interposein a sentence
She interposed herself between them before someone threw a punch.
interposed = inserted
- They have interposed themselves on the side of our enemy.
Sometimes a few other netters would interpose comments, but Peter and Val would usually ignore them or change their own comments only slightly to accommodate what had been said.
interpose = insert
"Or she." Interposed Hermione.
interposed = inserted (a comment)
The shell was interesting and pretty and a worthy plaything; but the vivid phantoms of his day-dream still interposed between him and Piggy, who in this context was an irrelevance.
interposed = came (were between)
He must interpose another human being, the body of another human being, between himself and the rats.
interpose = insert
The judge interposed. He spoke with the authority that a lifetime in the courts had given him. He
said... (source)interposed = inserted (into the conversation)
- "No, you don't," interposed Tom quickly. (source)
Her husband interposed.
interposed = inserted himself into the situation
We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.
interposition = involvement (insertion between other parties)
- She interposed herself between my grandfather — said to be convalescing — and everyone else, and met daily with the male secretary and with the various factory foremen.† (source)
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- When things were easiest between them, it was his mother's doing: she mocked their arguments, laughingly, or interposed herself and flirted; when a discussion threatened to slide from fervent to angry, she'd lay a hand on Edgar's father's wrist and he'd look at her, startled, as if he had just remembered something.† (source)
- Immediately, her mother and sister were there to interpose a blander timetable.† (source)
- "We have enough trouble fighting Redd," interposed Bibwit Harte.† (source)
- We put Invincible to seaward of their surface groups as though she's heading home and interpose her on October's course.† (source)
- One of them steps forward slightly, interposing himself between Y.T. and the nearest protochick.† (source)
- The other had been finding, despite all the obstacles that destiny had interposed, a successor worthy of the company.† (source)
- Saphira interposed herself between them and, with her snout, touched the girl in the center of her mark.† (source)
- Without missing a beat in his tune, Halleck interposed: "For I am like an owl of the desert, o!† (source)
- If Pol had not grabbed me by the arm and jerked me backward, interposing himself, albeit hunched over and breathing painfully, between me and the magus, I am not sure what would have happened.† (source)
- I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" — one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.† (source)
- The other gave answer with his morningstar, but whenever the ball came crashing in, Ser Loras interposed his battered green shield, emblazoned with three golden roses.† (source)
- Michael moved in front of the machine, interposing himself between Octavian and the two Greek demigods.† (source)
- To interpose the threat of physical destruction between a man and his perception of reality, is to negate and paralyze his means of survival; to force him to act against his own judgment, is like forcing him to act against his own sight.† (source)
- Revjak interposed before Heafstaag could reply-with words or with weapon.† (source)
- Lee said, "Longstreet proposes that we move our army to the right around the enemy flank and interpose between Meade and Washington."† (source)
- Sam headed toward him, but a great body of warriors interposed themselves; and before they won through, Mara had driven across the field, slaying everyone in his path.† (source)
- Then she tentatively puts out her left foot and hand, ANNIE interposes her own hand, and at the contact HELEN jerks hers in.† (source)
- When an attendant told him he must leave his seat, inasmuch as that particular gallery was reserved for Peers, an old Peer sitting nearby interposed.† (source)
- Powell interposed quickly.† (source)
- Anyone knowing this and possessing the power could interpose obstacles.† (source)
- The kindly inspector with the granite face must have thought he had been indulgent enough, for he stepped forward to brush away Cecilia's hand and interpose himself.† (source)
- For the moment," Admiral White said, "we'll have to move back west to interpose ourselves between October and the Soviet fleet."† (source)
- The female prowled —around them closely, snuffing and snarling, and would interpose herself whenever her mate broke off bloodied.† (source)
- What he seeks is power over reality and over men's means of perceiving it, their mind, the power to interpose his will between existence and consciousness, as if, by agreeing to fake the reality he orders them to fake, men would, in fact, create it.† (source)
- He countercut, and Dondarrion interposed his own shield and launched a fiery backslash.† (source)
- To quote Steiner again, 'Our speech interposes itself between apprehension and truth like a dusty pane or warped mirror.† (source)
- If Jon had not interposed his shield, it might have staved his breastplate in and broken half his ribs.† (source)
- Payne was as rusty as his ringmail, and not so strong as Brienne, yet he met every cut with his own blade, or interposed his shield.† (source)
- He is starting after ANNIE when JAMES, on his feet with shaky resolve, interposes his chair between them in KELLER'S path.† (source)
- Both GERALD and ERIC rise to have a look at photograph, but INSPECTOR Interposes himself between them and photograph.† (source)
- But, much to the disappointment of the crowd, this latter business was broken off by the interposition of the town beadle, who had no idea of permitting the majesty of the law to be violated by such an abuse of one of its consecrated places.† (source)
- [They make to attack him, but the priests and attendants return and quietly interpose themselves] 896 T. S. ELIOT Thomas† (source)
- I must make phrases and phrases and so interpose something hard between myself and the stare of housemaids, the stare of clocks, staring faces, indifferent faces, or I shall cry.† (source)
- Mr. Pontellier declined to interfere, to interpose either his influence or his authority.† (source)
- "But you should penalise father, too," interpose Beth.† (source)
- I flung her back, and hastened to interpose the table between us.† (source)
- She told me she was watching you only in order to interpose.† (source)
- "That's all true," Zossimov hastened to interpose.† (source)
- "Nay, but, good Diccon Bend-the-Bow"—said Isaac, endeavouring to interpose.† (source)
- It was all done before Rebecca could interpose.† (source)
- "Do!" said I, glad of an opportunity to interpose a word, "why come home and go to bed.† (source)
- He would come to him in turn; but would not the tribune interpose for him?† (source)
- I saw it move a little more, and a hand softly interpose to keep it open.† (source)
- Maggy looked round of a sudden, and stared for at least a minute; but did not interpose.† (source)
- He believed the Roman would interpose; anyhow, the circumstance would test the man's feelings.† (source)
- 'Well, Rosa, well!' said Mrs. Steerforth, as the other was about to interpose, 'it is no matter.† (source)
- His intuition rilled out of him as tenderness and compassion—he could only take the characteristically modern course, to interpose—he would get a nurse from Zurich, to take her over to-night.† (source)
- A mirror inlaid with lovely colours divides the lovers, delicate stars of pink and grey interpose, exquisite nebulae, shadings fainter than the tail of a comet or the midday moon, all the evanescent life of the granite, only here visible.† (source)
- Hans Castorp, we may interpose here, was no longer seated there, but had with time moved on to Hermine Kleefeld's table, from there to Frau Salomon's, then on to Fraulein Levi's.† (source)
- She might better have contented herself with thinking that he had simply responded to the despairing summons of his hostess, anxious to interpose him between herself and the ill-humour of Mrs. Dorset.† (source)
- Lord Tony tried to interpose, but had no time to do so, for the young Vicomte had already quickly stepped forward.† (source)
- You will not, I hope, consider me as showing any disrespect to your family, my dear madam, by thus withdrawing my pretensions to your daughter's favor, without having paid yourself and Mr. Bennet the compliment of requesting you to interpose your authority in my behalf.† (source)
- As Benjamin had assumed a very threatening kind of attitude, flourishing an arm with a bunch at the end of it that was half as big as Monsieur Le Quoi's head, Richard thought it time to interpose his authority.† (source)
- Between the two lies the broad belt, of comparative desert, which is the scene of this tale, appearing to interpose a barrier to the progress of the American people westward.† (source)
- When a wife's relations interpose against a husband who is a gentleman, who is proud, and who must govern, the consequences are inimical to peace.† (source)
- This unexpected resistance gave Magua time to interpose, and with rapid enunciation and animated gesture, he drew the attention of the band again to himself.† (source)
- But you know there is no such thing as choice in reality, say what you like," you will interpose with a chuckle.† (source)
- The only trouble, indeed, was that when the instrument was so perfect it seemed to interpose too much between you and the genius that used it.† (source)
- The relations of the soul to the divine spirit are so pure, that it is profane to seek to interpose helps.† (source)
- But will you permit me, fairest creature, to ask you one question, in the absence of the planet Venus, who has gone on business to the Horse Guards, and would otherwise—jealous of your superior charms—interpose between us?'† (source)
- Everybody we know surrounds himself with a fine house, fine books, conservatory, gardens, equipage, and all manner of toys, as screens to interpose between himself and his guests.† (source)
- No state of society or laws can render men so much alike, but that education, fortune, and tastes will interpose some differences between them; and, though different men may sometimes find it their interest to combine for the same purposes, they will never make it their pleasure.† (source)
- I kept in the background, as you wished, and waited, not for the decision of your heart or my own, but hoping that providence would graciously interpose in our behalf, and order events in our favor.† (source)
- Can you tell me, this last time, that you feel quite, quite sure, no new affections of mine, and no new duties of mine, will ever interpose between us?† (source)
- This is what I mean by Newman's tenderness: Madame de Cintre pleased him so, exactly as she was, that his desire to interpose between her and the troubles of life had the quality of a young mother's eagerness to protect the sleep of her first-born child.† (source)
- If he should positively interpose, if he should put forth his authority, she would have to decide, and that wouldn't be easy.† (source)
- Anything that would take her out of the grievous present, and interpose human beings betwixt herself and what was nearest to her,—whatever would defer for an instant the inevitable errand on which she was bound,—all such impediments were welcome.† (source)
- Master Bates laughed so vehemently at this magnificent threat, that it was some time before Fagin could interpose, and represent to Mr. Bolter that he incurred no possible danger in visiting the police-office; that, inasmuch as no account of the little affair in which he had engaged, nor any description of his person, had yet been forwarded to the metropolis, it was very probable that he was not even suspected of having resorted to it for shelter; and that, if he were properly disguised, it would be as safe a spot for him to visit as any in London, inasmuch as it would be, of all places, the very last, to which he could be supposed likely to resort of his own free will.† (source)
- Pavel Petrovitch turned slightly pale....Nikolai Petrovitch thought it his duty to interpose in the conversation.† (source)
- But I thought it my duty to interpose and attempt to lay some restraint upon this unmeasured fanaticism.† (source)
- In this state I appeared before my master, humbly entreating him to interpose his authority for my protection.† (source)
- He ventured to expect but partial success in this attempt, but he could promise her that, whatever his failure, he would never again interpose between her generous heart and her brilliant prospects and filial duties.† (source)
- I entreat you, by our common brotherhood, not to interpose between me and a subject so sublime, the absurd figure of an angry baker!'† (source)
- It is in vain that wealth and poverty, authority and obedience, accidentally interpose great distances between two men; public opinion, founded upon the usual order of things, draws them to a common level, and creates a species of imaginary equality between them, in spite of the real inequality of their conditions.† (source)
- Yet, uttering his long-restrained emotions so vehemently as he did, his words here offered her the very point of circumstances in which to interpose what she came to say.† (source)
- To do Ralph Nickleby justice, he seldom practised this sort of dissimulation; but he understood those who did, and therefore suffered Bray to say, again and again, with great vehemence, that they were jointly doing a very cruel thing, before he again offered to interpose a word.† (source)
- Hearing that I was your professional adviser, he declined to interpose before my very limited function was performed.† (source)
- Clapp was greatly affected and delighted; she called upon heaven to interpose a vast many times in that passage.† (source)
- Madame Merle had, for the most part, while they talked, been glancing about her; it was her habit in this situation, just as it was her habit to interpose a good many blank-looking pauses.† (source)
- But can I permit the film of a silly proceeding on the part of Caddy (from whom I expect nothing else) to interpose between me and the great African continent?† (source)
- Him, Darnay heard with a particular feeling of objection; and Darnay stood divided between going away that he might hear no more, and remaining to interpose his word, when the thing that was to be, went on to shape itself out.† (source)
- He would resent an affront to himself, or interpose to redress a wrong offered to another, as boldly and freely as any knight that ever set lance in rest; but he lacked that peculiar excess of coolness and great-minded selfishness, which invariably distinguish gentlemen of high spirit.† (source)
- I, for my part, have known a five-pound note to interpose and knock up a half century's attachment between two brethren; and can't but admire, as I think what a fine and durable thing Love is among worldly people.† (source)
- But he did," said Mr. Skimpole, raising his laughing eyes in playful astonishment; "he did interpose that ridiculous figure, and he does, and he will again.† (source)
- When, under cover of the night, I flew to Miss Mills, whom I saw by stealth in a back kitchen where there was a mangle, and implored Miss Mills to interpose between us and avert insanity.† (source)
- 'Don't take refuge in a lie, sir!' he returned so fiercely, that I saw my mother involuntarily put out her trembling hand as if to interpose between us.† (source)
- It was such an early day that it came soon, even to me, who was in a fever of expectation, and half afraid that an earthquake or a fiery mountain, or some other great convulsion of nature, might interpose to stop the expedition.† (source)
- Hight, called, Hilled, covered, concealed, Holden, held, Holp, helped, Holts, woods, Hough-bone, back part of kneejoint, Houselled, to be given the Eucharist, Hoved, hovered, waited about, Hurled, dashed, staggered,; hurling, Hurtle, dash, Incontinent, forthwith, Ind, dark blue, Infellowship, join in fellowship, In like, alike, Intermit, interpose, Japer, jester, Japes, jests, Jesseraunt, a short cuirass, Keep, sb.† (source)
- Yet by heaven if you command it, I'll give up the fight; let the man, too, give up, and in the bargain I swear never to interpose between the Trojans and their day of wrath, that day when all Troy blazes with consuming fire kindled by the warriors of Akhaia.† (source)
- There he sat, with his thick chest interposed, ponderous.† (source)
- "But where's General Hood's army?" interposed Melanie hastily.† (source)
- Then Poirot interposed a question: 'Did your master sleep with his window open or shut, as a rule?'† (source)
- "Good for you, sir," interposed Barnard heartily.† (source)
- Willie interposes some drunken whimsical exposition to Larry.† (source)
- "Perhaps he had better not eat," interposed his mother.† (source)
- I'll help you, Sissy," interposed Carreen docilely.† (source)
- Aunt Bertha pushed back her sister who had interposed herself.† (source)
- He couldn't help it," she interposed placatingly.† (source)
- As a man, yes, but as a son-in-law, no. The girl wouldn't have you anyway," interposed Andrew.† (source)
- And so all through the mass of the real bourgeoisie are interposed numerous layers of humanity, many thousands of lives and minds, every one of whom, it is true, would have outgrown it and have obeyed the call to unconditioned life, were they not fastened to it by sentiments of their childhood and infected for the most part with its less intense life; and so they are kept lingering, obedient and bound by obligation and service.† (source)
- Cara then interposed: "I think my nurse told me, someone did anyway, that if the priest got there before the body was cold it was all right.† (source)
- Feelings were banked up; silence interposed; there was in every family a code, a religious code, that penetrated, somehow or other, to the children.† (source)
- Mallinson, who had been somberly enduring these pleasantries, now interposed with something of the shrill acerbity of the barrack square.† (source)
- Conway again interposed.† (source)
- Archie already had his arm under Ashley's shoulder and Pitty, frightened and uncertain, was on her feet when the captain interposed.† (source)
- "Yes!" his father interposed.† (source)
- Polly interposed.† (source)
- I claimed them first," said Tony, beginning to scowl at his brother; and Melanie, fluttering with fear at the possibility of one of the famous Fontaine quarrels, interposed and made peace.† (source)
- Melanie again interposed.† (source)
- "I imagine nothing," interposed her aunt.† (source)
- As he leaped at Hawe Stillwell interposed his huge bulk and wrapped his arms around Stewart.† (source)
- I saw the latter take a step forward, and interposed.† (source)
- Why didn't you unlimber the long rifle?" interposed Dave, curiously.† (source)
- "Perhaps as a student of human nature," interposed Miss Lavish, "like myself?"† (source)
- "But I hope you HAD finished your reading, Henry?" his wife interposed.† (source)
- Withers interposed in his blunt way, "Bishop, did you ever see Glen Naspa?"† (source)
- "Either my friend or the Elder of my church would be lying dead," she interposed.† (source)
- Then she interposed a stout arm, and the line halted, with six men on the steps.† (source)
- MRS. HIGGINS [interposing] Not at all, Miss Doolittle.† (source)
- "Oh stop, Lebedeff!" interposed Muishkin, feeling as if he had been touched on an open wound.† (source)
- Trying to look and feel like a European, the chauffeur interposed aggressively.† (source)
- "Boss, a little luck makes you lofty," interposed Jesse Smith in dark disdain.† (source)
- "But he is not all wolf," interposed Beth, standing for her brother in his absence.† (source)
- "I don't!" interposed the milkmaid, "Why do they?"† (source)
- "He is my father's cousin," Miss Bart interposed.† (source)
- "The mistake arose out of my card, did it?" interposed Margaret.† (source)
- "Freddy owes me fifteen shillings," interposed Cecil.† (source)
- "Wal, you can leave that to me," interposed Pilchuck, dryly.† (source)
- "Allow me to warn you," interposed General Ivolgin, "that he is the greatest charlatan on earth."† (source)
- The command went painfully forward until an open space interposed between them and the lurid lines.† (source)
- This, from him, so unexpectedly apposite, had the effect upon her of a Providential interposition.† (source)
- You mean Indians?" interposed Carley, with interest.† (source)
- "How do you like your work?" interposed Margaret.† (source)
- "Oh, I don't: it's Lefferts, for one," Mr. Jackson interposed.† (source)
- A rolling gray cloud again interposed as the regiment doggedly replied.† (source)
- "No doubt you have: extremely foolish," Mrs. Peniston interposed.† (source)
- "Not at all, we were only discussing possibilities," interposed Fielding.† (source)
- "Lef Nicolaievitch!" interposed Madame Epanchin, suddenly, "read this at once, this very moment!† (source)
- "Nay, there is no time, Sir Percy," interposed Marguerite.† (source)
- "No one will see Lucy off," interposed Mrs. Honeychurch.† (source)
- "Ah, yes," here interposed the young Vicomte, "I have heard speak of this Scarlet Pimpernel.† (source)
- "I like Aziz, Aziz is my real friend," Mrs. Moore interposed.† (source)
- "Excuse me, Mr. Keller," interposed Gavrila Ardalionovitch.† (source)
- I heard her say she thought Mr. Bry amusing—" But Mrs. Fisher interposed with a decisive gesture.† (source)
- "But I should not," Miss Bart interposed.† (source)
- "Oh, we all know that," interposed Miss Stepney drily.† (source)
- "If you have anything to say to me—" she interposed.† (source)
- we're in Sir Pitt's grounds," interposed his wife.† (source)
- "Father's so old that 'a can't mind his age, can ye, father?" interposed Jacob.† (source)
- "But only think of his inventing this machine," interposed one of the workmen, rather unluckily.† (source)
- Father Victor saw Kim edging towards the door, and interposed a strong leg.† (source)
- "Ay, that Jacobs is, at the 'cademy," interposed Mr. Tulliver.† (source)
- Mr. Murdstone seemed afraid of a renewal of hostilities, and interposing began: 'Miss Trotwood!'† (source)
- A kind Providence interposed in my favor.† (source)
- Nobody answered; and the female dealer in staylaces interposed.† (source)
- "Like yourself, Count," interposed the Bishop.† (source)
- "He chose his friends badly," interposed Anna Mikhaylovna.† (source)
- A screen was interposed between them and it, and they were leaning on the screen, talking.† (source)
- "Don't disturb yourself," interposed the elder.† (source)
- 'Bless him!' interposed Mrs. Mann, inflaming her left eye with the corner of her apron.† (source)
- "There's not the slightest need of your walking alone," Mr. Bantling gaily interposed.† (source)
- 'Hush, Kate my dear,' interposed Mrs Nickleby; 'your uncle must know best.'† (source)
- "To hear what may be passing," interposed another.† (source)
- "We must not inquire too curiously into motives," he interposed, in his measured way.† (source)
- — This was so distinctly one of his subjects that he interposed.† (source)
- "Brother," Alyosha interposed, "restrain yourself.† (source)
- "Pardon, I understand," interposed Stepan Arkadyevitch.† (source)
- Pray, sir,' Mrs. Sparsit interposed, with sprightly cheerfulness, 'don't disparage your judgment.† (source)
- "Well!" she interposed with a smile, "tell me why you saved me."† (source)
- Here the rag-picker interposed:— "Ladies, business is dull.† (source)
- "Well, you know," interposed Mr. Brooke, "he is trying his wings.† (source)
- "True, true," cried Mr. Knightley, with most ready interposition— "very true.† (source)
- "Really I must say I should think not!" interposed the grave lady.† (source)
- —" exclaimed Judith, scarce knowing what she said, or why she interposed, unless to obtain time.† (source)
- "We thought of going away," interposed Lucetta, looking at Farfrae anxiously.† (source)
- "One thing worries me," interposed Razumihin, frowning.† (source)
- "Cook," here interposed Stubb, accompanying the word with a sudden slap on the shoulder,—"Cook!† (source)
- "But, uncle," interposed Mabel, "no land is to be seen, except here on our own coast.† (source)
- 'I would not talk so, Mr. Heathcliff,' I interposed.† (source)
- "A strange old piece, ye say!" interposed the maltster, in a querulous voice.† (source)
- "Besides, the fire is too hot for you," interposed Mary.† (source)
- "You dress very well," Madame Merle lightly interposed.† (source)
- "I object to that conversation!" interposed the old woman.† (source)
- "No man knows, good Sumach, no man knows," interposed the captive.† (source)
- "I don't mean any present at all, Joe," I interposed.† (source)
- But Master Philippe Lheulier, advocate extraordinary to the king, interposed once more.† (source)
- "Why, it was on Wednesday I took a glass with him," interposed Bambridge.† (source)
- "That's just what it wasn't!" interposed Razumihin.† (source)
- "Shouldn't we have some tea first?" interposed Nikolay Parfenovitch, "I think we've deserved it!"† (source)
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