pawn shopin a sentence
She put up her wedding ring at the pawn shop to get a 1-week loan so she could fix her car.
pawn shop = a shop that offers loans to people who use their personal property as collateral
The pawn shop owner asked me if I wanted to sell or borrow.
pawn shop = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral, or that purchases the personal property outright
The pawn shop wanted to charge too much interest.
pawn shop = a shop that offers loans to people who use their personal property as collateral
Daddy almost lost his wedding ring to that pawnshop once.
pawnshop = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral
Then he and Aunt Alice walked out, already discussing how much the computer might fetch at a pawnshop.
pawnshop = a shop that either offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral, or that purchases the personal property outright
Most folks come into a pawnshop down on their luck, ready to trade in everything they own, from TVs to family heirlooms, in exchange for a little quick cash.
pawnshop = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral (collateral means the property is sold by the lender if the loan isn't repaid)
Our little caravan headed west on Eighty-Sixth Street to Michigan Road, and then followed it down past Walmart, past the pawnshops and payday loan outfits to the gates of Davis's estate across the road from the art museum.
pawnshops = shops that offer loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral
Richie's pawnshop has long since closed, though a hideous yellow and green sign still marks the site, so far as I know.
pawnshop = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral
They passed the boarded-up shop fronts in Redd Plaza, the pawnshops and moneylenders in Redd Square, and the mammoth complex of Redd Towers Apartments, whose advertising slogan, "If you lived here, you'd be home by now," did little to fill vacancies.
pawnshops = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral (collateral means the property is sold by the lender if the loan isn't repaid)
- She'll buy a radio, a small tinny secondhand one, at the pawnshop; she'll listen to the news, to keep up with current events.† (source)
- Someone else gave her two silver candlesticks, which she took to the pawnshop the very next day.† (source)
- They would fetch a taxi then and take it all to a pawnshop.† (source)
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- "Anyway, the Thug saw something at the pawnshop and we picked it up for you "Can I open it?"† (source)
- That night, we camped out behind a pawn shop that had a pair of old chairs and a ripped-up couch lying in its alley.† (source)
- No. Can Sascha walk in a pawn shop and get a loan on the painting?† (source)
- "There's a tiny pawnshop on the corner across from my office," Mr. Powell said, lowering the towel.† (source)
- I knew which pawnshops bought goods "from uncle" with no questions asked.† (source)
- I thought you took that suit to the pawnshop?† (source)
- Even if Sidewinder bad a pawnshop, which it didn't, they had nothing to hock but Wendy's ninety-dollar diamond engagement ring and the Sony AM/FM radio.† (source)
- He did not remember going through a pawnshop window, and the next week, when he hovered near death at the Yale-New Haven hospital, was a complete blank.† (source)
- About fifty feet away, the only exit opened onto a street with grimy storefronts for a bail bondsman's office and a pawnshop.† (source)
- The guitar I bought at a pawnshop with my pizza-delivery earnings when I was a teenager.† (source)
- In similar fashion, we hock the jewelry at three pawnshops, in three towns.† (source)
- From there, after purchasing by check a diamond engagement ring and diamond wedding band, they drove to a pawnshop to dispose of these items.† (source)
- The bus rumbles along a ravine that winds down from College Hill onto a wide asphalt plain of pawn shops, convenience marts, and vacant stores.† (source)
- Of course, it could have been anyone—someone wanting to make a quick buck grabbing items that could be sold in pawnshops—but the way it had been done suggested otherwise.† (source)
- Wide, stucco-lined boulevards of gas stations, gun dealerships, pawnshops.† (source)
- You have insisted on my entertaining you to an exceedingly expensive, not to say ostentatious, lunch, though I was obliged to pawn my watch and chain in order to do so (and let me tell you, Ma'am, that none of our family have been in the habit of frequenting pawnshops, except my cousin Edward, and he was in the Yeomanry).† (source)
- So the two-thousand-dollar two-carat diamond went to a pawnshop, where Reba traded it for thirty dollars at first and then, accompanied by a storming Pilate, she went back and got one hundred and seventy more for it.† (source)
- THE district offices were located in a converted church structure, the main floor of which was occupied by a pawn shop, its window crammed with loot that gleamed dully in the darkened street.† (source)
- The first required a trip to the secondhand stores and pawn shops in Montmartre, where he found faded trousers and a surplus French army shirt, and an equally faded small combat ribbon that denoted a wounded veteran.† (source)
- Of course there were a lot of people working, too, in hair-braiding salons, pawnshops, small grocery stores and liquor stores, and there seemed to be at least as many people working at tables on the sidewalks, hawking music tapes, pocketbooks, wristwatches, clothes.† (source)
- She looked at him, she looked around them-there was a filthy mattress hanging on somebody's window sill, a pawnshop across the street, a garbage pail at the stoop beside them-one did not ask such a question in such a place, she did not know what it meant, and she answered, "I guess I ....I haven't any sense of humor."† (source)
- He crossed the street and started down a block he hardly ever walked on, a block of low apartment buildings, a store-front church, a delicatessen, a pawn shop, and on the corner, a bar.† (source)
- The knife comes from a little pawnshop three blocks from his house.† (source)
- Take them to a pawnshop.† (source)
- Wants to know if you want pawnshops checked for the clothes.† (source)
- Latticed in pawnshop iron, an old saber caught the glint of a street lamp, a mandolin's belly glowed.† (source)
- After too long a time, the image of Jerry Church appeared against a background of pawnshop debris.† (source)
- Along each of these avenues, and along each major side street-116th, 125th, 135th, and so on—bars, stores, pawnshops, restaurants, even little luncheonettes had been smashed open and entered and looted—looted, it might be added, with more haste than efficiency.† (source)
Glass shatters at the pawnshop on the next block.
pawnshop = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral
The man inherited the pawnshop from his brother, who had died of a heart attack.
pawnshop = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral (collateral means the property is sold by the lender if the loan isn't repaid)
The pawnshops and military checkpoints, the ear-clutter of recorded voices declaring "Better Redd than dead" and "The Redd way is the right way."
pawnshops = shops that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral (collateral means the property is sold by the lender if the loan isn't repaid)
This usually wasn't a problem, because I had a talent for finding and fixing old computers and busted OASIS consoles, which I sold to pawnshops or traded for food vouchers.
pawnshops = a shop that either offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral, or that purchases the personal property outright
Sure, they have money now, thanks to Lev's "deal" at that pawnshop, but the money's only good for buying food.
pawnshop = a shop that offers loans to individuals who use their personal property as collateral (collateral means the property is sold by the lender if the loan isn't repaid)
- This is a pawnshop isn't it? (source)
- You couldn't go down to the pawnshop and sell me.† (source)
- "I thought you wanted to take him back to the pawnshop," Kris replied, thinking quickly.† (source)
- Then I visited a pawnshop called the Bent Penny, and asked a few more pointed questions.† (source)
- They go to the pawnshop, and that's what she will have done as well.† (source)
- DOAKER: They got another pawnshop up on Wylie.† (source)
- On Monday, I'm taking him back to the pawnshop.† (source)
- A check of the pawnshop-ticket files failed to reflect any information about the missing radio.† (source)
- You wait till we tackle one of these pawnshops.† (source)
- A queasy shuddering seized the pawnshop and shook it into horrible vibration.† (source)
- The pawnshop check had turned up nothing, as Clumly had expected.† (source)
- This was Laila's first time out of the house in weeks, discounting the short trip to the pawnshop the day before-where she had pushed her wedding ring across a glass counter, where she'd walked out thrilled by the finality of it, knowing there was no going back.† (source)
- She asks if I want more eggs and I say yes, and she tells me about a new Internet café that has gone up where Mr. Roussos's old pawnshop used to sit.† (source)
- I was just about to head back to the University when my restless pacing took me by a pawnshop's window.† (source)
- This is not a pawnshop.† (source)
- It was these two boys who stole his camera two months after he'd moved in, selling it at a pawnshop in order to buy cigarettes.† (source)
- Tears for the deaths of the littlest things: the castaway shoes of children; broken stems of marsh grass battered and drowned by the sea; prom photographs of dead women she never knew; wedding rings in pawnshop windows; the tidy bodies of Cornish hens in a nest of rice.† (source)
- But the man at the pawnshop said he'd bought the camera from them, and no one believed their protests.† (source)
- He suddenly realized he was on the familiar block of low apartment buildings, a store-front church, a delicatessen, a pawn shop, and on the corner, a bar.† (source)
- From behind the rotted posts of what had once been a corner vegetable stand, Dagny glanced furtively back at the street: the rare lamp posts broke the street into separate islands, she could see a pawnshop in the first patch of light, a saloon in the next, a church in the farthest, and black gaps between them; the sidewalks were deserted; it was hard to tell, but the street seemed empty.† (source)
- "You wahn know who started it?" a man holding a pair of binoculars called from the window of a pawnshop.† (source)
- She considered throwing it in the garbage, but instead she decided to stash it in her drawers and sell it at one of the local pawnshops later, when all this was settled.† (source)
- These pawnshops made an identification of Smith as being familiar, but were unable to furnish any further information.† (source)
- Cursing Jack and the Brotherhood I moved around a steel grill torn from the front of a pawnshop, seeing the troopers galloping back and the riders lifting the horses to charge again, grim and skillful in white steel helmets, and the charge beginning.† (source)
- The detective handling the pawnshop detail took photographs of Smith and Hickock to each of the pawnshops in town and also made a personal check of each shop for the radio.† (source)
- The detective handling the pawnshop detail took photographs of Smith and Hickock to each of the pawnshops in town and also made a personal check of each shop for the radio.† (source)
- It was suicide, without guns it was suicide, and not even the pawnshops here had guns for sale; and yet I knew with a shattering dread that the uproar which for the moment marked primarily the crash of men against things-against stores, markets-could swiftly become the crash of men against men and with most of the guns and numbers on the other side.† (source)
- Among the elements contributing to Dewey's confidence was the recovery of the radio and pair of binoculars the murderers had stolen from the Clutter house and subsequently disposed of in Mexico City (where, having flown there for the purpose, K.B.I. Agent Harold Nye traced them to a pawnshop).† (source)
- Much smarter," murmured Reich, and flagged a Jumper to Jerry Church's pawnshop on the upper west side.† (source)
- Miller's men would have the pawnshops covered by noon, and there would be answers by then from the State Police lab and the F.B.I.—worthless answers, Clumly had a hunch.† (source)
- As Powell opened the door, flooding the pawnshop with the cold argent street light, Church suddenly called: "Just a minute."† (source)
- Ghetto skins along by pawning and whining to the grocer to keep the kids alive, buying groceries on credit—no serious business anywhere in sight except for the houses of ill repute and the junky line—can't even slip over to the posh sections for the stealing business, no cars to get there—and the place getting thicker and thicker with people, all boiling like white-hot lead, half of them ready to kill you on sight from pure jealousy and imaginary or real persecution—and now the insurance people pull out, pawnshops and grocers and taverns shut down, no more hope for them, nothing in sight but violence.† (source)
- — 11 The pawnshop was in darkness.† (source)
- The pawnshop door opened a slit.† (source)
- The light came from the window of a pawnshop.† (source)
- He thought, the most indecent sight on earth, a pawnshop window.† (source)
- He had never set foot inside his pawnshop which he had inherited along with an efficient manager.† (source)
- Mr. Tomony who owned the pawnshop came home in a hansom cab from his spendthrift evening in New York.† (source)
- Uncle Morris Teitlebaum's pawn shop, which was on the righthand side of South Main Street, and which Dick had passed less than an hour before in his murderous march towards town, was, unlike Joyner's hardware store, securely protected at night by strong bars over the doors and show windows.† (source)
- Well, eventually, my dear, we found the pawnshop where Sebastian was p-p-popping them and then he hadn't got the tickets; there was a market for them, too, at the bistro.† (source)
- He was glad of the chance because he hadn't had his hand on a box since he put his in the pawn shop to get some money to hire a car for Janie soon after he met her.† (source)
- Francie liked the pawnshop almost the best—not for the treasures prodigiously thrown into its barred windows; not for the shadowy adventure of shawled women slipping into the side entrance, but for the three large golden balls that hung high above the shop and gleamed in the sun or swayed languorously like heavy golden apples when the wind blew.† (source)
- He went and got his pay and his tools, which he left in a pawnshop for fifty cents.† (source)
- The pawnshop had sold the plates of his Flora after the expiration of thirteen months.† (source)
- Sometimes things went wrong, and she found herself with no money at all; then her trifling possessions found their way to a pawnshop in the Vauxhall Bridge Road, and she ate bread and butter till things grew brighter.† (source)
- He took the trinkets, carried them to the most presentable pawnshop he could find, and being offered forty-five dollars for the lot, took it.† (source)
- But these two, being no more troubled with visions of the Mediterranean than of the moon, and being compelled to keep more of their clothes in the pawnshop, and less on their persons, in winter than in summer, are not depressed by the cold: rather are they stung into vivacity, to which their meal has just now given an almost jolly turn.† (source)
- In fact, he agreed to take the trinkets to the pawnshop, and to advance her five more for the time being until the difference between whatever the trinkets brought and one hundred dollars was made up.† (source)
- I was thinking if I could get you to go to some good pawnshop with them down near where you work, and then if you would let me have five more a week for a while" (Clyde's countenance fell)—"I could get a friend of mine—Mr.† (source)
- In that case he would retain the knife in his possession, not daring to offer it for sale, or for pledge in a pawnshop.† (source)
- For them too history was a tale like any other too often heard, their land a pawnshop.† (source)
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