physicsin a sentence
MIT is known for teaching physics.
physics = the science of matter and energy
I love physics because it is about truth, a world determined by principles and laws—no messing around or twisting things like in politics, particularly those in my country.
physics = the science of matter and energy and their interactions
Still, he had learned some things about weightshifting in personal combat class, and about the physics of moving objects.
physics = science of matter and energy
At college I had to take a required course in physics and chemistry.
physics = the science of matter and energy
I love sitting beside him in physics.
physics = a class that teaches the science of matter and energy and their interactions
One of the Holy Grails in physics is to find the so-called Theory of Everything, the final theory that will encompass all the fundamental laws of nature.
physics = the science of matter and energy
- Although many fields of science, such as physics and chemistry, had become federally funded, paleontology remained strongly dependent on private patrons.† (source)
- What I knew of physics I had learned in the junkyard, where the physical world often seemed unstable, capricious.† (source)
- The same game of physics playing on a different field of biology.† (source)
- Once your needs for food and water are fulfilled, you move up to the next set of needs, security, and then the next and the next, but the important thing is that, according to Maslow, until your physiological needs are satisfied, you can't even worry about security or social needs, let alone "self-actualization," which is when you start to, like, make art and think about morality and quantum physics and stuff.† (source)
- And since the buildings were just pieces of software, their design wasn't limited by monetary constraints, or even by the laws of physics.† (source)
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
- Dad was an expert in math and physics and electricity.† (source)
- Only once did he receive a grade lower than B: an F, in high school physics.† (source)
- Next came the prizes — Computer Science, Physics, mumble, Business Skills, English Literature, something I didn't catch.† (source)
- We've discovered a great principle of nature: The laws of physics are invariant across space and time.† (source)
- And that included all the laws of physics and mathematics.† (source)
- "Simple physics!" she yelled.† (source)
- His last correspondence from Vittoria had been in December—a postcard saying she was headed to the Java Sea to continue her research in entanglement physics...something about using satellites to track manta ray migrations.† (source)
- Once again, Thomas looked in awe at the massive moving wall—it defied any sense of physics.† (source)
- There is only chance in this world, chance and physics.† (source)
- "Venkat's got a doctorate in physics, Tim," Bruce said.† (source)
- And after I've taken A-level maths I am going to take A-level further maths and physics and then I can go to university.† (source)
- He never goes anywhere, except to like lectures in quantum physics and stuff!† (source)
- Like this girl Sarah in my physics class.† (source)
- Third, her physics teacher had used this very movie to prove, scientifically, that given the speed of the car and the trajectory of the vectors, the actor could indeed jump the bridge-but only if the wind wasn't blowing.† (source)
- On the nights that he had time to help tuck Duff in bed—a ritual that Wylie'd cherished—he wanted me to stay in the darkened room, to sit on my cot with him so he could lay one of his big pale hands on Duff's and the other on mine and spin long bedtime stories about the muddles and mysteries of physics.† (source)
- Stuart needs "space" and "time," as if this were physics and not a human relationship.† (source)
- His latest career goal is to be a quantum-physics genius.† (source)
- Zeitoun was just getting accustomed to the new physics of this world.† (source)
- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology had been replaced by Fundamentals of Industry and Agriculture, because of Chairman Mao's instruction to "combine education with practical experience."† (source)
- They showed two-to-the-power-of-Infinity-minus-one to one against (an irrational number that only has a conventional meaning in Improbability Physics).† (source)
- Doubtless Master Artemis would have understood the physics of this machine, all Butler cared about was whether or not he could disable it.† (source)
- I mean, they do have the Applied Physics Laboratory and the Space Telescope Science Institute at Johns Hopkins, to say nothing of the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt.† (source)
- Correspondence courses in English, French and Latin, shorthand in English, German and Dutch, trigonometry, solid geometry, mechanics, physics, chemistry, algebra, geometry, English literature, French literature, German literature, Dutch literature, bookkeeping, geography, modern history, biology, economics; reads everything, preferably on religion and medicine.† (source)
- They had these machines in the medical center and the physics department.† (source)
- And there was a physics to it, a basic fact, almost a law: For a wolf to live, something else had to die.† (source)
- The physics team was just calling it a day loading their own jeep.† (source)
- Her younger brother, Rana, studies for a physics exam on the bed.† (source)
- She will present a paper she has coauthored on the use of modular forms outside of number theory, specifically in topology and theoretical physics.† (source)
- All these technical terms, and it's not even physics; still, who can say that a poem isn't engineered?† (source)
- Some of my classmates had trouble with dive physics and pool competency (pool comps).† (source)
- She told her mother that the dog had found its own way home and that she had been invited in by its owner, a former physics teacher.† (source)
- By his nineteenth birthday he'd gotten a degree in creative writing and physics and published his first story in Esquire; by his early twenties, when he started looking into the HeLa story, he'd already published two books and joined the staff of Rolling Stone.† (source)
- Sir Basil asked me about it, and I told him that he was asking the wrong guy—I mean, my degrees are in economics and history, not physics.† (source)
- "In physics," I sprung on him as we sat in the Taco Bell drive-through, "what does the capital letter W stand for?"† (source)
- It even has bouncer daemons that get rid of undesirables— grab their avatars and throw them out the door, applying certain basic principles of avatar physics.† (source)
- Clara lived in a universe of her own invention, protected from life's inclement weather, where the prosaic truth of material objects mingled with the tumultuous reality of dreams and the laws of physics and logic did not always apply.† (source)
- Whether he realized it or not, the operator had to have an understanding of physics to be able to visualize what he was doing as he moved the boom over and down to the steel.† (source)
- Girl, Inttrrupted In the parallel universe the laws of physics are suspended.† (source)
- Even though I understand the physics of it, I find it strange that my body could be moving though I am sitting still.† (source)
- Ruth thought of a book she had helped write a few years before, The Physics of Human Nature.† (source)
- "A physics book, I suppose," he said stiffly.† (source)
- After his funeral, a quiet affair crowded with physics professors and gardenias, Caroline offered to leave, but Doro wouldn't hear of it.† (source)
- The delicate chambering and massive unidirectional flow, like a physics experiment.† (source)
- At Columbia—he was the only one of his brothers to attend college and became the first in his family ever to graduate, a fact his mother never ceased to point out to strangers—he'd double-majored in physics and chemistry, with the intention of becoming a professor.† (source)
- You do physics and all that stuff at school Grace, I guess.† (source)
- Food technologists are now conducting basic research in rheology, a branch of physics that examines the flow and deformation of materials.† (source)
- He had a lot to learn about physics, but we were already landing.† (source)
- Ask an Ethiopian abroad if perchance they learned mathematics or physics from a teacher named Kurien, Koshy, Thomas, George, Varugese, Ninan, Mathews, Jacob, Judas, Chandy, Eapen, Pathros, or Paulos, and the odds are their eyes will light up.† (source)
- This is more like physics.† (source)
- Cedric Jennings gazes at the silvery mesh intercom speaker above the blackboard in Advanced Physics.† (source)
- Your dad worked in Silicon Valley and your mom was a college professor, I'm thinking physics or chemistry.† (source)
- I'd noticed her homework and tried to buy things she'd like, not only novels, but books about physics, religion, philosophy, and duplicate volumes for myself so I could read anything that caught her attention.† (source)
- Any schoolboy can do experiments in the physics laboratory to test various scientific hypotheses.† (source)
- You're not teaching physics, dear," said Miss Boon delicately.† (source)
- The sound it made when the mechanism and basic physics Still holding the gun, she cued up the disc she'd requisitioned and watched Sharon DeBlass's murder again.† (source)
- Echo shrugged, taking her physics book out of her pack and then placing the pack on the floor next to me.† (source)
- She shows her father a recent physics exam, on which she is ashamed to have scored only an 82.† (source)
- It will be perceived as being a worse teacher of technical subjects like physics.† (source)
- Amusement Park Physics — What are the forces behind the fun?† (source)
- Oh, the laws of physics and of logic — the number system — the principle of algebraic substitution.† (source)
- In my high-school physics class.† (source)
- They say in the laws of physics that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.† (source)
- Elementary physics, known to everybody but intelligentsia.† (source)
- His projects conduct electricity, engage motion with toothed wheels, react in concert with universal laws of physics.† (source)
- I'm Jonathan, from physics class.† (source)
- He botched his physics final because every question had to do with the motion of a "carousel."† (source)
- Physics decreed something like falling, and yet the hills of surf, with their own valleys, peaks, and plateaux, confounded his expectations.† (source)
- At thirty-two, he became head of the Department of Physics of the Patrick Henry University, in the days when the great University still deserved its glory.† (source)
- Amusement Park Physics — What are the forces behind the fun?† (source)
- When Fredi was in college, he took a physics class over the summer at a local community college.† (source)
- Like I felt when I was in that physics class before I bailed out.† (source)
- And it's physics last thing Friday afternoon.† (source)
- I may not be able to conjure a spell, but I know basic physics.† (source)
- But this is simple physics, Joe.† (source)
- By all the laws of physics, she thought, the boat, unbalanced, ought to have been toppling sideways into the water.† (source)
- I look up from the Physics textbook that has been my close companion for the past three hours.† (source)
- The third and fourth floors had white-painted, modern classrooms and large, well-equipped chemistry, physics and biology laboratories.† (source)
- He reviewed his math, his physics, his English, struggling for long hours with his broken-backed books, and as the boat rocked and pitched he set out two main goals for himself.† (source)
- I had his astrophysics for physics majors course many a year ago.† (source)
- Give her lollipops, give her dolls, give her physics, give her all you can think of — possets and comfits and caraways and lullabies and toys.† (source)
- Leaving, I felt like a third grader in Advanced Physics 518 at MIT.† (source)
- 526 Bentley Durrell was in Commerce's physics class and they had met in the library to exchange notes before a test.† (source)
- I remember when a coin in a slot would get you a stick of gum or a candy bar, but in these dining palaces were vending machines where various coins could deliver handkerchiefs, comb-and-nail-file sets, hair conditioners and cosmetics, first-aid kits, minor drugs such as aspirin, mild physics, pills to keep you awake.† (source)
- He has no name, No physics for his rage.† (source)
- Ilis main subjects bad been mathematics and physics, but as subsidiaries he had taken philosophy and musical appreciation.† (source)
- He knows no physics or engineering to make the world real for him.† (source)
- When he is overcome by the mysteries of the universe he turns to physics, not to Hesiod's hexameters.† (source)
- So physics has never understood this whole class of events.† (source)
- But there is another kind of behavior, which physics handles badly.† (source)
- Physics has had great success at describing certain kinds of behavior: planets in orbit, spacecraft going to the moon, pendulums and springs and rolling balls, that sort of thing.† (source)
- And chaos theory teaches us," Malcolm said, "that straight linearity, which we have come to take for granted in everything from physics to fiction, simply does not exist.† (source)
- I wasn't aware Geneva had a physics lab.† (source)
- And that other thing—science—would still generate gravity and quantum physics and whatever.† (source)
- And in two years' time I am going to take A-level physics and get an A grade.† (source)
- After a few seconds of tense, gut-feel physics, he felt the force on the tether abate.† (source)
- Fields where technological leaps are most likely: Physics: [omitted]† (source)
- Oppenheimer went to Harvard and then on to Cambridge University to pursue a doctorate in physics.† (source)
- The day I went into physics class it was death.† (source)
- I TOOK JUST ENOUGH PHYSICS in school to master one significant fact: human beings cannot fly.† (source)
- Dad told us that zone was known in physics as the boundary between turbulence and order.† (source)
- It says: 'Sensational new breakthrough in Improbability Physics.† (source)
- I have a grant to study physics at the University of Geneva.† (source)
- There's no physics to worry about, no constraints on acceleration, no air resistance.† (source)
- This Art, like nuclear physics, had the potential to unleash enormous power.† (source)
- She was a big wheel-president of her class and a physics major and the college hockey champion.† (source)
- What are Elis reading these days in theoretical physics?† (source)
- All of them are famous scholars working at the forefront of physics research.† (source)
- The laws of physics are the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece.† (source)
- I took the physics book back to my dormitory.† (source)
- Ye's wife, physics professor Shao Lin, stood up from the crowd's front row.† (source)
- God, Miracles, and the New Physics-by Leonardo Vetra.† (source)
- Obviously, the nomenclature is esoteric, but the physics is very advanced.† (source)
- He considered physics 'God's natural law.'† (source)
- Joan with her physics books and her golf clubs and her badminton rackets and her breathy voice.† (source)
- This is a sign that the forefront of physics research seems to be hitting a wall.† (source)
- You made your point, but I want to study cutting-edge theoretical physics.† (source)
- I'm familiar with general physics-falling bodies, that sort of thing.† (source)
- I may have made a straight A in physics, but I was panic-struck.† (source)
- But we are, after all, the department of theoretical physics.† (source)
- Today's physics deals with concepts that would have been unimaginable to the ancients.† (source)
- You really believe that the laws of physics are not invariant across time and space?† (source)
- Physics made me sick the whole time I learned it.† (source)
- For an instant, Langdon thought the laws of physics had ceased to exist.† (source)
- There was no discussion of physics, of relativity, only cold, harsh reality.† (source)
- A recent Scientific American article hailed New Physics as a surer path to God than religion itself.† (source)
- "Relativity is part of the fundamental theories of physics," Ye answered.† (source)
- When it is published, it will shake the very foundation of modern physics.† (source)
- They were both fourth-year students majoring in theoretical physics, and Ye was their professor.† (source)
- The physics principles behind the three-body problem are very simple.† (source)
- To accomplish something in theoretical physics requires one to have almost religious faith.† (source)
- It means that the laws of physics are not invariant across time and space.† (source)
- The development of modern physics seems to suggest that such a line has been touched.† (source)
- One of the children took out a worn-out middle school physics textbook.† (source)
- There's a picture of one blowing up in the Physics book, mushroom cloud and all.† (source)
- The dispassionate mathematical laws of physics seem austere and impersonal, like a star or the moon.† (source)
- I glanced at Sam, who had joined us after a daring escape from first period physics.† (source)
- It was nothing like physics or chemistry; why wasn't it over in the fuzzy studies where it belonged?† (source)
- It's a perfectly reasonable application of physics and thermodynamics.† (source)
- It's really cool...You see this building here, this is physics.† (source)
- Giving a course of lectures on physics, as I do every year during this month.† (source)
- Cedric already met his twin sister, Belinda, in his physics class.† (source)
- You ready to delve into the world of physics?† (source)
- "What if I embarrass you?" he said, as if posing a theory, like, say, quantum physics.† (source)
- Physics explains my body, but not my soul.† (source)
- If they do, then the conservation laws of physics are in trouble.† (source)
- Well, I'm not really a physicist, but I was trained in physics.† (source)
- How do physics laws affect amusement park ride design?† (source)
- Technology, working with the laws of physics, continues to push what is possible in ride design.† (source)
- Chemistry followed in the wake of physics, but biology, the retarded child, lagged far behind.† (source)
- Well, it's the same as the difference between theoretical and applied physics, say.† (source)
- Wilder was in there watching Heinrich do a physics experiment with steel balls and a salad bowl.† (source)
- We're doing the physics of language, Shay.† (source)
- It's like watching the illegal substance version of physics class.† (source)
- A native New Yorker, BRIAN GREENE teaches physics and mathematics at Columbia University.† (source)
- Remember the intro chapter to our physics book?† (source)
- Laws of freaking physics, which do not change anywhere in the universe.† (source)
- "So they're still teaching you kiddie Physics," he says indulgently.† (source)
- You know, there's a whole movement of modern physics that sees evidence of a created universe.† (source)
- Doro had a PhD in physics; she worked in the university department her father had once chaired.† (source)
- Herr Kamyer didn't take us for physics as he has a cold.† (source)
- How do physics laws affect amusement park ride design?† (source)
- Bodies in motion, he thought, that old scrap of high school physics.† (source)
- Jessica was buried in her physics textbook.† (source)
- Physics was the first of the natural sciences to become fully modern and highly mathematical.† (source)
- Check the physics glossary to find out more about the terms used in this exhibit.† (source)
- We're not real sure about the physics, but there's not going to be much spatial orientation.† (source)
- But if we stay with the laws of physics, then the Chris that disappeared was unreal.† (source)
- "We talked physics all the way down here," said Galt.† (source)
- We have calculus and physics together, so we could start there.† (source)
- Everyone knew something couldn't be created from nothing—a violation of all the laws of physics.† (source)
- Pelcovits, his adviser and a physics professor, told him to avoid it in the first year.† (source)
- The behavior of light is to aesthetics what physics is to engineering.† (source)
- He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his work on the photoelectric effect.† (source)
- We all wore silver antlers in physics this afternoon.† (source)
- Following the laws of physics, it then recoiled and bounced off.† (source)
- I said, 'I'm lecturing to Albert Einstein on physics!'† (source)
- We'd spent two hours reviewing for our physics test.† (source)
- Check the physics glossary to find out more about the terms used in this exhibit.† (source)
- Physics has become a recurring nightmare.† (source)
- So you do not use physics to carry your signal.† (source)
- Have you had a high-school course in physics?† (source)
- Technology, working with the laws of physics, continues to push what is possible in ride design.† (source)
- In physics, when you haven't done your homework—faint, get taken out ...anything.† (source)
- Neither did I...John came back for his postgraduate course in physics.† (source)
- She dropped her physics book and hopped out of the car.† (source)
- Assembly, math, physics ...there is not one part of today that is worth being alive for.† (source)
- I waited patiently for her to show in physics and then business technology.† (source)
- I don't care if you're doing nuclear physics, you're not doing it in my yard.† (source)
- When neither herb teas nor physics cured him she was helpless.† (source)
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