notary publicin a sentence
- She just kept raising her kids, working various jobs as a barber, notary public, chemical mixer at a cement plant, grocery store clerk, limousine driver.† (source)
- They found a public notary there who said he would certify a document that said that Orest Mercator spent so many days incarcerated with these venomous reptiles blah blah blah.† (source)
- To make a valid will, one that is handwritten on the back of a grocery bag or one typed by five secretaries in a big law office and signed before a notary public, one has to have testamentary capacity.† (source)
- The office was located on the second floor of a building between a notary public and Dr. Zatarain's venereal clinic.† (source)
- We don't have a notary public in our offices, but there is one downstairs in the bank.
- The court reporter was also a notary public.† (source)
- A statement given by a witness sworn before a notary public.† (source)
- He had remained a notary public and insurance agent, and he got himself accredited by the gas, electric, and telephone companies to take payment of bills.† (source)
- But he told me he could save me that trouble, and so caused me to enter my name with a public notary, as likewise my affidavit, with a procuration affixed to it; and this he ordered me to send in a letter to one of his acquaintance, a merchant in Brazil; and, indeed, nothing could be more faithfully and honourably observed; for, in seven months time, I had a very faithful account of all my effects, what sums of money were raised, what expended, and what remained for myself!† (source)