unilateralin a sentence
Rather than await negotiations, the country unilaterally cut tariffs on imports.
unilaterally = in a manner that did not involve others
NATO is still considering a motion of common defense while the US government is on the brink of taking unilateral action—
unilateral = done alone without others
Henry was furious with Dad for unilaterally quitting the band, especially since Mom had said he could still play shows.
unilaterally = in a manner that did not involve others
Swaney told Luma that he couldn't unilaterally allow her to use the empty field, but that she was free to make her case to the Clarkston City Council.
unilaterally = by himself
And such unilateral action was costly diplomatically, enraging other countries and putting Britain in open conflict with rival military powers.
unilateral = done alone without others
It would be neither fitting nor efficacious for this Government to undertake to draw up unilaterally a program designed to place Europe on its feet economically.
unilaterally = alone (without involving others)
- Such aid -- Such aid is not an act of war, even if a dictator should unilaterally proclaim it so to be. (source)
He turned squarely from her and, peering earnestly at Kennicott, resumed, "Doctor, what's been your experience with unilateral pyelonephritis?"
unilateral = involving only 1 (in this case 1 kidney instead of 2)
She made a unilateral decision.
unilateral = made alone without others