neologismin a sentence
Google was so popular; its name became a neologism meaning "search".
neologism = newly invented word
- When televised evangelical ministry became popular, the neologism, televangelism was born.
Miss Prism: You are too much alone, dear Dr. Chasuble. You should get married. A misanthrope I can understand--a womanthrope, never!
Chasuble: [With a scholar's shudder.] Believe me, I do not deserve so neologistic a phrase. (source)neologistic = newly invented
- Which was the truth, in a way, as he'd come to see his job as a challenge: how outrageous could he get, in the realm of fatuous neologism, and still achieve praise?† (source)
- My father says he is a nauseating commercial neologism.† (source)
- The locution of which we have made use—passed to the state of—has been condemned as a neologism by M. Royer Collard.† (source)
- An erudite neologism then sprang up in France which was confined to the educated classes, and which produced no sensible effect, or at least a very gradual one, upon the people.† (source)
...though Shakespeare and his fellow-dramatists quickly adopted such neologisms as to bustle, to huddle, bump, hubbub and pat, it goes without saying that they exercised a sound discretion and...
neologisms = newly invented words or phrases
- A great swarm of neologisms thus arose, and, as in the previous case, they were chiefly compounds.† (source)
- On the other hand, many an apt and ingenious neologism, by falling too quickly into the gaping maw of the proletariat, is spoiled forthwith.† (source)
- "New words," he said, "are begotten by new conditions of life; and as American life is far more fertile of new conditions than ours, the tendency toward neologism cannot but be stronger in America than in England.† (source)
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- The incessant neologisms of the national speech sweep the whole country almost instantly, and the iconoclastic changes which its popular spoken form are undergoing show themselves from coast to coast.† (source)
- Most of the existing discussions of slang spend themselves upon efforts to define it, and, in particular, upon efforts to differentiate it from idiomatic neologisms of a more legitimate type.† (source)
- For the student interested in the biology of language, as opposed to its paleontology, there is endless material in the racy neologisms of American, and particularly in its new compounds and novel verbs.† (source)
- True enough, an English attack upon a definite American locution always brought out certain critical minute-men, but in the main they were anything but hospitable to the racy neologisms that kept crowding up from below, and most of them were eager to be accepted as masters of orthodox English and very sensitive to the charge that their writing was bestrewn with Americanisms.† (source)
- The young American, like the youngster of any other race, inclines irresistibly toward the dialect that he hears at home, and that dialect, with its piquant neologisms, its high disdain of precedent, its complete lack of self-consciousness, is almost the antithesis of the hard and stiff speech that is expounded out of books.† (source)
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