interrogatein a sentence
The CIA's controversial interrogation program lasted from 2002 to 2007.
interrogation = the process of aggressively asking questions
- It felt more like an interrogation than an interview.
When new captives arrived, they were whisked into solitary confinement and banned from speaking until they were done with the initial interrogation.
interrogation = process of being asked questions
He was, like, interrogating me.
interrogating = aggressively asking a series of questions of someone -- like a law enforcement official
If she was on the porch when we passed, we would be raked by her wrathful gaze, subjected to ruthless interrogation regarding our behavior, and given a melancholy prediction on what we would amount to when we grew up, which was always nothing.
interrogation = aggressive questioning
Darren is in no shape for an interrogation.
interrogation = the process of asking a series of questions of someone
- I reckon you'll need about three days for a preliminary interrogation. (source)
I'll take the testimony of the policeman who interrogated him right after the murder, when he couldn't remember a thing about the movies, great emotional stress or not.
interrogated = asked a series of questions of (someone)
- The key to ending an Uncle Carlos interrogation.† (source)
- We were required to write a research paper for Psychology and I chose it as my subject, then used the paper as an excuse to interrogate every neuroscientist and cognitive specialist at the university.† (source)
- A pair of Talib officials came to investigate and interrogated Hassan.† (source)
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
- Of course, like all interrogation of the universe, this line of inquiry inevitably reduces us to asking what it means to be human and whether—to borrow a phrase from the angst-encumbered sixteen-year-olds you no doubt revile—there is a point to it all.† (source)
- And we also need to make sure the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating him.† (source)
- Then, before Roland can push his interrogation, Hayden speaks up from the pool table.† (source)
- In shock, Franz interrogated the hitchhiker at length.† (source)
- Roy figured it came from years of interrogating shifty characters—gangsters or spies, or whoever it was that his father was in the business of investigating.† (source)
- "Thank you, Mr. Theodorakis," the judge said, ending the interrogation.† (source)
- Quit interrogating me, Peter.† (source)
- INTERROGATOR: In consideration of your health, you may stop the interrogation temporarily at any time.† (source)
- Mr. Seymour finished off the evening with an interrogation of Lauren about her new job prospects, which were nonexistent.† (source)
- It is a pair of twins: Nikolai Ge's Peter the Great Interrogating Alexei and Ilya Repin's Ivan the Terrible and His Son.† (source)
- On our rare trips to a nice restaurant, they would interrogate me about what I truly wanted until I'd confess that yes, I did want the steak.† (source)
- There's no need to drag her here and interrogate her.† (source)
- Mr. Okamoto, in his letter to me, recalled the interrogation as having been "difficult and memorable.† (source)
- When the police interrogated Ralph, they encountered a man as psychologically complicated as he was physically scarred.† (source)
- All looked like they had been interrogated.† (source)
- Tally remembered that first terrible morning, yanked away from the promised operation, flown out to be interrogated, her future pulled out from under her.† (source)
- Every morning he ties his shoes, packs newspaper inside his coat as insulation against the cold, and begins interrogating the world.† (source)
- Liesel shook him until he grunted at her and drooled, and in the face of this she began a hysterical interrogation into the nature of his symptoms.† (source)
- What followed was a one-sided 47-minute-long interrogation.† (source)
- I expected her to interrogate me, but she did not.† (source)
- I felt like I was being interrogated!† (source)
- He had interrogated enough parents of minors to know that the last thing you ever wanted to do was burn a bridge.† (source)
- I can only imagine that the headmaster was trembling with excitement; this interrogation took place in the Police Department offices of Gravesend's own chief of police—our old "murder weapon" and "instrument of death" man, Chief Ben Pike!† (source)
- I underwent a brief interrogation about how I'd gotten to the house and who had taken me there, and because the easiest kind of lying is when you leave things out of a story rather than make them up, I passed with flying colors.† (source)
- Only the Iral grandmother and Sonya seemed to even care that I was there, though they didn't push their interrogation any further.† (source)
- In any case she didn't kill or mutilate Aunt Elizabeth, who a few days later, after she'd recovered from her seven hours behind the furnace and presumably from the interrogation — for the possibility of collusion would not have been ruled out, by the Aunts or by anyone else — was back in operation at the Center.† (source)
- There was a brief silence, and it seemed Szpirglas had lost interest in us, but I knew our interrogation was far from over.† (source)
- He's dangling upside down in the interrogation room right now Commander Jameson has a pair of scissors in her hand.† (source)
- He didn't know what that meant, but he had to leave the interrogation to Piper.† (source)
- After last night's interrogation, I try to pay attention in biology.† (source)
- HER MEMORIES of the interrogation and signed statements and testimony, or of her awe outside the courtroom from which her youth excluded her, would not trouble her so much in the years to come as her fragmented recollection of that late night and summer dawn.† (source)
- Zeitoun could not hear the interrogation.† (source)
- Suddenly, without thinking, I said, "My dad has been detained for interrogation."† (source)
- The sounds of police-station activity, the clumping of boots, the occasional howl of pain from somebody being interrogated, seemed distant, as though they were coming from somewhere else.† (source)
- Not that their interrogations would yield much.† (source)
- Everything was lost, I had fallen off the map: the disorientation of being in the wrong apartment, with the wrong family, was wearing me down, so I felt groggy and punch-drunk, weepy almost, like an interrogated prisoner prevented from sleeping for days.† (source)
- We talked about escaping, being interrogated by the Gestapo, phoning Mr. Kleiman and being courageous.† (source)
- Plutarch's sources believe he was killed during interrogation.† (source)
- The last thing I need is a good old family-style interrogation.† (source)
- Marybeth phoned me last night, as I was trying to recover from the bombshell police interrogation.† (source)
- She seemed relieved that he had stopped interrogating her.† (source)
- As evidenced in attached tapes (OZK Series), it was impossible to elicit from Subject A information sought by Department i-R. Inducement of medication (Refer: Medical Unit Group) plus preknowledge interrogation failed to bring forth suspected knowledge of Subject A. Psychiatric reports (Refer: Psychiatric Profiles Plus Analyses) corroborate results of OZK series tapes.† (source)
- The thieves were interrogated and punished, but the twelve containers of stolen weapons were not where they informed us they'd be.† (source)
- They dragged us handcuffed to the local jail, and took us into a small interrogation room.† (source)
- While the interrogation went on, one of the rebels painted RUF on all the walls of the houses in the village.† (source)
- Most people interrogated that way recovered fully.† (source)
- They were taking prisoners, invisible behind grey steel sides and small opaque glass windows, from the Pawiak gaol to the Gestapo centre in Szuch Alley, and on the return journey they brought back what remained of them after their interrogation: bloody scraps of humanity with broken bones and beaten kidneys, their fingernails torn out.† (source)
- Jaimito began what Minerva called her "interrogation."† (source)
- Occasionally he would ask a random question that he hadn't gotten to in the past two days of interrogation.† (source)
- My lord, if you suspect anything of me, any wrongdoing or disloyalty, I beg you, have me interrogated when we reach Valskaay.† (source)
- Or perhaps some of the prisoners from Haarlem had been interrogated and the truth about our group was known.† (source)
- They were detained, interrogated, and then freed.† (source)
- The whole time Father was interrogating us on the porch, in my mind's eye I was seeing her slumped over in the kitchen house, banging in mortal frustration against that locomotive engine of a stove.† (source)
- We'd be given the name and location of a suspected insurgent, hit his house at night, then come back and deposit him and whatever evidence we gathered at the DIF—Detention and Interrogation Facility, your basic jail.† (source)
- It was frightening even though she knew he couldn't see her, that the window Jace had made was like the glass in a police station interrogation room: strictly one-way.† (source)
- Q. Did you interrogate her?† (source)
- But even if they had decided not to interrogate him, there was nothing that said she couldn't notice the little tics and quirks about him.† (source)
- "It might be a good way to interrogate prisoners of war," Ryan said as offhandedly as he could.† (source)
- Then another consulate official replaced him for another half an hour of interrogation and persuasion.† (source)
- No one has ever tried to break into Hiro and Vitaly's unit because there's nothing in there to steal, and at this point in their lives, neither one of them is important enough to kill, kidnap, or interrogate.† (source)
- She mulled that over a few seconds, but she had to get to work on time and couldn't devote her full energies to interrogating.† (source)
- Even their most confirmed enemies appeared at the house, and Severo del Valle interrogated each pair of eyes in the hope of discovering the identity of the assassin; but in each, even those of the president of the Conservative Party, he saw the same innocence and grief.† (source)
- If the guy we'd arrested was especially stubborn, we'd cuff him and send him back to base for a more professional interrogation.† (source)
- The biggest change for Xhalal from life under Milosevic was a happy one: no checkpoints, no one stopping him to ask his intentions or to interrogate him for no reason.† (source)
- At headquarters, the interrogator, Colonel Wells, wanted to know what had brought Mary's son and John Wilkes Booth together, about her son's relationship with the other possible conspirators, and what her connection was to the newly arrested Lewis Powell.† (source)
- Though he'd grown used to his father's interrogations over the years, he wasn't in the mood to cover old ground this morning.† (source)
- Bjurman started in on a sort of interrogation: How much do you earn?† (source)
- If two people commit a crime together, are caught, and then separated and interrogated, what happens?† (source)
- The interrogation was a revelation for Jose Arcadio Segundo.† (source)
- You will study first how to separate this element for your analysis—in the beginning, through interrogation patterns that betray the inner orientation of the interrogators; secondly, by close observation of language-thought orientation of those under analysis.† (source)
- I knew an interrogation when I heard one, no matter how sugar-coated it was.† (source)
- After that interrogation, she hid the diary in the bottom of her closet, between her mattresses, behind her dresser.† (source)
- And if I had, I wouldn't have wasted it to spend a few minutes interrogating Patch about his personal life.† (source)
- We were herded into long lines to be inspected, interrogated, stamped, and then set loose among hundreds of other immigrants, speaking languages that sounded to my ears like the braying of farm animals.† (source)
- Were they really going to be interrogated?† (source)
- But now the reporters interrogate me and the band separately, as though they're cops and they have me and my accomplices in adjacent cells and are trying to get us to implicate one another.† (source)
- What sort of mission neither Shukhov nor the interrogator could say.† (source)
- In 1973, amid a bitter organizing drive in San Francisco, a group of young McDonald's employees claimed that managers had forced them to take lie detector tests, interrogated them about union activities, and threatened them with dismissal if they refused to answer.† (source)
- He constructed the C4 charges his team used for explosive entry; he took aerial photographs of target buildings and neighborhoods from airplanes and helicopters; he participated in the interrogation of captured insurgents; and most importantly, he pored over intelligence and played a lead role in planning missions.† (source)
- From his lips, Sister Mary Joseph Praise's name sounded like an interrogation, then an endearment, then a confession of love spun out of one word.† (source)
- One curious villager could get us locked in a cellar until a queen's guardsman came to interrogate us.† (source)
- The man interrogating me was an inmate.† (source)
- I'd never laid eyes on Hickock until he was brought down to the interrogation room.† (source)
- At sundown the naked bulb overhead came on and beneath it I'd slump into a drama of my own self-interrogation.† (source)
- A lass who doesn't wish to be interrogated.† (source)
- One problem was centering: the weight of the novel's inquiry on so delicate and vulnerable a character could smash her and lead readers into the comfort of pitying her rather than into an interrogation of themselves for the smashing.† (source)
- "I ain't skeered ef Honey'll go with me," returned the boy doubtfully, as he interrogated the twilit spaces beyond the open cabin door.† (source)
- Perhaps they are feeling guilty for the way they once again let her victimize them into being her interrogators.† (source)
- Not until that point did Tomas realize that he was under interrogation.† (source)
- Major Major began forging Washington Irving's name to official documents the day after the first C.I.D. man showed up to interrogate him about somebody at the hospital who had been doing it and gave him the idea.† (source)
- Mosehn now thought it was too risky to cross in the ambulance and undergo another interrogation.† (source)
- As delicious as it would be to watch Felicity squirm under Mrs. Nightwing's interrogation, it's better to know that she'll owe her escape to my charity.† (source)
- Richter leaned down from the judge's bench and interrogated the hag.† (source)
- An investigation, interrogations, and then Levy and Nervous Shirley would give me up in a hot second.† (source)
- I made myself a cup of tea and met Jacobi in Interrogation Room 1.† (source)
- When Juror Number Eleven emerged from her interrogation, she passed the benches and headed for the door, excused from service for reasons those sitting in the courtroom would never know.† (source)
- He served at the Battle of Stalingrad during World War II, where more than a million men died—including many of the German soldiers Khrushchev personally interrogated.† (source)
- And normally, that may qualify as saving my life, but since your intent was to kidnap me for interrogation, I don't think that counts.† (source)
- I am the interrogator here, Mr. Wakatsuki, not you.† (source)
- She would probably interrogate me for hours and guess everything that had happened, seeing right through my denials.† (source)
- I believe he was killed while they interrogated him as to the whereabouts of the Geographica.† (source)
- Lorenz led me to the interrogation room, the walls of which were covered with thick carpet.† (source)
- He made me laugh, and he would interrogate everyone in the household about what I liked and did not like and cut the cloth of his behavior to suit that intelligence.† (source)
- In deference to his position, they used the office of Security Administration rather than an interrogation area.† (source)
- He knew who it was but had promised not to tell, Rene informed his interrogators.† (source)
- My country insists on the opportunity to interrogate—† (source)
- "America number one," his interrogator said, laying down the rocket launcher and lighting a local Tander brand cigarette, which he offered to Mortenson.† (source)
- He'll spend weeks in interrogation, and after that they'll either sell him as a slave or kill him.† (source)
- Laughter intermingled with semi-serious interrogation.† (source)
- Judson consented but stopped the interrogation after the third tribesman.† (source)
- She was placed in solitary confinement in Pretoria, where she was denied bail and visitors; over the next weeks and months, she was relentlessly and brutally interrogated.† (source)
- But nobody's back there and we're not interrogating you.† (source)
- There's a guard watching an old TV in a lounge opposite my interrogation room.† (source)
- This was the local Belgian priest, nicknamed We Can't Escape You, conducting interrogations in Kirundi.† (source)
- When interrogators questioned Khalid Sheikh Mohammed about it again, he downplayed al-Kuwaiti's role.† (source)
- I didn't feel like being interrogated in the night.† (source)
- But upon returning home from another overseas assignment, I discovered, after nearly interrogating Patsy to get some answer, not one but several bills now months overdue.† (source)
- After a hard day's work at the office or in the interrogation cells, they liked nothing better than to stroll across the square to unwind in the Village Constable.† (source)
- They were led to a holding area inside one of the immigration buildings, and over a nine-hour stretch, a series of agents interrogated them.† (source)
- Afterward, as dark came, the lieutenant began the interrogation.† (source)
- After the episode with the mirror, Drizzt was more than a little interested in interrogating the orc.† (source)
- Finding Redemption Through Acceptance INTERROGATOR I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF REDEMPTION.† (source)
- Behind the thick lenses of his horn-rimmed glasses, his eyes were as large as those of a persistent interrogator in a dream of inquisition.† (source)
- Besides, you know I like to check on you and interrogate you on your life every now and then.† (source)
- No, they were interrogating them.† (source)
- "Why are you asking him about the stores?" she interrogated me in Korean, her tongue plaintive, edgy, as though she were in some pain.† (source)
- His black telephone sat captive in a pool of light, ready for interrogation.† (source)
- Clive and Derek, the thugs he hired, had both caved immediately during the interrogation.† (source)
- This was ridiculous, but I kept my mouth shut and I let her keep interrogating.† (source)
- But gradually, after several conversations that bordered on interrogations, he took Nabil into his confidence.† (source)
- "We will need alumni who can interrogate enemy prisoners with dispatch," the General had said.† (source)
- The next time we encountered Mike I recalled him to his promise and he began to interrogate Ootek.† (source)
- He interrogated me for some time, asking me about my various qualifications, and when I told him I could type and take expert shorthand in Polish and German, he informed me that perhaps I could be of some use at the typing pool.† (source)
- But HELEN feels them, and her hand comes up in its own wondering, to interrogate her mother's face, until KATE buries her lips in the child's palm.† (source)
- He watched his interrogators suspiciously.† (source)
- He was a prisoner of war, and this was his interrogation.† (source)
- Interrogated by a "friend or foe" radar impulse, it had not replied.† (source)
- (He ends on a note of interrogation) MORE (Nods) It amazes me too† (source)
- Decades later prisoners were to sew it into their clothes and mutter its words in jail when they were summoned at night for interrogation.† (source)
- The SEALs turned him over to the CIA or the South Vietnamese police for interrogation.† (source)
- Lieutenant Awn refused, and demanded to be interrogated to prove her loyalty.† (source)
- And what if Nasser doesn't crack under the friendly interrogation he'll receive in London?† (source)
- He fell silent for a moment until the plane was gone and then resumed his interrogation.† (source)
- It suggested she had come through her interrogation with no taint of suspicion.† (source)
- Any interrogation would have witnesses.† (source)
- Hidden beneath her black tent, her face obscured, she prepared herself for the interrogation she knew lay ahead.† (source)
- Drained by the arduous interrogation, blinded by exhaustion and her abaya, Natalie could think of no reason to doubt the old preacher's prophecy.† (source)
- In the months after 9/11, he had locked terrorists in secret black sites, rendered them to countries that tortured, and subjected them to interrogation methods of the sort that Gabriel had just countenanced in a farmhouse in the north of France.† (source)
- Many years earlier, not long after 9/11, she had revealed the existence of a chain of secret CIA detention centers—the so-called black sites—where al —Qaeda terrorists were subjected to harsh interrogations.† (source)
- During six interminable sessions, all recorded, she debriefed Natalie in far greater detail than before—her time in Raqqa and the camp at Palmyra, her initial interrogation at the hands of Abu Ahmed al-Tikriti, the many hours she had spent alone with the former Iraqi intelligence officer who called himself Saladin.† (source)
- People were interrogating us about it on the train, weren't they, Ron?† (source)
- You're on the list of Muggle-borns who didn't present themselves for interrogation!† (source)
- Bezu Fache felt weary as he emerged from the interrogation room and hailed a cab.† (source)
- A. Well, not the way you'd interrogate a criminal, if that's what you mean.† (source)
- Terror of being interrogated made Harry stride across the room and seize the doorknob.† (source)
- After my fried rice and beer they wanted to resume the interrogation.† (source)
- Or worse, they'd learn about her affiliation with me and interrogate her.† (source)
- As the day wears on, I overhear case after case being described at the interrogation desk.† (source)
- Suddenly the chief interrogator's eye fell on Father.† (source)
- He expects another interrogation, but his visitor is someone new.† (source)
- I had no need to interrogate: the kids further.† (source)
- Soon after Nasser's interrogation began, his duffel bag created a stir.† (source)
- Never interrogate before you disable your prey.† (source)
- The interrogation of Dana Matherson hadn't gone as smoothly as Officer Delinko had hoped.† (source)
- From that moment it was an interrogation.† (source)
- If they get frustrated enough, they'll go back and interrogate Roran.† (source)
- Nick going to interrogate Desi, that's a nice start.† (source)
- Peter Solomon had revealed things under interrogation that he probably didn't even recall now.† (source)
- It turned out to be another interrogation.† (source)
- INTERROGATOR: Do you think this conclusion you drew is scientific?† (source)
- The interrogation, probable torture, certain public execution.† (source)
- I thought that this would not be a bad place to interrogate him.† (source)
- He had no desire at all to see, or be interrogated by, Rufus Scrimgeour tonight.† (source)
- I'll want to take part in the interrogation," Jessica said.† (source)
- People are savagely beaten during interrogation.† (source)
- The tapes that Tate, Benson, and Ikner had made when they interrogated Myers were pretty dramatic.† (source)
- You realize that I am on my way downstairs to interrogate your wife, Cattermole?† (source)
- And are you going to actually eat, or just interrogate the workers?† (source)
- She passes without a word, sparing me from another interrogation.† (source)
- They've interrogated everyone under the age of twenty.† (source)
- All the captives stood at gunpoint watching as the rebels proceeded to interrogate the old man.† (source)
- This was supposed to be an interrogation.† (source)
- He was subjected to hours of interrogation without his parents or an attorney present.† (source)
- Our interrogator glanced suspiciously from one to the other, then addressed Dede'.† (source)
- As was the pilot when my men interrogated him.† (source)
- "Number of children?" droned the interrogator.† (source)
- I know his time overseeing the queen's interrogation of servants must not have been easy.† (source)
- So he interrogated me about the Patriots.† (source)
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