collegialin a sentence
- So, having been raised on the principle that civilized men should share their concerns and proceed in the spirit of collegial common sense, the Count crossed the dining room and followed the Bishop into the hall.† (source)
- "I know," said Martin amicably, with a collegial glance at me, as if to say: hey, these Russians—nuts, am I right?† (source)
- Hands clasped in front of him, suavely collegial, Nathaniel tells Snyder that his mentor, Mr. Harry Barnoff, put in forty-six years with the Cleveland Orchestra.† (source)
- He and Hemlatha were civil, collegial, and even friendly outside the operating theater.† (source)
- They are acutely conscious of themselves and everything they pass, busily affecting gaits and postures and instant smiles that suit this collegial moment.† (source)
- He and Jim and Jaime had tried hard to establish collegial relations with the Peruvian medical establishment, and now, because of traffic, he'd kept a group of proud doctors waiting over an hour for him.† (source)
- "Collegial?" said Alex.† (source)
- It was fascinating that despite the collegial atmosphere they had shared for so many years at the Section, hardly any of them socialized with each other in their free time.† (source)
- I remember all this now because it seems to me the truer feeling of the time was somehow that uncomfortable one, rather than the collegial atmosphere of the convention or of my golfing trips, and it makes me now consider my many good years here in Bed-ley Run in a slightly different light.† (source)
- She was drawn to teaching in large part because she enjoyed the collaborative, collegial environment.
- Our committee members are professional and collegial despite differing party affiliations.
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- People don't want bosses who are ... just telling them what to do and not creating a strong collegial relationship with give and take. (source)
- I've brought a few delicacies from the sea for your collegial gathering before the evening meal which I have personally attended to at the side of the chef who has been known to be prone to errors without expert guidance which I was all too happy to provide.† (source)
- I WANT TO do that very thing now, of course, slow at each door and awning and window case and flip down the passenger-side window of my old and lumbering gray Mercedes coupe and perhaps not so softly call out my general gratitude for the collegial thoughts and kindnesses, but it's the selling hour, after all, and what would I be doing but disturbing the bustling morning of the town's activity by showing myself in an odd one-man parade that evokes no one's great nostalgia or longing.† (source)
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