lineagein a sentence
- That form of cancer is traced back many generations in her lineage.
- You are...honorable people...from distinguished and reputable families and...proud lineage.† (source)
- The entire lineage of Macs and PCs, PlayStations and Xboxes.† (source)
- During telephone conversations he idly flipped through whatever folder happened to be in front of him, doodling lineage charts on the newspaper.† (source)
- The noses in my maternal lineage are all large and hooked.† (source)
- And as scary as her lineage was, Mamaw Bonnie herself was so terrifying that, many decades later, a Marine Corps recruiter would tell me that I'd find boot camp easier than living at home.† (source)
- She was the womb that bore the lineage, and the vine from which the sacred fruit sprang forth!† (source)
- Of one hundred and ten questions about his lineage, Werner can accurately answer only sixteen.† (source)
- Oldest son of the Miyamotos, great-grandson of a samurai, and the first of his lineage to become an American in name, place, and heart, he had not given up on being who he was; he had never given up on his family's land or the claim they had to it by all that was right, the human claim that was bigger than hate or war or any smallness or enmity.† (source)
- Again Annie's lineage, her head start, the varied and ancient advantages she enjoyed, were keeping Mae second.† (source)
- "Hollin will grow into his lineage," Chaol grumbled.† (source)
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
- It was a ponderous tome by Grand Maester Malleon on the lineages of the great houses.† (source)
- As with many southern families, my entire lineage could be traced in the dozen faces that lined the walls.† (source)
- You can be quite powerful, because my lineage is unique.† (source)
- There was a decent rosewood desk with a computer screen and a vase of flowers, and standing guard on each side were two suits of armor; mounted on the paneling, crossed halberds and a coat of arms; above them, the portrait that used to be in the dining room which my grandfather imported to give the family some lineage.† (source)
- The nodder nodded as Rahel's ancestral lineage fell into place for him.† (source)
- It had been stupid of me to write him a check —greediness on my part; I'd been thinking about establishing a lineage for the piece, though at this point even an envelope of cash placed under a napkin and slid across the table was no assurance he was going to let the matter drop.† (source)
- Born with the curse of uncertain lineage, he was one of the tens of thousands of unwanted dogs in America.† (source)
- Would you like his entire lineage, or should I get to the point?† (source)
- This sign of respect in America and Europe, this symbol of heritage and lineage, would be ridiculed in India.† (source)
- Or she's in the next lineage over from mine, and she's my mother's cousin's daughter's aunt, that's close enough anyway.† (source)
- I keep track a the whole lineage for the Sisters a the Confed'racy.† (source)
- The Renaissance O divine lineage in mortal guise It was just twelve when Sophie reached Joanna's front gate, out of breath with running.† (source)
- Thought she was better than the rest of us, with her looks and her lineage.† (source)
- It's more about the lineage, you know?† (source)
- Forty years later his great-nephew Nicolas, whom Marcos did not live to see, unearthed the desire to fly that had always existed in the men of his lineage.† (source)
- It involves bloodlines, amazing lineages that stretch back through the centuries, generation after generation.† (source)
- Transito Ariza rescued them from difficulties with so much consideration for their lineage that many of them left more grateful for the honor than for the favor they had received.† (source)
- According to Vanger the name may have originated from the Dutch van Geerstat; if that was the case, the lineage could be traced as far back as the twelfth century.† (source)
- In the early days, during those conversations where he had felt himself to be at sea, surrounded by people wealthier and better connected than he would ever be, by people utterly at ease in the world he was so desperately trying to join, he would sometimes allude, though never directly, to a distant but important lineage, invoking false ancestors to stand behind him and lend support.† (source)
- He was forty-seven years old and he was the first male heir in all that new world lineage to attain such an age.† (source)
- I, Roran Stronghammer, son of Garrow, do swear, by my name and by my lineage, that I shall protect and provide for Katrina Ismirasdaughter while we both yet live.† (source)
- He scolded and fumed and demanded their lineage; they listened with folded arms.† (source)
- I don't have the lineage all the way.† (source)
- He would spend years interviewing Klan leaders and sympathizers, sometimes taking advantage of his own background and lineage to pretend that he was on their side of the issues.† (source)
- Maybe I should start researching and find out if there are any Dents or Twisses in my lineage?† (source)
- This was probably true, for my husband was of illustrious lineage in his homeland, a fact implicit even in his name.† (source)
- Norse dwarves of the oldest and proudest lineage, the dvergar had long, braided beards, ash-colored skin, and milky eyes that looked blind from long years gazing into the fire.† (source)
- He had worked so hard and traveled so far to prove his lineage with his newfound cousin, only to hit a dead end.† (source)
- But from her the lineage of the Elf-lords of old descended among Men.† (source)
- Despite the occasional conflicts that arose, all of the races respected Arthur's lineage, and had accorded that respect to the Parliament during the years since the murder of the old king and his family.† (source)
- I wonder if it took another man's death to create in him a desire to extend his lineage, or if one had nothing to do with the other?† (source)
- I had inherited a power; a lineage passed from my mother to me, a gift in some ways, a curse in others.† (source)
- At Clarkebury, plenty of the boys had distinguished lineages, and I was no longer unique.† (source)
- Hispanics, many from Cuba, were already in the Major League, but they often changed their names to sound more like the acceptable Italian lineage.† (source)
- When Luna adopts a flag, I would like it to be a cannon or, on field sable, crossed by bar sinister gules of our proudly ignoble lineage.† (source)
- "Lineage affiliations," writes the scholar Rene Lemarchand, "could rectify and even reverse the formal rank-ordering established through the caste system."† (source)
- And I became full of shame for none of my lineage ought to fear death more than the biting of a gnat.† (source)
- They would leave the questions of lineage, clan, and family name to the people in the village, to someone like Auntie who had to know everything about anyone.† (source)
- She fanned out brochures on historical organizations and showed me her collection of various pins and certificates, essays she had written in school, lectures she had given while teaching school, all the while ignoring my father's comments on his lineage, which he said was composed of Scotch, Irish, Polish, and whatever else took root down in South Carolina.† (source)
- My adoptive family, I learned right away, had an ancient lineage of apothecaries, who had ventured into stricken villages and had for unknown reasons determined to keep the name, however inauspicious it was.† (source)
- It was the continuation of the story that Gabriel had begun amid the ruins of Sumayriyya, the story of an accomplished young woman, a doctor, who had been born in France of Palestinian lineage.† (source)
- In his face, one could trace the proud lineage.† (source)
- The slizzard was the common mount-a scaled creature with snakelike neck, many teeth, dubious lineage, brief life span and a vicious temperament; the horse, for some reason, having grown barren in recent generations.† (source)
- Throughout his long life his concern for the past, for his family and its lineage, had been both reverent and inspired—a man quite as blissfully content to browse through the correspondence and memorabilia of some long-defunct, dull and distant cousin as is a spellbound Victorian scholar who has stumbled on a drawer full of heretofore unknown obscene love letters of Robert and Elizabeth Browning.† (source)
- They were waiting for something to stir in the dead city, some gray form to rise, some ancient, ancestral shape to come galloping across the vacant sea bottom on an ancient, armored steel of impossible lineage, of unbelievable derivation.† (source)
- his entire lineage has been warriors
- Peter comes from a family lineage that has always had a passion for all things ancient and mystical.† (source)
- It can only be used by one of noble lineage.† (source)
- Their security and chaste way of life is the only guarantee of the purity of the lineage.† (source)
- Despite the noble lineage of his aerial maps, the flight had been a failure.† (source)
- Not when they thought we were Mayflower people with this unimpeachable lineage!† (source)
- Christ's lineage was in perpetual danger.† (source)
- Well, if it's about the lineage ....shouldn't you be the chief, then?† (source)
- My lineage represented more nations than the European Union.† (source)
- Remember that Magdalene's child belonged to the lineage of Jewish kings—David and Solomon.† (source)
- The tribal lineage descends from the father's side, the male ancestors.† (source)
- And that Mary Magdalene was the womb that carried His royal lineage.† (source)
- As it matters, though, I have more pressing concerns than your lineage.† (source)
- I was wishing that I came of a more honourable lineage.† (source)
- And then Saphira repeated her name and lineage in the ancient language, as did Glaedr.† (source)
- We trace our lineage through our mothers.† (source)
- You are a demigod and your lineage is very great.† (source)
- For the first time, willingly, she'd embraced her lineage as a child of Pluto.† (source)
- Brian said, "So we know the lineage of the thing in the later stages.† (source)
- Your mother studied the lineage of the pharaohs—she knew this to be true.† (source)
- I thought about what Zia had told us about our lineage: "The gods choose their hosts carefully.† (source)
- The same for the pursuit of lineage—Gilgamesh died without issue, being a city man.† (source)
- Dr. Urbino, resigned to paying homage to his lineage, turned a deaf ear to her pleas, confident that the wisdom of God and his wife's infinite capacity to adapt would resolve the situation.† (source)
- One of the central figures of the Renaissance was Marsilio Ficino, who exclaimed: 'Know thyself, O divine lineage in mortal guise!'† (source)
- "The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, With Descriptions of Many High Lords and Noble Ladies and Their Children," he read.† (source)
- While it is true that our selection of German Shepherd Dogs was essentially accidental, the choice to begin with a well-documented lineage was not.† (source)
- My father recited it as gravely as if it were the Modegan royal lineage while accompanying himself on a half harp.† (source)
- The files and records themselves were neatly organized and legible; the problem was mastering the lineage of the dogs available for breeding the next litter and holding all the requisite information in his head.† (source)
- And with the help of DNA and far better genealogical software, within the year we're hoping that anyone can quickly access every available piece of information about their family lineage, all images, all video and film, with one search request.† (source)
- But he did not want to contradict the Archbishop, although he would have liked to point out to him that guests were at that luncheon not because of what they thought but because of the merits of their lineage, which was something that had always stood over and above the hazards of politics and the horrors of war.† (source)
- The heat of the desert, your pregnancy, and your unconscious desire to live like a countess, in accordance with your husband's lineage, are making you see things, darling," Clara wrote in jest, adding that the best cure for Louis XV shoes was a cold shower and a cup of camomile tea.† (source)
- With both parents on the premises, the buyer could see firsthand the lineage—although in our case, the father apparently was outside and out of pocket.† (source)
- The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, With Descriptions of Many High Lords and Noble Ladies and Their Children, by Grand Maester Malleon.† (source)
- Mae had discovered all this one Thanksgiving at Annie's house, with twenty-odd relatives there, all with their thin noses, their pink skin, their weak eyes hidden behind forty lenses, when she became aware, during an appropriately self-effacing conversation—for Annie's family was equally unwilling to talk too much or care too much about their lineage—that some distant relative of theirs had been at the very first Thanksgiving.† (source)
- Fortunately, Dagobert's son, Sigisbert, secretly escaped the attack and carried on the lineage, which later included Godefroi de Bouillon—founder of the Priory of Sion.† (source)
- Nonetheless, Christ's line grew quietly under cover in France until making a bold move in the fifth century, when it intermarried with French royal blood and created a lineage known as the Merovingian bloodline.† (source)
- The early Church feared that if the lineage were permitted to grow, the secret of Jesus and Magdalene would eventually surface and challenge the fundamental Catholic doctrine—that of a divine Messiah who did not consort with women or engage in sexual union.† (source)
- ROSLIN This ancient spelling, Langdon explained to Sophie, derived from the Rose Line meridian on which the chapel sat; or, as Grail academics preferred to believe, from the "Line of Rose"—the ancestral lineage of Mary Magdalene.† (source)
- Molly, her beautiful, sweet, purebred collie of prizewinning lineage—the first thing she'd bought herself after finishing her physician assistant rotations at the Eastern Virginia School of Medicine and the kind of dog she'd always wanted—had noticeably gained weight during the last couple of weeks.† (source)
- ' 'Because Aragorn is descended in direct lineage, father to father, from Isildur Elendil's son himself.† (source)
- I can trace my lineage back to the first Daenerys, the Targaryen princess who was sister to King Daeron the Good and wife to the Prince of Dome.† (source)
- Gramps had this weird thing about lineage, and since Ben had been named after Gramps—a pretty slick idea, if he did say so himself—Gramps adored him.† (source)
- So here it probably means more like Blood of the Pharaohs, all of them, the whole lineage of all the dynasties, not just one guy.† (source)
- Cal rolled it over and over and over, carving time out of his workday and his off time to research the Hawkins-Black lineage himself.† (source)
- It appears John is far more interested in protecting his precious lineage, his heir, than his daughter with the withered arm and silent tongue.† (source)
- He was a Dartmouth man, and like Herter, he was of kind of blue-blooded lineage from which the State Department loved to recruit its diplomats.† (source)
- I can trace my lineage back—† (source)
- it explained that upon the death of a man his children do not become the property of his widow, but of his own lineage.† (source)
- Boromir had a long sword, in fashion like Anduril but of less lineage and he bore also a shield and his war-horn.† (source)
- Tutsis were divided into at least two different classes, the Tutsi-Hima and the Tutsi-Banyaraguru, and both Hutus and Tutsis belonged to lineages of varying status.† (source)
- I, Katrina, daughter of Ismira, do swear, by my name and by my lineage, that I shall serve and provide for Roran Garrowsson while we both yet live.† (source)
- Of the lands beyond the mountains, they knew relatively little and could only say that Blys was divided into ten duchies that were ruled by demons of great stature or lineage.† (source)
- And he will be loath to stop it, to even tryfor my legs shall close upon his lineage forever, like a springed trap.† (source)
- It was overlaid with a tracery of flowers and leaves wrought of silver and gold, and on it were set in elven runes formed of many gems the name Anduril and the lineage of the sword.† (source)
- Roran Stronghammer, son of Garrow, do you swear then, by your name and by your lineage, that you shall protect and provide for Katrina Ismirasdaughter while you both yet live?† (source)
- If you look at the lineage, you'll see there were a lot of suicides and violent deaths, especially in the first hundred, hundred and twenty years after Hester.† (source)
- "The lineage," Marvin said.† (source)
- Katrina, daughter of Ismira, do you swear, by your name and by your lineage, that you shall serve and provide for Roran Garrowsson while you both yet live?† (source)
- The lineage.† (source)
- The lineage.† (source)
- We both promised, with the most binding of oaths, that we would never reveal to you the identity of your father or of your half brother, nor discuss your lineage, unless you had discovered the truth on your own or unless the identity of your relatives had placed you in danger.† (source)
- The lineage.† (source)
- Denethor is of another sort, proud and subtle, a man of far greater lineage and power, though he is not called a king.† (source)
- Often the lamb turns tiger when he comes before the judge; and often those who howl loudest at the time of arrest, on the other hand—who call down on the poor policeman's head the most terrible curses, and take the lowest view of his generation and lineage—are the same men who, when the trial comes up or the fine has been paid, are most generous with their forgiveness of what seems to them, even now, the policeman's small-mindedness.† (source)
- At the beginning of the term, Teacher called the roll and asked each child her lineage.† (source)
- They say about how they were taken, about what they can remember of their homes: about their lineage and the great deeds of their ancestors, about their training and what they have learned and will learn.† (source)
- They could not hope for purer lineage or a more gracious presence than Julia's; but there was this faint shadow on her that unfitted her for the highest honors; there was also her religion.† (source)
- Its because she wants it told he thought so that people whom she will never see and whose names she will never bear and who have never beard her name nor seen her face will read it and know at last why God let us lose the War: that only through the blood of our men and the tears of our women could He stay this demon and efface his name and lineage from the earth.† (source)
- flouted, drives on like fiery steel and overrides both weakly just and unjust strong, both vanquisher and innocent victimised, ruthless for appointed right and truth) brute who was not only to preside upon the various shapes and avatars of Thomas Sutpen's devil's fate but was to provide at the last the female flesh in which his name and lineage should be sepulchred—that brute who appeared to believe that be had served and performed his appointed end by yelling of blood and pistols in the street before my house, who seemed to believe that what further information be might have given me was too scant or too bland and free of moment to warrant the discarding of his tobacco cud, becaus† (source)
- The doctors told her that the only cure was to bathe in a dish filled with blood from a clean virgin of royal lineage.† (source)
- Suppose I were Sir Lancelot, and was only calling myself the Chevalier Mal Fet—don't you think I might have some reasons for doing that, reasons which a gentleman of lineage ought to respect?† (source)
- had not yet even been to Memphis, whose entire worldly experience consisted of sojourns at other houses, plantations, almost interchangeable with his own, where he followed the same routine which he did at home—the same hunting and cockfighting, the same amateur racing of horses on crude homemade tracks, horses sound enough in blood and lineage yet not bred to race and perhaps not even thirty minutes out of the shafts of a trap or perhaps even a carriage; the same square dancing with identical and also interchangeable provincial virgins, to music exactly like that at home, the same champagne, the best doubtless yet crudely dispensed out of the burlesqued pantomime elegance of negr† (source)
- Perhaps Tess's lineage had more value for himself than for anybody in the world beside.† (source)
- Do I bear the marks of my lineage so very plainly impressed on my appearance?† (source)
- "The stranger must first show," said Malvoisin, "that he is good knight, and of honourable lineage.† (source)
- They say, child, thou art of the lineage of the Prince of Air!† (source)
- The glories of Mary held his soul captive: spikenard and myrrh and frankincense, symbolizing her royal lineage, her emblems, the late-flowering plant and late-blossoming tree, symbolizing the age-long gradual growth of her cultus among men.† (source)
- Such a personage was fawned upon in Arthur's realm and reverently looked up to by everybody, even though his dispositions were as mean as his intelligence, and his morals as base as his lineage.† (source)
- He objected that by turning to the east, we should come almost at once among the Athole Stewarts, a race of his own name and lineage, although following a different chief, and come besides by a far easier and swifter way to the place whither we were bound.† (source)
- That lady of noble lineage, the head nurse of whom Settembrini had spoken so scornfully and whom Hans Castorp had seen only fleetingly a few times, was in charge of the widower's household.† (source)
Yet the drinkers of ale otherwise said they;
That folk-bales, which were lesser, she framed forsooth,
Lesser enmity-malice, since thence erst she was
Given gold-deck'd to the young one of champions,
She the dear of her lineage, since Offa's floor
Over the fallow flood by the lore of her father 1950
She sought in her wayfaring.† (source)
- The ear, small and shapely, the arch of the foot, the curve in mouth and nostril, even the indurated hand dyed to the orange-tawny of the toucan's bill, a hand telling alike of the halyards and tar-bucket; but, above all, something in the mobile expression, and every chance attitude and movement, something suggestive of a mother eminently favored by Love and the Graces; all this strangely indicated a lineage in direct contradiction to his lot.† (source)
- Its purpose is to keep out too recent blood, which would bring into contempt these offices, and men of lofty lineage would turn their backs and scorn to take them.† (source)
- To produce Tess, fresh from the dairy, as a d'Urberville and a lady, he had felt to be temerarious and risky; hence he had concealed her lineage till such time as, familiarized with worldly ways by a few months' travel and reading with him, he could take her on a visit to his parents and impart the knowledge while triumphantly producing her as worthy of such an ancient line.† (source)
- He, therefore, first requesting Mr Pancks to remember his voluntary declaration that his proprietor had no part in the disclosure, and that his own intentions were good (two declarations which that coaly little gentleman with the greatest ardour repeated), openly told him that as to the Dorrit lineage or former place of habitation, he had no information to communicate, and that his knowledge of the family did not extend beyond the fact that it appeared to be now reduced to five members; namely, to two brothers, of whom one was single, and one a widower with three children.† (source)
- What is his name and lineage?† (source)
- Joseph had instilled into him a pride of name, and of his lineage; he would, had he dared, have fostered hate between him and the present owner of the Heights: but his dread of that owner amounted to superstition; and he confined his feelings regarding him to muttered innuendoes and private comminations.† (source)
- Bear gently on the unfortunate, pretty Mabel, and do not confound the king's servants—may Heaven bless him and all his royal lineage!† (source)
- On the wall hung a row of portraits, representing the forefathers of the Bellingham lineage, some with armour on their breasts, and others with stately ruffs and robes of peace.† (source)
- I must attribute it, with your father, to the blood in my veins, although I would not impeach my lineage willingly; for it is all that is left me to boast of.† (source)
- Though I never knew what they were (being in Welsh), further than that they were highly eulogistic of the lineage of Morgan ap-Kerrig.† (source)
- He never went about otherwise than surrounded by a small court of bishops and abbés of high lineage, gallant, jovial, and given to carousing on occasion; and more than once the good and devout women of Saint Germain d' Auxerre, when passing at night beneath the brightly illuminated windows of Bourbon, had been scandalized to hear the same voices which had intoned vespers for them during the day carolling, to the clinking of glasses, the bacchic proverb of Benedict XII.† (source)
- As she was also so white as not to be known as of colored lineage, without a critical survey, and her child was white also, it was much easier for her to pass on unsuspected.† (source)
- I have never heard anything to show that my son's lineage is not as good as the Vyes'—perhaps better.† (source)
- Never did a man show stronger proof of the lineage attributed to him than Judge Pyncheon, at this crisis, by his unmistakable resemblance to the picture in the inner room.† (source)
- If Messala were here, he might say, as others have said, that the exact trace of your lineage stopped when the Assyrian took Jerusalem, and razed the Temple, with all its precious stores; but you might plead the pious action of Zerubbabel, and retort that all verity in Roman genealogy ended when the barbarians from the West took Rome, and camped six months upon her desolated site.† (source)
- I speak not of the dull brutes whose round it is to slave for slaves—the debased in blood and image—the dead in spirit; but of such as mine here—the kings of their kind; of a lineage reaching back to the broods of the first Pharaoh; my comrades and friends, dwellers in tents, whom long association with me has brought up to my plane; who to their instincts have added our wits and to their senses joined our souls, until they feel all we know of ambition, love, hate, and contempt; in war, heroes; in trust, faithful as women.† (source)
- "Ah, but these hens," answered the young man,—"these hens of aristocratic lineage would scorn to understand the vulgar language of a barn-yard fowl.† (source)
- Let it be remembered that in all southern states it is a principle of jurisprudence that no person of colored lineage can testify in a suit against a white, and it will be easy to see that such a case may occur, wherever there is a man whose passions outweigh his interests, and a slave who has manhood or principle enough to resist his will.† (source)
- "My name," said the Knight, raising his helmet, "is better known, my lineage more pure, Malvoisin, than thine own.† (source)
- Not improbably this circumstance wrought a very material change in the public estimation; and had the mother and child remained here, little Pearl at a marriageable period of life might have mingled her wild blood with the lineage of the devoutest Puritan among them all.† (source)
- They have extended his title to me, I have no other Indian blood or breeding; though I have seen the hour, Judge Temple, when I could wish that such had been my lineage and education.† (source)
- Do not mistake me, I beg, for it is not color nor lineage that constitutes merit; and I know not that he who claims affinity to the proper owners of this soil has not the best right to tread these hills with the lightest conscience.† (source)
- —The Saxon porkers, whom I have slain, they were the foes of my country, and of my lineage, and of my liege lord.† (source)
- I tell thee, the Princes of the House of Anjou confer not their wards on men of such lineage as thine.† (source)
- These visits certainly excited much speculation in those to whom they were known, but no comments were made, excepting occasionally in whispers from Richard, who would say: "It is not at all remarkable; a half-breed can never be weaned from the savage ways—and, for one of his lineage, the boy is much nearer civilization than could, in reason, be expected."† (source)
- I am of England, Sir Knight, and speak the English tongue, although my dress and my lineage belong to another climate.† (source)
- Glances of a very comprehensive meaning were exchanged between the heiress and the young man, as Louisa betrayed, while vindicating his lineage, the reluctance with which she admitted his alliance with the old warrior; but not even a smile at the simplicity of their companion was indulged in by either.† (source)
- What is thine own name and lineage?† (source)
- When they entered, they found themselves in the presence of about twenty matrons and maidens of distinguished Saxon lineage.† (source)
- Let us up and be doing, then, Brian de Bois-Guilbert; and, live or die, thou shalt see Maurice de Bracy bear himself this day as a gentleman of blood and lineage.† (source)
- The next that came forth, swore by blood and by nails, Merrily sing the roundelay; Hur's a gentleman, God wot, and hur's lineage was of Wales, And where was the widow might say him nay?† (source)
- "My lineage, proud Norman," replied Athelstane, "is drawn from a source more pure and ancient than that of a beggarly Frenchman, whose living is won by selling the blood of the thieves whom he assembles under his paltry standard.† (source)
- By St Edmund, St Dunstan, St Withold, St Edward the Confessor, and every other Saxon saint in the calendar," (for Cedric never swore by any that was not of Saxon lineage, and all his household had the same limited devotion,) "I will never forgive him!"† (source)
- So saying, he arose and left the banqueting room, followed by Athelstane, and by several other guests, who, partaking of the Saxon lineage, held themselves insulted by the sarcasms of Prince John and his courtiers.† (source)
- This Rebecca had foreseen, and for this very purpose she had hastened to mention her father's name and lineage; yet—for the fair and wise daughter of Isaac was not without a touch of female weakness—she could not but sigh internally when the glance of respectful admiration, not altogether unmixed with tenderness, with which Ivanhoe had hitherto regarded his unknown benefactress, was exchanged at once for a manner cold, composed, and collected, and fraught with no deeper feeling than that which expressed a grateful sense of courtesy received from an unexpected quarter, and from one of an inferior race.† (source)
- —He told how, long since in Palestine, a deadly feud arose between the tribe of Benjamin and the rest of the Israelitish nation; and how they cut to pieces well-nigh all the chivalry of that tribe; and how they swore by our blessed Lady, that they would not permit those who remained to marry in their lineage; and how they became grieved for their vow, and sent to consult his holiness the Pope how they might be absolved from it; and how, by the advice of the Holy Father, the youth of the tribe of Benjamin carried off from a superb tournament all the ladies who were there present, and thus won them wives without the consent either of their brides or their brides' families.† (source)
- And Duke Joshua and Maccabaeus were of our lineage.† (source)
- Jesu, said the king, I marvel what knight he is, and of what lineage he is come.† (source)
- And then a little voice said: Solomon, the last knight of thy lineage shall rest in this bed.† (source)
- Not so, said the fiend, this man that lieth here dead was come of a great lineage.† (source)
- Then asked he of the voice, if it should be in the yerde of his lineage.† (source)
- One day, questioning me in his own hall, he took delight in learning of the Argives' lineage and birth.† (source)
- My lineage therefore is noble.† (source)
- His eyes opened at last to the young man's power, godly from godly lineage, the king detained him, offered him his daughter, gave him, too, a moiety of royal privileges, and Lykians for their part set aside their finest land for him, vineyard and plowland, fertile for wheatfields.† (source)
- My lineage?† (source)
- Thou liest, said Beaumains, I am a gentleman born, and of more high lineage than thou, and that will I prove on thy body.† (source)
- LO, Sir Launcelot, said the good man, there thou mightest understand the high lineage that thou art come of, and thine advision betokeneth.† (source)
- Truly, said she, an I die for to heal her I shall get me great worship and soul's health, and worship to my lineage, and better is one harm than twain.† (source)
- And as Launcelot devised her, he espied in her right hand a writ, the which he read, the which told him all the adventures that ye have heard to-fore, and of what lineage she was come.† (source)
- Then was Solomon glad that there should come any such of his lineage; but ever he marvelled and studied who that should be, and what his name might be.† (source)
- Anon as the dwarf was come to the castle, Dame Lionesse and Dame Linet her sister, asked the dwarf where was his master born, and of what lineage he was come.† (source)
- And never shall man bear this shield about his neck but he shall repent it, unto the time that Galahad, the good knight, bear it; and the last of my lineage shall have it about his neck, that shall do many marvellous deeds.† (source)
- Then the old man said unto Arthur: Sir, I bring here a young knight, the which is of king's lineage, and of the kindred of Joseph of Aramathie, whereby the marvels of this court, and of strange realms, shall be fully accomplished.† (source)
- Of what lineage is he come?† (source)
- So answered a voice him once: Solomon, if heaviness come to a man by a woman, ne reck thou never; for yet shall there come a woman whereof there shall come greater joy to man an hundred times more than this heaviness giveth sorrow; and that woman shall be born of thy lineage.† (source)
- Yea, forsooth, said the queen, for he is of all parties come of the best knights of the world and of the highest lineage; for Sir Launcelot is come but of the eighth degree from our Lord Jesu Christ, and Sir Galahad is of the ninth degree from our Lord Jesu Christ, therefore I dare say they be the greatest gentlemen of the world.† (source)
- Marvel methinketh, said the Green Knight to the damosel, why ye rebuke this noble knight as ye do, for I warn you, damosel, he is a full noble knight, and I know no knight is able to match him; therefore ye do great wrong to rebuke him, for he shall do you right good service, for whatsomever he maketh himself, ye shall prove at the end that he is come of a noble blood and of king's lineage.† (source)
- It's quite an old lineage, back to the sixteen hundreds.† (source)
- Each declared her lineage, and I explored them all.† (source)
- BIDDY THE CLAP: One immediately observes that he is of patrician lineage.† (source)
- [9] This journalist works, not at /space/ rates, but at /lineage/ rates† (source)
- Conversely the nasal and frontal formation was derived in a direct line of lineage which, though interrupted, would continue at distant intervals to more distant intervals to its most distant intervals.† (source)
- And lo, as they quaffed their cup of joy, a godlike messenger came swiftly in, radiant as the eye of heaven, a comely youth and behind him there passed an elder of noble gait and countenance, bearing the sacred scrolls of law and with him his lady wife a dame of peerless lineage, fairest of her race.† (source)
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