cubismin a sentence
Picasso was a pioneer of cubism.
cubism = an artistic movement that featured surfaces of geometrical planes to depict three-dimensional organic forms
I sketch a Cubist tree with hundreds of skinny rectangles for branches.
cubist = of the artistic movement pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque that features surfaces of geometrical planes to depict three-dimensional organic forms
- All the cubist stuff was gimmicky, as far as she was concerned.† (source)
- While being interviewed by an American art magazine, Saunière had expressed his distaste for the modernist Cubist movement by noting that Picasso's masterpiece Les Demoiselles d'Avignon was a perfect anagram of vile meaningless doodles.† (source)
- She's watching Nathaniel intently, as if studying a Cubist painting.† (source)
- Cass and Eric moved in some panic through this crowd, trying to find a quieter place; through fields of French impressionists and cubists and cacophonous modern masters, into a smaller room dominated by an enormous painting, executed, principally, in red, before which two students, a girl and a boy, stood holding hands.† (source)
- Carved out of blocks of gray-black stone, with a square crown on its head, that cubist lion resembled a chess piece.† (source)
- If she couldn't love her fourteen-year-old schoolboy, she could at least love cubism.† (source)
- The tenor was hitting cubist notes and we'd had a number of half drinks and the drummer was firing rim shots or whatever they do and in the local noise and the wider dislocation of a nightscape that was unfamiliar, I tried to understand what Sims was saying.† (source)
- You would talk about intensity and self-denial, while throwing around words like Futurism, Bauhaus, and synthetic Cubism.† (source)
- I say hello to my poster of Maya and my Cubist tree.† (source)
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- "You did a good job with that Cubist sketch," he says.† (source)
- Cubism.† (source)
- He spoke of Fauvism, Cubism, Expressionism, and Futurism—words I'd never heard before—and I was struck not only by the subtle distinctions that he drew, but by the hunger with which Ruth devoured every word.† (source)
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