postponein a sentence
Due to her illness, we postponed our vacation for a week.
postponed = delayed until a later time
Let's postpone the test.
postpone = delay until a later time
Again, they postponed their wedding.
postponed = delayed until a later time
Heck, we've gotten one postponement of this case just to make sure there's nothing to be uneasy about.
postponement = delay until a later time
Excellency, if you postpone a week and publish to the town that you are striving for their confessions, that speak mercy on your part, not faltering.
postpone = delay (until a later time)
We might have to postpone.
postpone = delay until a later time
They planned to take a family vacation but postponed it.
postponed = delayed until a later time
There would be no postponement due to weather.
postponement = the act of delaying until a later time
You've postponed the opening.†
postponed = delayed until a later time
You know, if you think Strauss is holding something back, I probably shouldn't have been so quick to postpone searching his son's room.†
postpone = delay until a later time
- All further Quidditch training and matches are to be postponed.† (source)
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
- We'd have to temporarily postpone our expedition to the Grand Canyon, he told us.† (source)
- By mid-April, Westerberg was both shorthanded and very busy, so he asked McCandless to postpone his departure and work a week or two longer.† (source)
- I only wanted to postpone the plunge awhile, to feel my mother's closeness in the house, to pretend I wasn't afraid of the story that had brought her here or that she might go and surprise me the way she had in the dream, turning up six-legged and ugly.† (source)
- The problem is this, Mr. Branitt: If the groundbreaking gets postponed, Miss Kimberly Lou Dixon won't be able to attend.† (source)
- I suggest we postpone any decision until we have given the matter careful thought, and until the time all of the heirs can attend.† (source)
- I had already decided that she had had two flounces too many, but since I hadn't yet decided how to handle the matter, I postponed doing anything until after I had had a chance to talk with Papa about the whole Strawberry business.† (source)
- The restoration of Avilion had been halted — postponed — because Richard had been unwilling to spend any more.† (source)
- Ever respectful of Fate, the Count postponed his visit to the seamstress, claimed his seat, and opened the letter.† (source)
- They were going to emigrate, but had to postpone their plans because Charlotte was pregnant.† (source)
- The February trial was postponed.† (source)
- The only reason he postponed your arrest was to run this observance in hopes you did something that made his case stronger.† (source)
- And nobody felt sad as long as we could postpone tomorrow with more nostalgia.† (source)
- The president of the Infrastructure Committee is sick, so the meeting was postponed.† (source)
- It had twice been postponed.† (source)
- We can get it postponed.† (source)
- She found herself postponing plans, waiting for his call, which sometimes came and sometimes didn't.† (source)
- To consider something a chance that is nothing but paper and filament and postponed dinners.† (source)
- I fear we shall have to postpone your day with Myrcella.† (source)
- He arranged to have the trial postponed until next week.† (source)
- Rich and I have decided to postpone our wedding.† (source)
- Even the Trial stadiums have postponed the Trials scheduled for the day the storm will arrive.† (source)
- Sometime later, it was redefined as postponed.† (source)
- So Tita and Pedro had no choice but to postpone their conversation and carry the bread to the dining room, where it was anxiously awaited.† (source)
- His surname postponed for the Time Being, while Ammu chose between her husband's name and her father's.† (source)
- To be honest, I wanted to postpone as long as I could my disappointment if the man to whom I owed so much didn't remember me.† (source)
- Listen, the galley proofs are in for Pareja and we need to talk but the deadline's been postponed so no worries, for now anyway.† (source)
- For my part, I will continue to remain silent and aloof, and I don't intend to shrink from the truth, because the longer it's postponed, the harder it will be for them to accept it when they do hear it!† (source)
- He said, 'Well, we'll postpone them for a while/ The ladies would bring us lunch.† (source)
- She was the one who'd be pregnant, the one who'd turn over her body to the baby, so I postponed nudging her for a few months, keeping an eye on the pill bottle to see if the level went down.† (source)
- He wasn't sure—something—something just hovering at the edge of his mind, scurrying away when he tried to capture it...T: Perhaps we should postpone.† (source)
- One of my library commissions has been postponed — you know how libraries are always short of money.† (source)
- That evening it was announced that curfew would be postponed until midnight, so that the families of those 'sent for labour' would have time to bring them blankets, a change of underwear and food for the journey.† (source)
- But Maria Teresa, who always loved drama and ceremony, had kept postponing the christening until it could be done "properly" in the cathedral in San Francisco with the bishop officiating and the girls' choir from Inmaculada singing "Regina Coeli."† (source)
- Since Moushumi has to teach a class three days after the wedding, they have to postpone the honeymoon.† (source)
- They have postponed going to Afghanistan.† (source)
- Given the calumny New York previously had shoveled on Chicago, the postponement was an act of surprising grace.† (source)
- Judge Harry Lemley of Hope, Arkansas, had been named to hear the Little Rock School Board petition asking for a postponement of integration for public schools.† (source)
- But the mission was continually postponed, and finally given to SEAL Team 5 when they rotated into the Gulf toward the end of our stay.† (source)
- A week earlier, she had participated in the NATO war game NIFTY DOLPHIN, which had been postponed several days because the worst North Atlantic weather in twenty years had delayed other ships detailed to it.† (source)
- If she could got put an end to her restless tossing and turning, she could at least postpone the moment at which she began it.† (source)
- Severo had to pay for all the damage and ordered the dog tied up in the courtyard, but Clara had another fit and the decision was indefinitely postponed.† (source)
- She was furious for three reasons: because of the undeserved situation in which she found herself, because of Hildebranda's libertine behavior, and because she was certain that the carriage was driving in circles in order to postpone their arrival.† (source)
- "No postponing it now," said Valerie.† (source)
- You can always request a postponement.† (source)
- Gathering up her skirts, Nasuada ordered Farica to postpone the rest of the day's appointments, then left the chambers.† (source)
- Postponing my decision wasn't going to help.† (source)
- It occurred to Jess that she, too, wished to postpone regular school as long as possible.† (source)
- But time passed; the mission was postponed, then canceled altogether.† (source)
- In bed, the zone of their relationship so long postponed and which, if she was honest with herself, she had secretly dreaded, Robert proved surprisingly free of the inhibitions she had expected.† (source)
- On his doctor's advice, Adam chose to postpone Green Team for another year: once he was screened, his slot was reserved for a future class of his choosing.† (source)
- If it's interrupted, it will postpone the inevitable.† (source)
- I'd postponed this moment, this reckoning with him.† (source)
- The evacuation was postponed to the next day.† (source)
- However, even an attorney of moderate talent can postpone doomsday year after year, for the system of appeals that pervades American jurisprudence amounts to a legalistic wheel of fortune, a game of chance, somewhat fixed in the favor of the criminal, that the participants play interminably, first in the state courts, then through the Federal courts until the ultimate tribunal is reached-the United States Supreme Court.† (source)
- Lippy was dying to tell Xavier what he'd missed by going fishing, but he knew he had better postpone the pleasure for a few years.† (source)
- I'd have been in before this, only I—I—was kind of worried about something else, and I forgot," declared Johnnie, strengthening her heart to endure the necessary postponement of her purpose.† (source)
- My reasoning was probably flawed by exhaustion, but I hoped that by postponing the discussion, I could buy a few more hours with him at some later time—spin this out for another night, Scheherazade-style.† (source)
- He had argued that it be postponed and that instead he and his forces land at Perth Amboy and thus outflank and destroy the crippled rebels in one sweeping, concentrated effort before the onset of winter snow.† (source)
- She simply wanted to postpone death.† (source)
- We both had another beer, thinking we should postpone the inevitable.† (source)
- At the time, Clevinger was so upset by the incident that Yossarian did not dare tell him he had also been responsible for the epidemic of diarrhea that had caused the other unnecessary postponement.† (source)
- My father had made the money for the fare at last, but he sent for her instead of returning, one more postponement of home, this time because of the Japanese.† (source)
- I'm going to postpone my answer until further deliberation.† (source)
- After postponing an argument for as long as I could, one day I finally exploded.† (source)
- I wonder if we should postpone tonight's bonfire," Julie mused.† (source)
- Then why did you show up in court on October 19 to request a postponement of his drunk driving case?† (source)
- 'But in any case,' said Glorfindel, 'to send the Ring to him would only postpone the day of evil.† (source)
- Years later I silently thanked him for forcing me to postpone such decisions until I was old enough to think for myself.† (source)
- In absolutely desperate weather we ask the General's permission to postpone the silflay.† (source)
- My mother had spoken to her psychiatrist, Dr. Graham, about it, and my father fretted that the longer the trial was postponed, the greater the chance it would ruin his annual trip to Europe.† (source)
- I held the cup to my lips longer than I needed, so as to postpone launching myself upon my awkward subject.† (source)
- It's unfortunate that your testing was postponed, lieutenant.† (source)
- Mortenson postponed his flight two more times, in each instance bringing his baggage to the airport in case they wouldn't let him reschedule.† (source)
- Sir, may I suggest that your wife might not look kindly on the postponement—† (source)
- But the demands of feeding her three children were so acute she had to postpone her anger for two years until she had both the time and the energy for it.† (source)
- And if Villiers was driving there himself, and if he was alone, there was no point in postponing confrontation.† (source)
- Baldwin had the dubious task of approaching Judson to ask for a postponement.† (source)
- I was granted a week's postponement.† (source)
- He just knew it was an easy promise to make and because the Basilica was in Mexico City, it was just as easy to postpone indefinitely.† (source)
- If thin declaration was in general what they wanted, why not postpone perfection for another day and pass this as it stands?† (source)
- Over the last forty-eight hours, as go day loomed and then was postponed and then loomed again, we had each checked and rechecked our equipment so we were more than ready for this night.† (source)
- Now he saw that in postponing this moment for hours, he had not been guilty of evasion: he had not thought of it, because there was nothing to think.† (source)
- His requested supply drop had been postponed because of bad weather and a shortage of aircraft.† (source)
- LATER, at the twice-postponed pizza supper, once because of Miri, once because Dr. O couldn't make it, Dr. O said, "I can promise you this, Mirabelle.† (source)
- We decided to postpone telling Petra until either some occasion made it necessary, or until she was old enough to understand more clearly what we were warning her about; in the meantime we would test occasionally to see whether we could make contact with her, otherwise the matter should rest as it stood at present.† (source)
- Instead the wedding was postponed indefinitely, and Clary could hear her crying through the walls at night.† (source)
- The postponed argument at Cambridge now erupted on my grandfather's lawn in Kegalle.† (source)
- Like many others, we waited to see Mr. Connor defeated, and to this end we endured postponement after postponement.† (source)
- You can't postpone your service requirement, Hayley.† (source)
- He also requests that the attack be postponed until Grant can be located.† (source)
- The separated States would postpone military spending.† (source)
- Expecting it to be postponed.† (source)
- Recuperation postponed my arrival in New Orleans.† (source)
- Postponed the inevitable.† (source)
- The mother and daughter exchanged glances, and both decided to postpone the moment of golden unveiling until more money littered the stage.† (source)
- He said that it had "grown rather vague and dubious" in his mind because of the repeated postponements.† (source)
- Even though they had both become reasonably tolerant of the idiosyncrasies involved in my professional duties, I did not want to try them too far and so I continued to postpone the analytical work, until one October morning when they went away together on a caribou hunting trip, leaving me in sole possession of the camp.† (source)
- I begged him to let me postpone it a while.† (source)
- So, while I should have liked to spend another week beneath your roof, I fear that this pleasure must be postponed until another time.† (source)
- Because it was well past noon, Nathan and Sophie and I decided to postpone our "gourmet" seafood meal until the evening.† (source)
- The top one began, YOUR HONOR: I sincerely regret that pressing duties have necessitated my postponing immediate answer to your questions concerning the budget submitted to you 12 May 1966....I shall seek to reply to your questions point by point.† (source)
- He kept postponing a long, detailed letter to her until he heard that she was somewhere at the front as a nurse.† (source)
- You'd only postpone it.† (source)
- But she found that she herself could not bear to be present, and say nothing which might in some degree protect, and postpone.† (source)
- He was hardly surprised at the deepening postponement and tedium of his journey.† (source)
- Even from the military point of view of the North, postponement of the battle for ten years enabled the Northern states to increase tremendously their lead in population, voting power, production and railroads.† (source)
- She postponed it: the farm was having the same effect on her that it had had on Dick; she was thinking in terms of the next season.† (source)
- I'd just hire Jake to postpone it forever.† (source)
- Jake and Harry Rex had discussed ways to postpone the trial.† (source)
- If he'd postponed the trip much longer the way back would have become impassable.† (source)
- They're willing to postpone until Monday.† (source)
- Anyway, they decided to postpone their conversation until another time.† (source)
- It's conceivable you could recapture him and put him back, thus postponing Doomsday.† (source)
- The night postponed till further notice.† (source)
- Too much had been set in motion for anyone even to consider postponement.† (source)
- Blomkvist thought hard: what to say to prevent or postpone his execution.† (source)
- Amaranta's death, however, obliged her to postpone the decision.† (source)
- I'm sure I'll be able to persuade him to postpone your detention.† (source)
- Langdon said, "At least postpone the event."† (source)
- A greater obstacle, as impassable as it was unforeseen, obliged a new and indefinite postponement.† (source)
- The White Tomb All lessons were suspended, all examinations postponed.† (source)
- He showed such a convincing decision that the plan was postponed for an indefinite date.† (source)
- The first thing that she did was to set a definite date for the postponed telepathic operation.† (source)
- I tried disobeying him on it once....but it was postponed and I never tried to see one again.† (source)
- "And don't postpone it, either," Noah added.† (source)
- Instead, she decided to postpone the matter until after we returned from our summer trip.† (source)
- "I know what you mean," Archie said, postponing the showdown.† (source)
- I can think of several ways, but that's a question we can postpone, we haven't time for it now.† (source)
- And far worse, they told me that our final conference is postponed yet again.† (source)
- Doing Lunch With Mr. Lawler will postpone exacting revenge.† (source)
- Your judgement was postponed until the morning; but that is now at hand.† (source)
- Somebody wanted the media to know the wedding's been postponed.† (source)
- The question of sleeping arrangements could not be postponed much longer.† (source)
- You're leaving in a couple of days:' I already told you I could postpone it.† (source)
- Over and over again, Smith postponed Seabiscuit's workouts.† (source)
- But just send out weekly announcements postponing the parades.† (source)
- If you like, we can postpone the briefing for a few hours so you can rest, calm down.† (source)
- Then we might want to postpone the attack on great China at least twenty-four hours.† (source)
- Travis knew he couldn't postpone seeing her any longer, and he rose from his seat.† (source)
- Word's leaked that the ceremony will be postponed until the first part of next year.† (source)
- You're not thinking of asking Anna to postpone the wedding, are you?† (source)
- Even during the war the August races were not to be postponed.† (source)
- Instead, the power to ban it is postponed until 1808.† (source)
- Inkatha was attempting to postpone the election, but neither Mr. de Klerk nor I would budge.† (source)
- A partial transcript of the conference follows: Q: Jack, when does this postponement go into effect?† (source)
- I have a meeting at 11:00 that I can't postpone.† (source)
- Qurong will postpone our wedding until the Books are found.† (source)
- "Lieutenant Dallas's testing was postponed at my order," Whitney said with snarling fury.† (source)
- No, I came to speak to the judge about the postponement.† (source)
- "We'll have to postpone the meeting a bit longer," he said.† (source)
- They've postponed your court date until late October?† (source)
- Why has the case been postponed for four months?† (source)
- The earliest it could come out is August, and it can be postponed further if you need more time.† (source)
- So no chance of a postponement or anything like that?† (source)
- Had it succeeded, it would surely have postponed the September 15 target date.† (source)
- Lord Mara," Yama replied, "but I have waited too long for this opportunity to postpone it further.† (source)
- Trying to persuade Caroline was a task he had postponed.† (source)
- This had postponed the call to the hospital.† (source)
- To him it was always something postponed, like the paying off of the mortgage.† (source)
- I postponed my departure long enough to pay my respects at Kendra's funeral, then left for what was now to be a solitary journey.† (source)
- Usually I just slip away to somewhere quiet, though if I'm traveling or in a dangerous situation, sometimes I postpone prayers until I'm sure it's safe.† (source)
- I have postponed your day of choice.† (source)
- "If I thought I could help you," Dumbledore said gently, "by putting you into an enchanted sleep and allowing you to postpone the moment when you would have to think about what has happened tonight, I would do it.† (source)
- I tried to talk to Harley, hoping he might postpone the race, but the boy brushed me off with a simple "Nah."† (source)
- When Pietro Crespi found out about the new postponement, he went through a crisis of disappointment, but Rebeca gave him a final proof of her loyalty.† (source)
- To postpone the moment when he would have to look at Cho, he stared up at the ceiling as though examining the paintwork and received a handful of confetti in the face from their hovering cherub.† (source)
- Postponing the ceremony before it starts is grounds alone for an inquiry, but after the doors are sealed nothing intervenes.† (source)
- This detention's already been postponed once; Snape did it for Dumbledore, but he won't do it for anyone else.† (source)
- I couldn't pinpoint everything, but there was a delicious hint of garlic in the air, and I suddenly had a new reason to hate this date: I had to postpone actually eating.† (source)
- We'll have to postpone the wedding.† (source)
- 'Over here,' said Harry, glad of a reason to postpone his meeting with Snape, and beckoning her across to the corner of the Entrance Hall where the giant hourglasses stood.† (source)
- Moreover, the artist's eerie eccentricities projected an admittedly demonic aura: Da Vinci exhumed corpses to study human anatomy; he kept mysterious journals in illegible reverse handwriting; he believed he possessed the alchemic power to turn lead into gold and even cheat God by creating an elixir to postpone death; and his inventions included horrific, never-before-imagined weapons of war and torture.† (source)
- Yesterday Peter and I finally got around to having the talk we've been postponing for the last ten days.† (source)
- Yoga classes and basketball games and theater performances would be postponed, but no one ever canceled real life.† (source)
- Each time, because of a real difficulty at the last minute or because of an ill-timed failure of his own will, his trip was postponed just as they were about to raise the gangplank: always for a reason that had something to do with Fermina Daza.† (source)
- The date of her arrival had been postponed three times now — she wasn't packed yet, she'd had a cold, she'd lost the ticket.† (source)
- Alba was growing rapidly, and Blanca understood that she would not be able to rely much longer on the excuse that she had to watch over her daughter in order to postpone her lover's needs, but she still preferred to put off the decision to some other time.† (source)
- Postpone?† (source)
- We kept inching backward, dodging acid splashes and deflecting snapping heads without cutting them off, but I knew we were only postponing our deaths.† (source)
- Teabing sensed that if they were to have any chance of postponing confrontation with the British authorities long enough to find the Grail, bold action had to be taken.† (source)
- He was anxious to see if the wheel worked, but at the same time "would gladly have assented to postpone the trial."† (source)
- She had postponed their most recent scheduled meeting with the excuse that she had to work, and a vague sense of uneasiness gnawed at him.† (source)
- The only place people could congregate was in church, so religion quickly became fashionable, and priests and nuns were forced to postpone their spiritual tasks in order to minister to the earthly needs of their lost flocks.† (source)
- Their revolution postponed for the Time Being by Comrade E. M. S. Namboodiripad (Soviet Stooge, Running Dog).† (source)
- And so the burning was postponed, it was always postponed, and things were only shifted from their places of privilege to the stables that had been transformed into storage bins for remnants, while the spaces that had been cleared, just as he predicted, began to fill up again, to overflow with things that lived for a moment and then went to die in the closets: until the next time.† (source)
- Postpone?† (source)
- They led him to the office of the Nuncio, who was waiting for him dressed in his bishop's cassock and holding a new safeconduct pass that would allow him to go abroad with Blanca, who had decided to live out in exile the love she had postponed since her childhood.† (source)
- Then, if you're still not — you know — as good as you'd like to be, you can postpone the test, do it with me over the summer — Myrtle, this is the boys' bathroom!† (source)
- Wedding postponed until tonight.† (source)
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