preamblein a sentence
He answered without preamble.
preamble = a preliminary introduction
- The Court interpreted the preamble as demonstrating that the Constitution emanated from the people -- not from the states.
"You will have discipline," he said suddenly, without preamble.
preamble = introduction
I was trying to remember the last time Margaret had entered my inner sanctum without some baggage, when she said without preamble or delay, "Mr. Hamilton, Red Stevens just died."
preamble = a preliminary introduction
- Harry asked without preamble.† (source)
- "Could you read some more, please?" she asks, and Etienne opens the book and whispers, "Delight itself is a weak term to express the feelings of a naturalist who, for the first time, has wandered by himself into a Brazilian forest ..." After a few paragraphs, Marie-Laure says without preamble, "Tell me about that bedroom upstairs.† (source)
- There was no ringing preamble.† (source)
- Judging by his preamble of snorts and leg slaps, I figured he must have practiced this joke many times: "I tell my daughter, Hey, why be poor?† (source)
- Neither question nor answer was meant as anything more than a polite preamble to conversation.† (source)
- I'm sorry," I plunged in without preamble.† (source)
- "You want to ride with me uptown?" he said without preamble.† (source)
show 105 more with this conextual meaning
- With no preamble, the grim-faced man struck Skarpi with a tight fist.† (source)
- People sickened and died, often with no discernible preamble.† (source)
- "I've done what I can," Strigan said, with no preamble.† (source)
- Without preamble, the photographer removed one of his legs.† (source)
- Without preamble, every stop pulled out to full volume, Peter was playing the "Wilhelmus"!† (source)
- Considering the dramatic preamble, Langdon had expected something more impressive.† (source)
- I start, and then I stop because I can't just plunge straight into it, I need a preamble.† (source)
- He attacked her savagely, thrusting himself into her without preamble, with unnecessary brutality.† (source)
- Then Florentino Ariza extended his index finger, wet with brandy, so that she could suck it, as she had liked to do in the past during their preambles to love.† (source)
- Without preamble, she said,There is plenty of room for me on the ground now.† (source)
- And invariably, quite apart from the text, there would be the preambles, and the illicit exchanges.† (source)
- I woke the others up and then, without preamble, film of the launch was run.† (source)
- It gave them something to laugh at—and they needed to laugh; the distraction the soldiers afforded the other people who had entered the bistro allowed them, briefly, to clasp hands; and this small preamble to terror steadied their hearts and minds.† (source)
- Simon supposed it was a nice change of pace for her to be able to show her Marks off in a place where no one would think them out of the ordinary "Alec's going up to the Gard," Isabelle said without preamble.† (source)
- "You'd do better to talk to me when I'm mad," she said, with no preamble.† (source)
- "Johnnie Consadine," returned Shade, without evasion or preamble.† (source)
- Alice was part of my dream, and I wondered if she had really come back at all, or if that was just the preamble.† (source)
- In a ringing preamble, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the document declared it "self-evident" that "all men are created equal," and were endowed with the "unalienable" rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."† (source)
- I could say the preamble to the Constitution even faster than Bailey.† (source)
- He's just delivering a preamble, warming up his argument.† (source)
- "I am really sorry that you are in this situation," Amahl said without preamble.† (source)
- They were still milling about, cursing and waving weapons, and looking for all the world like they hadn't even completed the preamble to this nautical overture.† (source)
- Eugenides asked without preamble.† (source)
- I referred them to the preamble of the Freedom Charter: "South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white."† (source)
- Perhaps because he'd asked without preamble, perhaps because she was so unexpectedly relaxed, Lee answered without thinking.† (source)
- Goins taught a civics class and required his students to study the Preamble to the Constitution.† (source)
- He said without preamble, "Joseph, dear boy, opened a case of '74 Mondavi Cabernet last week, one of twenty I bought as an investment when it was first released, even though at the time I was in Napa not to scout the vintners but to shop for an antique clock, and let me tell you, this wine has matured so well that—" He broke off, realizing that Joe had not worked at the newspaper for the better part of a year.† (source)
- "Your whoring is a weakness in you," Lord Tywin said without preamble, "but perhaps some share of the blame is mine.† (source)
- You can lie on that couch reciting the preamble to the Constitution for the rest of your life, as far as I'm concerned, but what I am trying—† (source)
- Without preamble or excuse he said, "I wanted to tell you that whatever you may think of me, I intend to do everything in my power to bring your son's murderer to justice.† (source)
- (During the next speech CROMWELL straightens up and folds arms resignedly) CRANMER (Clears his throat fussily) Sir Thomas, it states in the preamble that the King's former marriage, to the Lady Catherine, was unlawful, she being previously his brother's wife and the-er—"Pope" having no authority to sanction it† (source)
- And the third suggestion I cannot state until I have made a preamble. (source)
- "Why," said Snape, without preamble, "why did you put on that ring?† (source)
- And launched without any other preamble into the morning prayer.† (source)
- The Chancellor steepled his fingers and spoke without preamble.† (source)
- With little preamble Geyer showed her a photograph of Holmes.† (source)
- Amanda's pregnant," Nicolas said without preamble.† (source)
- Hunt cut him off: "McKim, damn your preambles.† (source)
- "We need to talk," Charlie said without preamble.† (source)
- "You have to tell the police what you did," Ronnie said without preamble.† (source)
- Without warning or preamble, the sound stopped.† (source)
- "Gimme the money you been earning," his father said without preamble.† (source)
- "I wish I were coming with you to Idris," he said without preamble.† (source)
- "First off, I want to apologize for the way I talked to you," she said without preamble.† (source)
- It awaited only a preamble which, as drafted by Adams, was a still more radical statement.† (source)
- "Why did you give the photo to Ben?" she asked without preamble.† (source)
- Jace," said Luke, without preamble, "wants a trial before the Clave.† (source)
- "You look terrible," Megan said without preamble.† (source)
- I think you'll be able to find this woman," Victor announced without preamble.† (source)
- "I would have a favor from you," said the Queen without preamble.† (source)
- Did you ever wonder why I'm so different from my brothers?" she asked without preamble.† (source)
- "The east corridor ends in a door," Isabelle said without preamble.† (source)
- "I need to talk to you," she said without preamble.† (source)
- He said nothing, and he did not smile, but watched her, wondering to what task this preamble led.† (source)
- Without preamble, Harry told his godfather every detail of the vision he had had, including the fact that he himself had been the snake who had attacked Mr Weasley.† (source)
- The head of the French department, an elderly Algerian, had already approached me (shockingly —at his large firm hand on my shoulder, I'd jumped like I was being mugged) and told me without preamble that he was teaching a seminar that I might like to sit in on, the roots of modern terrorism starting with the FLN and the Guerre d'Algerie —I hated how all the teachers in the program seemed to know who I was, addressing me with apparent foreknowledge of "the tragedy," as my cinema teacher, Mrs. Lebowitz ("Call me Ruthie") had termed it.† (source)
- With no further preamble Kilvin tossed the vial into a nearby firewell, and there was the sharp, clear sound of breaking glass.† (source)
- Somewhere in the heart of the city a young Irish immigrant sank still more deeply into madness, the preamble to an act that would shock the nation and destroy what Burnham dreamed would be the single greatest moment of his life.† (source)
- A few last-minute wedding things have come up, and— Don't bother lying to me," Clary said without preamble.† (source)
- They spoke about Roran and Katrina and how lucky the two of them were and of the villagers' life in the camp and of their journey thence, and then without preamble, Felda looked over at Eragon and said, "Your dough looks a little sticky.† (source)
- Then, with no preamble, he reached up and removed the shield from the top of Pandora's Box and looked directly inside the opening.† (source)
- On resuming his seat in Congress, at the climax of debate over Adams's preamble, Jefferson had felt as nearly unsuited for the business at hand as for the stifling city climate.† (source)
- The preamble was approved.† (source)
- A tone of absolute clarity and elevated thought was established in the opening lines, in a Preamble, a new feature in constitutions, affirming the old ideal of the common good founded on a social compact: The end of the institution, maintenance, and administration of government is to secure the existence of the body politic; to protect it; and to furnish the individuals who compose it with the power of enjoying, in safety and tranquility, their natural rights and the blessings of life; and whenever these great objects are not obtained, the people have a right to alter the government, and to take measures necessary for their safety, happiness, and prosperity.† (source)
- Beyond its stirring preamble, most of the document before Congress was taken up with a list of grievances, specific charges against the King—"He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns...He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny..."† (source)
- In contrast to the resolution, Adams's preamble put aside any possibility of reconciliation and all but declared the colonies immediately independent: Whereas his Britannic Majesty, in conjunction with the lords and commons of Great Britain, has, by a late act of Parliament, excluded the inhabitants of these United Colonies from the protection of his crown; and whereas, no answer whatever t† (source)
- A Declaration of Rights, following the Preamble and preceding the Constitution itself, stated unequivocally that all men were "born equally free and independent"—words Adams had taken from the Virginia Declaration of Rights as written by George Mason—and that they had certain "natural, essential, and unalienable rights."† (source)
- "I told you not to worry," Mike said to him once, without preamble, "at the trial that was.† (source)
- One evening, she said without preamble.† (source)
- Mordred, glaring at his father with blazing eyes, announced without preamble: "We came to tell you what every person in this court has always known.† (source)
- It was without preamble or warning.† (source)
- At length the signal was given, again mysteriously, the servant padded in and out, and with no more preamble the High Lama of Shangri-La began: "Probably you are familiar, my dear Conway, with the general outline of Tibetan history.† (source)
- With no preamble, with no warning at all, my father said suddenly, his lips set in determination, "Angeline, I don't know as I like your going out so much!"† (source)
- And after his long preamble, the three words burst against Lucy like waves from the open sea.† (source)
- "Yes, dear?" she rejoined, so gently that he wondered at the lack of wonder with which she received this preamble.† (source)
- Miss Bartlett at once came forward, and after a long preamble asked a great favour: might she go to church?† (source)
- "Well, it's only about four hundred thousand," Mrs. Stepney rejoined with a yawn; and Grace Stepney, in the silence produced by the lawyer's preliminary cough, was heard to sob out: "They won't find a towel missing—I went over them with her the very day—" Lily, oppressed by the close atmosphere, and the stifling odour of fresh mourning, felt her attention straying as Mrs. Peniston's lawyer, solemnly erect behind the Buhl table at the end of the room, began to rattle through the preamble of the will.† (source)
- It came to Lily therefore as a disagreeable surprise when, in the back of the box, where they found themselves alone between two acts, Trenor said, without preamble, and in a tone of sulky authority: "Look here, Lily, how is a fellow ever to see anything of you?† (source)
- He tried another preamble.† (source)
- The exceptions were one, a so-called 'liberal' paper (the Government of the day was of that complexion), which, after a preamble in which it declared its undeviating sympathy with the cause of labour, proceeded to point out that in times of revolutionary disturbance it behoved the Government to be just but firm, and that by far the most merciful way of dealing with the poor madmen who were attacking the very foundations of society (which had made them mad and poor) was to shoot them at once, so as to stop others from drifting into a position in which they would run a chance of being shot.† (source)
- We give the preamble and the principal articles of this law, which is worthy of the reader's attention: "Whereas," says the legislator, "the observation of the Sunday is an affair of public interest; inasmuch as it produces a necessary suspension of labor, leads men to reflect upon the duties of life, and the errors to which human nature is liable, and provides fo† (source)
- The preamble was felt to be rather long, and several besides Solomon shook their heads pathetically, looking on the ground: all eyes avoided meeting other eyes, and were chiefly fixed either on the spots in the table-cloth or on Mr. Standish's bald head; excepting Mary Garth's.† (source)
- He saw me, and without further preamble: "Ah, Professor," he said in an affable tone, "I've been looking for you.† (source)
- The preamble of the Federal Constitution says: "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."† (source)
- "Consul," said he, without preamble, "I have strong reasons for believing that my man is a passenger on the Mongolia."† (source)
- Another secretary began to read a preamble concerning the expenses of the late King's household, which had amounted to 28,000 pounds during the preceding six months—a sum so vast that it made Tom Canty gasp; he gasped again when the fact appeared that 20,000 pounds of this money was still owing and unpaid;{4}and once more when it appeared that the King's coffers were about empty, and his twelve hundred servants much embarrassed for lack of the wages due them.† (source)
- With the preamble embodied in his share of the foregoing fragment of dialogue, he paid our hero a long visit; as the two men sat with their heels on Newman's glowing hearth, they heard the small hours of the morning striking larger from a far-off belfry.† (source)
- "Whosoever shall worship any other God than the Lord," says the preamble of the Code, "shall surely be put to death."† (source)
- Noirtier's face remained perfectly passive during this long preamble, while, on the contrary, Villefort's eye was endeavoring to penetrate into the inmost recesses of the old man's heart.† (source)
- The preamble[42] of thought, the transition through which it passes from the unconscious to the conscious, is action.† (source)
- The reader will undoubtedly have remarked the preamble of these enactments: in America religion is the road to knowledge, and the observance of the divine laws leads man to civil freedom.† (source)
- "Very well," replied M. Danglars, who had listened to all this preamble with imperturbable coolness, but without understanding a word, since like every man burdened with thoughts of the past, he was occupied with seeking the thread of his own ideas in those of the speaker.† (source)
- After its fishing was finished and its air supply renewed, I thought the Nautilus would resume its underwater excursion, and I was getting ready to return to my stateroom, when Captain Nemo turned to me and said without further preamble: "Look at this ocean, professor!† (source)
- He had not been more than ten minutes in the drawing-room before he drew Danglars aside into the recess of a bow-window, and, after an ingenious preamble, related to him all his anxieties and cares since his noble father's departure.† (source)
- See also the law against the Quakers, passed on October 14, 1656: "Whereas," says the preamble, "an accursed race of heretics called Quakers has sprung up," etc. The clauses of the statute inflict a heavy fine on all captains of ships who should import Quakers into the country.† (source)
- The Preamble to The Bill of Rights Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.† (source)
- O dear Madam!" answers Honour, "you must not tell me that, when your ladyship is in this taking, and when there hath been such a preamble between your ladyship and Madam Western."† (source)
- The words of Anselmo struck Lothario with astonishment, unable as he was to conjecture the purport of such a lengthy preamble; and though be strove to imagine what desire it could be that so troubled his friend, his conjectures were all far from the truth, and to relieve the anxiety which this perplexity was causing him, he told him he was doing a flagrant injustice to their great friendship in seeking circuitous methods of confiding to him his most hidden thoughts, for he well knew he might reckon upon his counsel in diverting them, or his help in carrying them into effect.† (source)
Then, crowned again, their golden harps they took,
Harps ever tuned, that glittering by their side
Like quivers hung, and with preamble sweet
Of charming symphony they introduce
Their sacred song, and waken raptures high;
No voice exempt, no voice but well could join
Melodious part, such concord is in Heaven.† (source)
The Friar laugh'd when he had heard all this:
"Now, Dame," quoth he, "so have I joy and bliss,
This is a long preamble of a tale."† (source)
- When we were together he began to talk very gravely to me, and to tell me he did not bring me there to betray me; that his passion for me would not suffer him to abuse me; that he resolved to marry me as soon as he came to his estate; that in the meantime, if I would grant his request, he would maintain me very honourably; and made me a thousand protestations of his sincerity and of his affection to me; and that he would never abandon me, and as I may say, made a thousand more preambles than he need to have done.† (source)
* *preamble
What?† (source)
- I have done it indeed sometimes; but the devil fetch me if ever I do again, since you make your preambles about it.† (source)
- The notary came in with the rest, and as soon as the preamble of the had been set out and Don Quixote had commended his soul to God with all the devout formalities that are usual, coming to the bequests, he said, "Item, it is my will that, touching certain moneys in the hands of Sancho Panza (whom in my madness I made my squire), inasmuch as between him and me there have been certain accounts and debits an† (source)
- I am Don Quixote of La Mancha, whose calling it is to give aid to the needy of all sorts; and that being so, it is not necessary for you, señora, to make any appeal to benevolence, or deal in preambles, only to tell your woes plainly and straightforwardly: for you have hearers that will know how, if not to remedy them, to sympathise with them.† (source)
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