intricatein a sentence
She came up with an intricate plan.
intricate = complicated -- having many complexly arranged elements
The tablecloth has intricate lacework.
intricate = complex
The law in that area is intricate. I suggest you talk with a lawyer.
intricate = complicated
She did not remember hitting the windshield, but it looked like a spiderweb, the intricate lines fanning out, delicate, beautiful, and precise.
intricate = numerous and complexly arranged
The dancers were in a crowd, so you did not see the intricate play of the feet.
intricate = complicated
- He lay flat on his back, staring blankly at the stucco ceiling with its intricate pattern of ridges and veins.† (source)
- Instead she memorized the bluish veins on the inside of his wrist, as intricate as those sketched on the wings of wasps.† (source)
- Intricate mosaic tiles, handpicked by Baba in Isfahan, covered the floors of the four bathrooms.† (source)
- I stopped to examine one of the trees closely and saw ants crawling along the intricate ridges in its bark.† (source)
- The bed, in an alcove at the far end of the room, was draped with a splendid cloth embroidered over its entire surface with intricate de-signs.† (source)
- The Giant fell over backward, the view shifted as he fell, and when the Giant came to rest on the ground, there were intricate, lacy trees all around.† (source)
- It's parted in the middle, this hair, and flows back in wide, springy waves to an intricate knot of twists and coils at the back of her head.† (source)
show 188 more with this conextual meaning
- The winding knob was intricately knurled and engraved on the brass cover was a flowery letter C. Trudy liked the C. They could say it stood for Christmas.† (source)
- The set of intricate, complex markings that could only be taken in from a great height would become an archaeological site that would confuse the next Three Body civilization, in the distant future.† (source)
- Cities relied on these intricate systems to work perfectly, all the time, and when they didn't, people began to die very quickly.† (source)
- Quite to the contrary, it was one of the most intricate and purposeful constructions ever manufactured by man.† (source)
- Inside, intricate stone carvings and wood trim gave the law school an almost medieval feel.† (source)
- Or whether her husband, who was used to intricate silversmithing, could have come to terms with having to aim heavy weapons at human targets.† (source)
- She was wearing a dress that reminded me of the West African-inspired kente cloth attire I had seen in the States, but hers was an intricately meshed pattern of black and white, the traditional Xhosa colors.† (source)
- At the centre of the cloth is a single Arabic word, intricately woven, four letters: an alif, two lams and a ha.† (source)
- Heavy curtains draped elegantly from fat mahogany curtain poles, and the floors were carpeted with intricately decorated Persian rugs.† (source)
- There, intricately embossed on the center of the cross, was a stylized fleur-de-lis with the initials P.S!† (source)
- All morning Etienne crawls along the attic floor with cables and pliers and tools her fingers do not understand, weaving himself into the center of what she imagines as an intricate electronic net.† (source)
- They had their hair pulled up in intricate braids or curls, away from their faces.† (source)
- The world was incomprehensibly intricate, and yet this forest made a simple sense in her heart that she felt nowhere else.† (source)
- Annie led Mae up the three flights 'of stairs, all of them tiled with intricate mosaics—reproductions, Mae assumed, of something from the Byzantine era.† (source)
- Lacy stared down at the intricate brickwork between her shoes.† (source)
- The tissue that hung from the stumps of his arms was as filmy and delicate as gossamer—as fine and intricate as old lace.† (source)
- The first thing I saw were the two cones of a nuclear plant, and smoke spreading from them in complicated but seemingly purposeful patterns, edges lit by the rising sun, like a gray, intricate map of an unexplored island continent, against the pale unscratched blue of the sky.† (source)
- She loved clothes—loved the feeling of silk, of velvet, of satin, of suede and chiffon—and was fascinated by the grace of seams, the intricate perfection of an embossed surface.† (source)
- Intricate loops and spirals had been carved on either side, ancient hieroglyphs the meaning of which had been lost to the ages.† (source)
- One knight wore an intricate suit of white enameled scales, brilliant as a field of new-fallen snow, with silver chasings and clasps that glittered in the sun.† (source)
- Or how those hands, which could set the most intricate of snares, could as easily entrap me.† (source)
- Harry was facing a mirror over the fireplace, a great gilded thing in an intricately scrolled frame.† (source)
- He could hear in his mind's ear the blood-stirring and intricate rhythms of the ekwe and the udu and the ogene, and he could hear his own flute weaving in and out of them, decorating them with a colourful and plaintive tune.† (source)
- His present turned out to be a box of intricate plastic parts; the instructions on the box proclaimed that when they were properly assembled he would have an authentic miniature replica of a World War II submarine.† (source)
- The Aurora's intricate anatomy scrolled before my mind's eye.† (source)
- An intricate necklace of amber, coral, and gold flowers glittered on her chest, and her hair ..."Oh, god," she said.† (source)
- There was a time one would have received a bright and intricate response that would in turn have unfolded silly and weighty questions to which Emily gave her best answers; and while the meandering hypotheses they indulged were hard to recall in detail now, she knew she never spoke so well as she had to her eleven-year-old last-born.† (source)
- Throughout the day, I found myself thinking that maybe this feeling was why she'd planned everything so intricately and precisely: even if you want to leave, it is so hard.† (source)
- Intricate surgery is needed to patch up the planet.† (source)
- Even the guards had abandoned the courtyard, though the intricate iron gate remained locked.† (source)
- And a brownwebbed mesh of hairline cracks, like the road map of some great, intricate city.† (source)
- Around the periphery of the conservatory area stood marble-topped tables on intricately beautiful wrought-iron legs.† (source)
- The walls were lined with birchbark and hung with woven mats and baskets of intricate design.† (source)
- What emerged was a long, intricate string of meaningless gibberish.† (source)
- She got up and went to the desk, which had lots of intricate drawers and cubbyholes, and returned with a magnifying glass.† (source)
- Year in, year out, as far back as history is recorded, farmers from across Asia have engaged in the same relentless, intricate pattern of agriculture.† (source)
- He had stopped to study them and he had thought then that it was a beautiful collection of intricately carved points, all laid out on red velvet, and he did not then or later think of what they really were: tools for hunting.† (source)
- The intricately carved wooden Chest has haunted me my entire life.† (source)
- Flyover fingers untrained in the intricate, dangerous work of solving Amy.† (source)
- On their shirts were insignias intricately wrought with silver thread.† (source)
- The camp was protected by a Stonehenge of massive, intricately balanced mirrors reflecting the sky and forest, an unending vista of foliage and clouds to confuse the not-quite-all-seeing eye of Redd's imagination, as well as any of The Cut who happened to be dealt through the forest.† (source)
- A picture of the Selfish Giant's garden?" murmured Meggie, peering through the intricately twining iron bars.† (source)
- It takes a scientific approach to uncover the source of exploitation, to unravel society's delicate and intricate tapestry, stitched with the skin of our mothers, the bones of our ancestors, the blood of all who toil.† (source)
- He wore traditional cotton clothes with intricate designs on the collar made of yellow and brown thread, zigzagged vertically across his chest.† (source)
- He rubbed his cheek on her back and learned that way her sorrow, the roots of it; its wide trunk and intricate branches.† (source)
- No, these were not merely doors, they were portals, intricately carved portals with elaborate stone casements and lintels.† (source)
- Everyone was clean, and they all seemed to be participating in some sort of intricate social dance.† (source)
- He is taught to write letters that hang from a bar, and eventually to cobble these intricate shapes into his name.† (source)
- The smallest, most seemingly insignificant event is part of an intricate whole and to understand why one particular mote of dust falls in one particular path, and lands in one particular location, is to understand the will of Amaat.† (source)
- The walls were covered in smooth blond wood, and there were intricately woven white reed mats on the floor.† (source)
- The work on the face of it was intricate with detail.† (source)
- The romance was advancing too quickly and with a degree of intimacy that violated all the intricate rules of courtship.† (source)
- It was intricate and exacting work, though not nearly so hard as watch repair, and Mr. Moorman was right.† (source)
- They get it divided into rows of long parts in very intricate patterns so their heads end up looking like balls of dark wool made of a hundred pieces, very fancily stitched together.† (source)
- It had been given to Saeed's father by his father, and Saeed's father had given it in turn to Saeed, but since Saeed still lived at home, this meant the telescope continued to sit where it always ,at, on its tripod in a corner, underneath an intricate clipper ship that sailed inside a glass bottle on the sea of a triangular shelf.† (source)
- The little lake suddenly became a boundless ocean— not in depth or breadth, but in its glittering detail and the intricate patterns of its waves.† (source)
- I did not need the luxury anymore than I had needed it before, but I found myself enthralled with the new flood of art and craft and design, could stare at the intricate pattern of the carpets for hours, or watch the gleam of the lamplight change the somber colors of a Dutch painting.† (source)
- Pale arches of stone held up the high ceilings, many of the arches intricately carved with small figures.† (source)
- The coverlet was a dull gold, just lighter than the walls; the frame was black, made of intricately patterned wrought iron.† (source)
- The looped matrix at the edge of her doily, wonderfully intricate yet at the same time as precise and even, suddenly fell in disarray.† (source)
- It was his ability to run this intricate little passing game, Walsh's greatest creation.† (source)
- Each of them contained a thread of what we should have known from the course, but they were so intricate that I figured a brilliant psychiatrist might have trouble with some of them.† (source)
- Certain that such an intricate relationship was understandable only with the complicity of his sister, he did not grant her the grace of an excuse or the right of appeal, but shipped her on the schooner to San Juan de la Cienaga.† (source)
- It took Blomkvist an hour to explain all the intricate details in the Harriet Vanger case.† (source)
- Stretchers and wheelchairs were beached here and there against the hissing, knocking pipes that ran and branched in an intricate nervous system along the glittering walls.† (source)
- It's so complicated—the Matching—and I am again reminded of the intricate steps of the dances they used to do long ago.† (source)
- Jane saw that Mr. Corrigan was as skilled as anyone at constructing intricate lies.† (source)
- She nodded, whipped a ribbon of cloth from beneath her robe, linked the rings onto it with an intricate over and under weaving, hesitated, then stuffed them into the sash beneath her robe.† (source)
- Mrs. Nielsen teaches me to needlepoint; while she's making intricately detailed pillows for the sofa, I work on the floral cover for a stool.† (source)
- A procession of intricately etched pinwheels and big-nosed cartoon figures floated across the backs of my eyelids in neon hues.† (source)
- There were dozens of them, intricate, enmeshed, one building on the other—one wrong, all wrong.† (source)
- Talon, an older Yellow with his hair woven into intricate dreadlocks, appeared first, followed by a wide-eyed Chubs.† (source)
- With this knowledge came pity and mercy, so we spared others for the later, more intricate, more mysterious benefits of love.† (source)
- But as Jeremy continued to lay out the proof in intricate detail— all three versions of the legend; maps, notes on quarries, water tables, and schedules; various construction projects; and the detailed aspects of refracted light—Alvin began to yawn.† (source)
- The horse's white-socked feet made intricate steps without any visible guidance, steered, so it seemed to Annie, by Tom's thoughts alone.† (source)
- The doilies on dinner tables throughout the American Midwest came from Plauen, as well as the intricate lace-work that set the tone of many upper-middle-class Victorian homes.† (source)
- She glittered and gleamed, and she was one of those women who always seem to be dying to get home and take off their cruel and intricate and invisible lacings.† (source)
- The guests began to arrive, many with tales of how they'd gotten lost on the way; the suburbs were dark and intricate like mazes with their courts and cul-de-sacs.† (source)
- The perimeter of the camp was marked by intricate patterns of barbed wire barriers.† (source)
- Inside is a music box, handcrafted of cherrywood, intricately inlaid with gold leaf hearts.† (source)
- Her tattoo was an intricate series of knots entwining around her face—within the sapphire design horses plunged and reared.† (source)
- She was a good student, a captain in net ball, a senior prefect, and showing promise in Bharatnatyam, finding in herself a talent for recapitulating a most intricate dance sequence after being shown it just once.† (source)
- He was gagged with adhesive tape and bound hand and foot, like the mother-the same intricate process of the cord leading from the hands to the feet, and finally tied to an arm of the couch.† (source)
- The line for coffee was long, and full of cranky people who wanted their drinks made with such intricate specifics that it, gave me a headache just listening to the orders.† (source)
- The mayor steps forward from a too-small cafeteria chair in his dark suit, an intricately embroidered kufi covering his bald spot.† (source)
- SHE WAS SCANDALIZIN MY NAME...(Thinking for a moment then raising his arms to hold an imaginary partner, he launches into an intricate ballroom dance step.† (source)
- Through its window I can see burnished wood and intricate light fixtures.† (source)
- Four thick columns hold up a Gothic facade of imposing statues and rose windows and intricate carvings.† (source)
- The skyline was intricate and voluptuous and enchanted and absurd.† (source)
- The boy in the backseat was in a bundled frenzy by now and Rochelle's look contained a complicated betrayal, it was smoky and deadly and cool and it seemed to be saying to Klara that their friendship, the best and deepest there could ever be, was about to enter a strange and disturbing phase, the intricate thing of men and sex and personal needs.† (source)
- The intricate fold indicated that it was a love note.† (source)
- The incentive scheme that rules sumo is intricate and extraordinarily powerful.† (source)
- Hungry Joe ate voraciously, gnawed incessantly at the tips of his fingers, stammered, choked, itched, sweated, salivated, and sprang from spot to spot fanatically with an intricate black camera with which he was always trying to take pictures of naked girls.† (source)
- From the country the villagers brought strange purple textiles, dolls with big feet, geese with brown tufts on their heads, chickens with white feathers and black skin, gambling games and puppet shows, intricate ways to fold pastry and ancestors' money, a new boxing stance.† (source)
- Running her hand over the intricate stonework about them, she declared, "I do love this building.† (source)
- We bought hand-embroidered pillowcases, handmade picture frames encasing twenty-two-carat-gold emblems, and intricate miniature prints.† (source)
- I'll spend the rest of my days in an Austrian convent surrounded by women with mustaches, my eyes gone bad from making intricate lace designs for other girls' trousseaus.† (source)
- They were ingeniously constructed: double soles from shower shoes were bound together and then completely covered in pink and white cotton yarn crocheted into intricate designs.† (source)
- For a moment it was still and by the dim candlelight I could see the soft brilliant colours, the intricate pattern on the wings.† (source)
- The Mines of Moria were vast and intricate beyond the imagination of Gimli, Gloin's son, dwarf of the mountain-race though he was.† (source)
- The silky material was white patterned with intricate silver designs, and it fit me tight in the chest, which made my ittybitty boobies appear somewhat bigger.† (source)
- Of understanding that hopelessly intricate network of clash and resolution that has been woven over the last twenty years?† (source)
- She watched big scarecrow fingers perform the intricate business of pushing pearl buttons through holes too small for them, and she marveled at the power in Calpurnia's hands.† (source)
- The hem was woven in intricate crossing patterns with the same colors.† (source)
- Stoically, they followed their assigned roles and maintained the intricate teamwork of the great assaulting organism.† (source)
- The intricate blueprints had her hissing.† (source)
- Twaha tied the intricate medallion woven of maroon and vermilion wool to the zipper of Mortenson's jacket.† (source)
- I stare at the scims in my hands, a matched set with intricate black etchings that probably have no equal in the Empire.† (source)
- The trees grew so closely together on this side of the clearing, their leaves blocked most of the light, casting intricate shadows on the ground that scattered when the wind blew.† (source)
- The one sentence "I hope you are teaching Quality to your students" was said to him, and within a matter of a few months, growing so fast you could almost see it grow, came an enormous, intricate, highly structured mass of thought, formed as if by magic.† (source)
- "Wait a minute," he called, going over and turning a valve in an intricate network of pipes.† (source)
- An intricate tattoo on the underside of the forearm, the design and the colors produced by only one artist in Saigon.† (source)
- The floors were all tiled with intricate marble work.† (source)
- Balta, as he was called by his friends, was the son of Baltazar Charles Martinez, a worker for Companie de Trokeles y Esmaltes, and Maria del Rosario Montes de Oca Cruz, an artisan who made intricately decorated bowls, plates and jugs for the few who could pay for such luxuries in Monterrey.† (source)
- I notice Abuela Celia's drop pearl earrings, the intricate settings, the fine gold strands looping through her lobes.† (source)
- It has a modern terminal with intricate roofs and domed metal structures that resemble astronomical observatories.† (source)
- An old man with a white beard was using a narrow hoe to make an intricate set of shallow irrigation canals around the base of several date palms.† (source)
- They had seen the intricate and ghastly handiwork of Dr. Will Rudolph and the other monster who called himself Casanova.† (source)
- It was a net of connections, more intricate, more crucial than all of their wires and circuits: the rational connections made by that human mind which had fashioned any one part of them for the first time.† (source)
- The intricate design of the indigo and the cut of the jacket were better than anything the married women in Puwei owned or made.† (source)
- No, it was a kaleidoscope with exquisite pale stones, regrouping into intricate designs as she turned it.† (source)
- Huge, intricately carved timbers supported the roof.† (source)
- He turned the figurine over in his hands, feeling the intricate details of the work to ensure that it had not been damaged in the fall under the yeti.† (source)
- When I look down, I am stunned by the intense colors of the Earth, the intricate patterns and textures, and sheer beauty of our home planet.† (source)
- He made jewelry boxes, lamp bases, and other items inlaid with exotic woods in intricate patterns, and he found shops that would carry his creations.† (source)
- Only hard wooden floors and an intricate, diamond-shaped design in the middle of the ceiling.† (source)
- He was sitting in a straight-backed red leather chair with intricately carved wooden arms.† (source)
- We worked by contriving intricate and open-ended emotional conspiracies.† (source)
- In half an hour the others will waken from their sleep and intricate conversations will begin again.† (source)
- Harley was drawing an intricate pattern in the dirt, moving his forefinger without pausing then.† (source)
- But even before Lincoln breathed his last, they began the intricate process of unraveling the mystery of his death.† (source)
- Their intricate design announced to those who knew about such things that he was a member of the Aryan brotherhood.† (source)
- Where once, a few years earlier, her eyes alone could break the news (either to people or to bathmats) that two of her sons were dead, one by suicide (her favorite, her most intricately calibrated, her kindest son), and one killed in World War II (her only truly lighthearted son)—where once Bessie Glass's eyes alone could report these facts, with an eloquence and a seeming passion for detail that neither her husband nor any of her adult surviving children could bear to look at, let alone take in, now, in 1955, she was apt to us† (source)
- But this parliamentary action comes from a different cause—the need to adjust an artificial, intricate system of revenue and commercial laws to conform to the treaty.† (source)
- Since he never did pick up the intricate steps and turns, he'd lead me into some kind of jitterbug.† (source)
- The mind is an intricate mechanism that can be run on the fuels of both victory and defeatism.† (source)
- And in the intricate traffic pattern, as you try to find your way through, there's no possibility of seeing anything.† (source)
- Bird's-next cactus, prickly balls the size of his fist, put forth intricate starry purple blossoms.† (source)
- She looked around, spooked at the sunlight pouring in all the windows, as if she had been trapped at the center of some intricate crystal, and said, "My God."† (source)
- This was discouraging, for it had begun to dawn on me that all of the intricate study plans and schedules which I had drawn up were not going to be of much use without a great deal of co-operation on the part of the wolves.† (source)
- There were perhaps eighty thousand in all, speaking many dialects, belonging to many tribes, scattered in many small villages over a very long and intricate coast line.† (source)
- At the right hand of the prince, who sat at the head of the long, low, serving board, three dancers wove their way through an intricate pattern, finger cymbals clicking, faces bearing the proper expressions for the proper moments of the dance, as four veiled musicians played the traditional music of the hours.† (source)
- Like a physician, she points out, a plumber is on call day and night; like that of a physician the work of a plumber is quite intricate and involves exposure to germs; and both often come home smelling badly.† (source)
- Arthur Hodge Jr, brother to Will Sr and Ben, sat, all triangles and squares, hooking colored wires together in a pattern so intricate no ordinary man could have read the chart.† (source)
- Karellen was doing almost all the talking, weaving the intricate sentences which he was occasionally prone to use.† (source)
- After pine knots blazed for three hours under a fifty-gallon drum, liquid began to drip from the spout terminating an intricate arrangement of copper tubing, coils, and condensers.† (source)
- At breakfast he had sung my prowess up to date in a thousand intricate lines.† (source)
- She prepared her mind and her disposition for it as carefully as she dressed for it, and Rufus had seldom seen her forced to consult a shopping list, even if she were doing intricate errands for others.† (source)
- The ring Burr wore caught the firelight repeatedly and started it up again in the intricate whirlpool of a signet.† (source)
- The wives were arguing violently in sine curves, @kins and West were interlacing cross-conversation in a fascinatingly intricate pattern of sensory images that made Church's starvation keener.† (source)
"Here it is!" he said, and handed to Thorin a key with a long barrel and intricate wards, made of silver.
intricate = complex
- "You look beautiful, Ames," she says, reaching up to touch the intricate high collar of my dress.† (source)
- Kohler motioned to an intricate electronic device mounted beside the door.† (source)
- The bathrooms, all four of them, had intricately carved marble tiles and porcelain sinks.† (source)
- Dark blue sapphires were clustered into intricate floral shapes atop the teeth.† (source)
- Finnick yanks on the end of his rope, and an intricate knot becomes a straight line again.† (source)
- Basketball is an intricate, high-speed game filled with split-second, spontaneous decisions.† (source)
- They eschewed frippery, except for small, intricate brooches of iron and stone.† (source)
- His neck looked too thin to support the intricately wrapped turban on his head.† (source)
- Her fingers moved rapidly, turning the thin white thread into an intricate narrow border.† (source)
- The columns were taller, more intricately painted.† (source)
- The lid was decorated even more intricately than the sides-with scenes of carnage and power.† (source)
- Sophie watched as the woman pulled her hair free of its intricate braid and shook it loose.† (source)
- It was almost the size of my little finger, a mottled green and white color, intricately carved.† (source)
- Langdon looked at the pair of intricately sculpted columns at the far end of the sanctuary.† (source)
- Next was the trigger mechanism, intricate work that gave him some trouble.† (source)
- The four of them played intricate games of canasta until late in the night.† (source)
- The holes cut in the flat top were as uneven and intricate as the grain of the wood.† (source)
- The bottom of the pyramid was entirely covered with intricate carvings.† (source)
- The stone floor was covered by an intricate oval rug.† (source)
- Crime reporters were not expected to investigate intricate dealings on the Stock Exchange.† (source)
- It was dark wood, almost black, and there were intricate designs, like vines, carved into the legs.† (source)
- She saw slaves carrying bolts of intricate Myrish lace and fine wools in a dozen rich colors.† (source)
- I paid the driver, took my lone suitcase, and walked up to the intricately carved door.† (source)
- Thick rugs with intricate patterns covered half the floor, while the other half was raw cement.† (source)
- On her wrist was an intricately braided Quileute version of a promise ring.† (source)
- What was this strange, tubular seaweed, so intricately entangled?† (source)
- The entire park came into view as an intricate landscape of color, texture, and motion.† (source)
- She wore a flowing red kirtle trimmed and decorated with intricate designs wrought in black thread.† (source)
- A blue haze of human breath and dust blurred the intricate bracing of the ceiling 246 feet above.† (source)
- It was an old-fashioned box made of silver, tarnished but intricately decorated.† (source)
- The armor was intricately wrought with engraving and gold filigree.† (source)
- All of the images looked to be similar in style—intricate black-and-white engravings.† (source)
- On their shirts were insignias intricately wrought with silver thread.† (source)
- Thin wisps of smoke rose from his burned palm; an intricate design had been charred into the skin.† (source)
- This is an intricate story, as Mikael Blomkvist claimed from the very beginning.† (source)
- Leo could admire the intricate workmanship, but it was too much, too bright, too flashy.† (source)
- I just didn't realize your dad had the ability to make something so intricate.† (source)
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