratitude, he had not been moved by pity, his gesture had been automatic and meaningless.† (source)
- She saw that the trim, confident girls had a nasty insolence of manner when they spoke to Jim, as if they did not respect him and never had.† (source)
- When I ordered Bronn seized, one of his knights had the insolence to say that I should do as Lord Stokeworth said.† (source)
- He was studying her insolently.† (source)
- He had the insolence to scowl at her.† (source)
- If His Grace refuses, or says one word of protest, summon Qyburn and tell him to remove Pate's tongue, so His Grace can learn the cost of insolence.† (source)
- He smiled again with that insolently personal quality which now seemed to say that he knew the threat contained in his answer and what it meant to her, then he rose from the table.† (source)
- The same wonder struck him again, when, walking down an alley between the mill structures, he caught sight of a slouching figure whose posture combined an air of insolence with an air of expecting to be swatted: it was his brother Philip.† (source)
- In the bare, dim hall of reinforced concrete, he was met by a man who might have been an officer, except that his tunic was open at the throat and a cigarette hung insolently in the corner of his mouth.† (source)
- It was as if a sum of years hit Rearden in the face, by means of a sensation and a sight: the exact sensation of what he had felt in the cab of the first train's engine on the John Galt Line-and the sight of Philip's eyes, the pale, half-liquid eyes presenting the uttermost of human degradation: an uncontested pain, and, with the obscene insolence of a skeleton toward a living being, demanding that this pain be held as the highest of values.† (source)
- As he passed each group, silence fell, and they watched him insolently, itching to kill; but he said nothing, bowing his head, and they knew, anyway, that he was a preacher.† (source)
- Even when the worst of the piece was over, her fingers like foam on rocks pulled at the spent-out part with unstilled persistence, insolence, violence.† (source)
- Revolutions, young men dying on the barricades, writers racking their brains in an effort to curb the brute insolence of money, to save the human dignity of the poor.† (source)
- When, as someone entered, he said good morning, or good day, he said it barely looking up, and with an indifference that fell just short of insolence.† (source)
- Not only did he forgive him his lack of manners, which he regarded as the expressions of a genuinely revolutionary temperament, but he delighted in his insolence as an infatuated woman may be pleased by the arrogant ways of a masterful lover.† (source)
- And in the attitude of Moses, in the way he moved or spoke, with that easy, confident, bullying insolence, she could see he was waiting too.† (source)
- She hated their sullenness, their averted eyes when they spoke to her, their veiled insolence; and she hated more than anything, with a violent physical repulsion, the heavy smell that came from them, a hot, sour animal smell.† (source)
- She did not know that Dick made a habit of calling a general rest of five minutes each hour; he had learned they worked better for it; it seemed to her an insolence directed against her authority over them when they stopped, without permission, to straighten their backs and wipe off the sweat.† (source)
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