bohemianin a sentence
Though raised by a banker, after college she lived a bohemian lifestyle.
bohemian = a person (often a writer or artist) living an unconventional life
- That was probably why the Communists were always cracking down on Bohemianism.† (source)
- Down with Bohemianism, the sin of Mayakovsky.† (source)
- And Miss Lavish, though unwilling to ally him, felt bound to support the cause of Bohemianism.† (source)
- He appeared to have the same independence of thought, the same bohemianism, but he had an infinitely more vivacious temperament; his mind was coarser, and he had not that interest in the abstract which made Cronshaw's conversation so captivating.† (source)
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- Stella was a headstrong woman with bohemian tastes and driving artistic ambitions, for both herself and her kin; she self-published a literary journal, theRuess Quartette, the cover of which was emblazoned with the family maxim: "Glorify the hour."† (source)
- She dressed in bohemian clothes, penned novels, painted, and yearned to roam forgotten corners of the world.† (source)
- It was a nice color coordination the way the Bohemian Madonna's skin was set off by the golds in the honey.† (source)
- Of course, at the time I didn't think she intended to raise you in a bohemian artist's loft in Greenwich Village, but I will admit that it doesn't seem to have done you any harm.† (source)
- She found her style—a sort of bohemian-hipster-girl thing, with lots of layers, lace-up boots, and APC jeans, which she bought on a trip to Paris—read French philosophers, and traveled on the Eurail with just an outdated map and a change of underwear.† (source)
- Learn all the words to 'Bohemian Rhapsody.'† (source)
- She had arranged three stools in a row, while she herself jammed her rump into an ancient baby's high chair—a bohemian touch that gave her a tennis umpire's advantage of height.† (source)
- Outside the Papal Palace, she spoke nearly without pause, the names of all the saints and popes and cardinals spilling from her as we strolled through the cathedral square amid the flocks of doves, the tourists, the African merchants in bright tunics selling bracelets and imitation watches, the young, bespectacled musician, sitting on an apple crate, playing "Bohemian Rhapsody— on his acoustic guitar.† (source)
- In Women in Love he pillories the bohemian-ism of the artsy sets of his day, whether the Bloomsbury circle or the group that Lady Ottoline Morrell, the self-consciously bohemian patroness of the arts, gathered around herself.† (source)
- In Mitchell's famed discoveries for The New Yorker magazine, Joe Gould, aka Jonathan Sea Gull, was a Bowery bohemian, urban philosopher, historian and unpublished writer twenty-six years into An Oral History of Our Time, a tattered manuscript he carried around while talking to pigeons and otherwise annoying those who dismissed him as a bum and a loon, in part for his occasional impersonation of a sea gull.† (source)
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- Only today, it wasn't blaring "Bohemian Rhapsody."† (source)
- Supposed to look bohemian, she supposed.† (source)
- In the years that followed, a group of Gurdjieff students, Rosicrucians, spiritualists, and sleepless bohemians gathered around Clara and the three Mora sisters.† (source)
- There was a groovy café, the Java Monkey, a bar specializing in European beer called the Brick Store Pub, and an old-school bohemian music venue called Eddie's Attic.† (source)
- Later on she sold the silver service and bought ceramic dishes, pewter bowls and soup spoons, and alpaca tablecloths, and with them brought poverty to the cupboards that had been accustomed to India Company chinaware and Bohemian crystal.† (source)
- Ray Kroc's attempts to add new dishes to McDonald's menu — such as Kolacky, a Bohemian pastry, and the Hulaburger, a sandwich featuring grilled pineapple and cheese — were unsuccessful.† (source)
- He's a poet, man, he's bohemian!† (source)
- I was a poet, a bohemian, et cetera.† (source)
- Those images rose up before her now, even as she stared in disbelief—images in which her mother, looking healthy and happy, hugged Clary and told her how much she'd missed her but that everything was going to be all right now The mother in her imaginings bore very little resemblance to the woman who stood in front of her now She'd remembered Jocelyn as gentle and artistic, a little bohemian with her paint-splattered overalls, her red hair in pigtails or fastened up with a pencil into a messy bun.† (source)
- But let us return to the bowler hat: First, it was a vague reminder of a forgotten grandfather, the mayor of a small Bohemian town during the nineteenth century.† (source)
- All that concentrated power, the implosive life of the board, black and white, the autocratic beauty of winning, what a chestful of undisguisable pride—he defeated men, boys, the old and wise, the vigorous and quick, the bohemian cafe poets, friendly and smelly.† (source)
- They may want something traditional or something bohemian, something unique or something perfectly trendy.† (source)
- Felicity is about as bohemian as the Bank of England.† (source)
- I was a well-educated young lady from Boston with a thirst for bohemian counterculture and no clear plan.† (source)
- In the world Michael-Mary Graham inhabited, her mild liberalism, a residue of her Bohemian youth, and her posture of sensitive lady poet passed for anarchy.† (source)
- But by and large its inhabitants (mostly Irish, German, and Bohemian) were hardworking, honest people, who lived in modest frame houses of one and two stories.† (source)
- I guess they're what's termed bohemians.† (source)
- I mean do you have to be a goddam bohemian type, or dead, for Chrissake, to be a real poet?† (source)
- She'd go for trips to Jones Beach or for shopping or just "hanging out" in the downtown Bohemian neighborhoods, and if she was getting into trouble there, too, I hoped it was in the spirit of joyful rebellion and independence and enjoyment with her own set of comrades, which I should be glad to tolerate and understand.† (source)
- Leery of strong Protestant leanings in the Bohemian branch of the family, the Emperor, Rudolph II, had for a time withdrawn his patronage.† (source)
- It was a bohemian life, and it was attractive at first.† (source)
- They delivered it broken down, packed in several boxes that were unloaded along with the Viennese furniture, the Bohemian crystal, the table service from the Indies Company, the tablecloths from Holland, and a rich variety of lamps and candlesticks, hangings and drapes.† (source)
- Systematically, serenely, in the same parsimonious way in which he had papered the house with banknotes, he then set about smashing the Bohemian crystal ware against the walls, the hand-painted vases, the pictures of maidens in flower-laden boats, the mirrors in their gilded frames, everything that was breakable, from parlor to pantry, and he finished with the large earthen jar in the kitchen, which exploded in the middle of the courtyard with a hollow boom.† (source)
- The bridge emptied out into a twisting cobblestone street lined with tourist shops, shops selling blood-red garnets and big chunks of golden Polish amber, heavy Bohemian glass, and wooden toys.† (source)
- Miguel and Alba led him to the bohemian quarter.† (source)
- Might he be smoking the reefers she had read about in a magazine, these cigarettes that drove young men of bohemian inclination across the borders of insanity?† (source)
- He had also given him the address of a Socialist leader, who took him in and gave him a place to sleep his first few nights in the city and then found him a job singing folk songs in a bohemian cafe.† (source)
- Landscape gardening was no more than a bohemian fantasy, as well as a lame ambition—so he had analyzed it with the help of Freud—to replace or surpass his absent father.† (source)
- I didn't know then that loneliness would never leave me, and that the only person I would ever have close to me the rest of my life would be an eccentric, bohemian granddaughter with green hair like Rosa's.† (source)
- Interminable lines of people streamed by to shake my hand, cars blocked all the cemetery gates, and a hodgepodge of delegations—poor people, students, labor unionists, nuns, mongoloid children, bohemians, and spiritualists—came to pay her their respects.† (source)
- It is where all the bohemians live.† (source)
- And the worst part is, if you go bohemian or something crazy like that, you're conforming just as much as everybody else, only in a different way.† (source)
- There was nothing bohemian about the house or the lunch, and I discovered that I had been invited for the sake of one of the other guests.† (source)
- Blanche: We are going to be very Bohemian.† (source)
- Swearing love for art, they hovered on the edge of Bohemian life.† (source)
- In fact, the Circle's rendition of The Bohemian Girl was said by many to be far superior to professional performances heard in New York and New Orleans.† (source)
- She was a Bohemian of the peasant class and she had talked broken English to the end of her days.† (source)
- Her early, somewhat Bohemian training had made her something of a fatalist.† (source)
- Babbitt disapproved of Mr. and Mrs. Doppelbrau as "Bohemian."† (source)
- The Bohemians had come then, and after them the Poles.† (source)
- He wanted—Oh, he wanted to be one of these Bohemians you read about.† (source)
- "Yep, sleeves, it's for an ol' lady," Lukacek replied with a heavy Bohemian accent.† (source)
- There was scarcely anything by which she could recognize her handsome Bohemian neighbor.† (source)
- She was standing opposite me, pointing behind me and shouting something in Bohemian.† (source)
- We Blenkers are all like that ...real Bohemians!† (source)
- You may address me as the Count Von Kramm, a Bohemian nobleman.† (source)
- She went home, and that was the beginning and end of her Bohemian life.† (source)
- Well, it all smells of Bohemian New York to me.† (source)
- As they passed her, Alexandra was pleased to hear them speaking Bohemian to each other.† (source)
- His mother scowled and said sternly, 'Marek!' then spoke rapidly to Krajiek in Bohemian.† (source)
- It cannot be reported that Carol had anything significant to say to the Bohemians.† (source)
- He characterized Frank Shabata by a Bohemian expression which is the equivalent of stuffed shirt.† (source)
- The Shimerdas were the first Bohemian family to come to this part of the county.† (source)
- She said they always spoke Bohemian at home.† (source)
- "What else am I to do?" he cried hotly in Bohemian.† (source)
- Tony made a warm nest for him in her hands; talked to him gaily and indulgently in Bohemian.† (source)
- "Lots of the Bohemian boys at the University are," said Emil, taking up his scythe again.† (source)
- Cuzak had brought home with him a roll of illustrated Bohemian papers.† (source)
- You high-strung Bohemian can't understand us.† (source)
- Leo, in a low voice, tossed off some scornful remark in Bohemian.† (source)
- The Bohemians always like them with their coffee.† (source)
- Others, like the three Bohemian Marys, tried to make up for the years of youth they had lost.† (source)
- The Bohemians and Germans were so different.† (source)
- XVIII AFTER I BEGAN TO go to the country school, I saw less of the Bohemians.† (source)
- The Bohemians, you know, were tree worshipers before the missionaries came.† (source)
- Most Bohemians are good-natured, but Frank thinks we don't appreciate him here, I guess.† (source)
- But Bohemians has a natural distrust of Austrians.'† (source)
- Three big Bohemians were drinking raw alcohol, tinctured with oil of cinnamon.† (source)
- I was born a Bohemian, and a Bohemian I shall die.† (source)
- You probably won't be troubled with them if you adopt permanently the Bohemian manner of life.† (source)
- They've made up splendid packs for me—fit to cross the Bohemian mountains with.† (source)
- She went about from town to town among these Bohemians.† (source)
- "Poor man!" exclaimed the Bohemian, with an expression of kindly pity.† (source)
- Unhappy as was the Bohemian, this eccentric being still aroused some compassion in her.† (source)
- Look fair cousin, 'tis that wretched Bohemian with the goat.† (source)
- "What Bohemian with the goat?" he stammered.† (source)
- "Another reason for snatching our sister from his claws," replied the old Bohemian.† (source)
- "An old, enchanted church!" grumbled the aged Bohemian, Mathias Hungadi Spicali.† (source)
- The Bohemian turned pale, and her head drooped sadly on her breast.† (source)
- I'm afraid lest the Bohemian should see me.† (source)
- It was the Bohemians who stole her from me.† (source)
- These Bohemians are something like Guebrs, and adore the sun.† (source)
- Say, don't let me forget to ask you about what you did in that exopthalmic goiter case—that Bohemian woman at Wahkeenyan.† (source)
- It only remains, therefore, to discover what is wanted by this German who writes upon Bohemian paper and prefers wearing a mask to showing his face.† (source)
- He took her to see The Bohemian Girl and she felt elated as she sat in an unaccustomed part of the theatre with him.† (source)
- The Bohemians roared with laughter, and Marie's uncle hugged her until she cried, "Please don't, Uncle Joe!† (source)
- Wheatsylvania was a "good location," he said: solid Scandinavian and Dutch and German and Bohemian farmers who paid their bills.† (source)
- He should not forget, they said, that his father and mother were gentlefolk, and painting wasn't a serious profession; it was Bohemian, disreputable, immoral.† (source)
- It was incredible, but it was a fact, that Ellen, in spite of all her opportunities and her privileges, had become simply "Bohemian."† (source)
- But for a man of M. Vinteuil's sensibility it must have been far more painful than for a hardened man of the world to have to resign himself to one of those situations which are wrongly supposed to occur in Bohemian circles only; for they are produced whenever there needs to establish itself in the security necessary to its development a vice which Nature herself has planted in the soul of a child, perhaps by no more than blending the virtues of its father and mother, as she might blend the colours of their eyes.† (source)
- But Tanaduke's genius absorbed the many colors of the age, and he took to the Bohemian life, to their great disappointment.† (source)
- Tony and Lena and Tiny were always there, and the three Bohemian Marys, and the Danish laundry girls.† (source)
- There were four such flats in each building, and each of the four was a "boardinghouse" for the occupancy of foreigners—Lithuanians, Poles, Slovaks, or Bohemians.† (source)
- The retailer, he reported, had rented the upper floors of his property to a Bohemian ladies' tailor, who was now subletting some of the space.† (source)
- This ball was an exceptional affair, given some time before Shrovetide, in honor of the anniversary of the birth of a famous draftsman; and it was expected to be much gayer, noisier, more Bohemian than the ordinary masked ball.† (source)
- after all, and Mamma never came to say good night!" for I was in the country with my grandfather, who died years ago; and my body, the side upon which I was lying, loyally preserving from the past an impression which my mind should never have forgotten, brought back before my eyes the glimmering flame of the night-light in its bowl of Bohemian glass, shaped like an urn and hung by chains from the ceiling, and the chimney-piece of Siena marble in my bedroom at Combray, in my great-aunt's house, in those far distant days which, at the moment of waking, seemed present without being clearly denned, but would become plainer in a little while when I was properly awake.† (source)
- They drank, however: it was Bohemian.† (source)
- In the gossip at luncheon clubs, in discussions at the Parents' and Teachers' Association, in one frank signed protest sent to the Mayor, Martin was blamed for too strict an inspection of milk, for insufficiently strict inspection of milk; for permitting garbage to lie untouched, for persecuting the overworked garbage collectors; and when a case of small-pox appeared in the Bohemian section, there was an opinion that Martin had gone out personally and started it.† (source)
- The chicken salad and coffee suppers at the United Brethren Church; German Lutheran farmers singing ancient Teutonic hymns; the Hollanders, the Bohemians and Poles.† (source)
- "I've been to the Moulin Rouge," Ignatius Gallaher continued when the barman had removed their glasses, "and I've been to all the Bohemian cafes.† (source)
- He suspected, in turn, Bergotte, the painter, the Verdurins; paused for a moment to admire once again the wisdom of people in society, who refused to mix in the artistic circles in which such things were possible, were, perhaps, even openly avowed, as excellent jokes; but then he recalled the marks of honesty that were to be observed in those Bohemians, and contrasted them with the life of expedients, often bordering on fraudulence, to which the want of money, the craving for luxury, the corrupting influence of their pleasures often drove members of the aristocracy.† (source)
- With this house it had been the Irish first; and then a Bohemian family had lost a child of it—though, to be sure, that was uncertain, since it was hard to tell what was the matter with children who worked in the yards.† (source)
- It's so Bohemian!† (source)
- I had returned to civil practice and had finally abandoned Holmes in his Baker Street rooms, although I continually visited him and occasionally even persuaded him to forgo his Bohemian habits so far as to come and visit us.† (source)
- Although this Bohemian was as stocky as a badger and displayed an appetite quite amazing even for people up here, he had been asserting for four years now that he would soon die.† (source)
- He remembered with what amusement she had told him that her grandmother Mingott and the Wellands objected to her living in a "Bohemian" quarter given over to "people who wrote."† (source)
- Winsett himself had a savage abhorrence of social observances: Archer, who dressed in the evening because he thought it cleaner and more comfortable to do so, and who had never stopped to consider that cleanliness and comfort are two of the costliest items in a modest budget, regarded Winsett's attitude as part of the boring "Bohemian" pose that always made fashionable people, who changed their clothes without talking about it, and were not forever harping on the number of servants one kept, seem so much simpler and less self-conscious than the others.† (source)
- My own complete happiness, and the home-centred interests which rise up around the man who first finds himself master of his own establishment, were sufficient to absorb all my attention, while Holmes, who loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our lodgings in Baker Street, buried among his old books, and alternating from week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the drug, and the fierce energy of his own keen nature.† (source)
- It published a weekly in English, and one each in Bohemian and German; also there was a monthly published in Chicago, and a cooperative publishing house, that issued a million and a half of Socialist books and pamphlets every year.† (source)
- But since Wenzel the Bohemian, a man of musical sensitivities, who would certainly never mishandle or damage the instrument, was in charge on these occasions, Hans Castorp could hand it over with reasonable equanimity.† (source)
- They were the Bunch, wise and beautiful and amusing; they were Bohemians and urbanites, accustomed to all the luxuries of Zenith: dance-halls, movie-theaters, and roadhouses; and in a cynical superiority to people who were "slow" or "tightwad" they cackled: "Oh, Pete, did I tell you what that dub of a cashier said when I came in late yesterday?† (source)
- A rather fast crowd had come out, who drank cocktails in limousines and were promiscuously condescending and patronizing toward older people, and Eleanor with an esprit that hinted strongly of the boulevards, led many innocents still redolent of St. Timothy's and Farmington, into paths of Bohemian naughtiness.† (source)
- She drove home loving these friends who raced through moonlit snow, had Bohemian parties, and were about to create beauty in the theater.† (source)
- When he was again told to move on, he made his way to a "tough" place in the "Levee" district, where now and then he had gone with a certain rat-eyed Bohemian workingman of his acquaintance, seeking a woman.† (source)
- They were thirteen in all, not including Wenzel the Bohemian, who kept himself available for tending to Polyhymnia's needs and, having now readied her for service, took a place on a stool toward the middle of the room behind the others.† (source)
- He voted half a dozen times himself, and voted some of his friends as often; he brought bunch after bunch of the newest foreigners—Lithuanians, Poles, Bohemians, Slovaks—and when he had put them through the mill he turned them over to another man to take to the next polling place.† (source)
- He was also inclined to temper tantrums and had frequently clashed with Herr Wenzel about politics or other matters, for he was incensed by the nationalist aspirations of the Bohemian, who likewise declared himself an advocate of temperance and would sometimes cast moral aspersions on the brewer's profession, whereupon the latter would turn red-faced and defend the incontestable benefits to health found in the beverage with which his interests were so intimately entwined.† (source)
- They were all permanent residents, either firmly rooted or at least of very long standing, like Dr. Ting-Fu and Wenzel the Bohemian, whom he met on the stairs, and the group they greeted in Dr. Krokowski's office: Herr Ferge and Heir Wehsal for instance, the prosecutor, the ladies Levi and Kleefeld, not to mention those who had told him about the apparition of Holger's head, and, of course, the medium herself, Elly Brand.† (source)
- The Bohemian and Scandinavian girls could not get positions as teachers, because they had had no opportunity to learn the language.† (source)
- She'll work all day and go to a Bohemian wedding and dance all night, and drive the hay wagon for a cross man next morning.† (source)
- When I closed my eyes I could hear them all laughing—the Danish laundry girls and the three Bohemian Marys.† (source)
- V WE KNEW THAT THINGS were hard for our Bohemian neighbours, but the two girls were lighthearted and never complained.† (source)
- He was playing with a little Bohemian girl, Marie Tovesky, who was tying her handkerchief over the kitten's head for a bonnet.† (source)
- After twisting and screwing the keys, he played some Bohemian airs, without the organ to hold him back, and that went better.† (source)
- There was often an interesting discontent in his blue eyes, and every Bohemian girl he met imagined herself the cause of that unsatisfied expression.† (source)
- III ON SUNDAY MORNING Otto Fuchs was to drive us over to make the acquaintance of our new Bohemian neighbours.† (source)
- Marie is going to tell fortunes, and she sent to Omaha for a Bohemian dress her father brought back from a visit to the old country.† (source)
- Antonia and Ambrosch were talking in Bohemian; disputing about which of them had done more ploughing that day.† (source)
- One Sunday, late in the summer after Marie's graduation, she met Frank at a Bohemian picnic down the river and went rowing with him all the afternoon.† (source)
- I ought to be thankful that this path hasn't been worn by—well, by friends with more pressing errands than your little Bohemian is likely to have.† (source)
- Before I got into the wagon, he took a book out of his pocket, opened it, and showed me a page with two alphabets, one English and the other Bohemian.† (source)
- The French and Bohemian boys were spirited and jolly, liked variety, and were as much predisposed to favor anything new as the Scandinavian boys were to reject it.† (source)
- In his saloon there were long tables where the Bohemian and German farmers could eat the lunches they brought from home while they drank their beer.† (source)
- She was barely sixteen, and was in the graduating class of the Omaha High School, when Frank Shabata arrived from the old country and set all the Bohemian girls in a flutter.† (source)
- The Bohemian family, grandmother told me as we drove along, had bought the homestead of a fellow countryman, Peter Krajiek, and had paid him more than it was worth.† (source)
- Why did she like so many people, and why had she seemed pleased when all the French and Bohemian boys, and the priest himself, crowded round her candy stand?† (source)
- I heard of her from time to time; that she married, very soon after I last saw her, a young Bohemian, a cousin of Anton Jelinek; that they were poor, and had a large family.† (source)
- He took a little flight with each of the more eligible Bohemian girls, but it was when he was with little Marie Tovesky that he drew his handkerchief out most slowly, and, after he had lit a fresh cigar, dropped the match most despairingly.† (source)
- Antonia spoke to Leo in Bohemian.† (source)
- During that burning day when we were crossing Iowa, our talk kept returning to a central figure, a Bohemian girl whom we had known long ago and whom both of us admired.† (source)
- That big Bohemian, is it?† (source)
- She said they came from a part of Russia where the language was not very different from Bohemian, and if I wanted to go to their place, she could talk to them for me.† (source)
- Do you remember how all the Bohemians crowded round her in the store that day, when she gave Emil her candy?† (source)
- Don't they ever teach you in your history classes that you'd all be heathen Turks if it hadn't been for the Bohemians?† (source)
- NOTE: The Bohemian name Antonia is strongly accented on the first syllable, like the English name Anthony, and the 'i' is, of course, given the sound of long 'e'.† (source)
- Fuchs brought home with him a stranger, a young Bohemian who had taken a homestead near Black Hawk, and who came on his only horse to help his fellow countrymen in their trouble.† (source)
- "The Bohemians," said Alexandra, as they drew up to the table, "certainly know how to make more kinds of bread than any other people in the world.† (source)
- VII Marie's father, Albert Tovesky, was one of the more intelligent Bohemians who came West in the early seventies.† (source)
- He stood by her chair, leaning his elbows on her knees and twisting her apron strings in his slender fingers, while he told her his story softly in Bohemian, and the tears brimmed over and hung on his long lashes.† (source)
- By the way, they were Bohemians.† (source)
- She made Mrs. Shimerda understand the friendly intention of our visit, and the Bohemian woman handled the loaves of bread and even smelled them, and examined the pies with lively curiosity, exclaiming, 'Much good, much thank!'† (source)
- The patch of yellow sunlight on the floor travelled back toward the stairway, and grandmother and I talked about my journey, and about the arrival of the new Bohemian family; she said they were to be our nearest neighbours.† (source)
- To-day the best that a harassed Black Hawk merchant can hope for is to sell provisions and farm machinery and automobiles to the rich farms where that first crop of stalwart Bohemian and Scandinavian girls are now the mistresses.† (source)
- On his way home from his dull call, he would perhaps meet Tony and Lena, coming along the sidewalk whispering to each other, or the three Bohemian Marys in their long plush coats and caps, comporting themselves with a dignity that only made their eventful histories the more piquant.† (source)
- Mrs. Harling gave us a lively account of Ambrosch's behaviour throughout the interview; how he kept jumping up and putting on his cap as if he were through with the whole business, and how his mother tweaked his coat-tail and prompted him in Bohemian.† (source)
- They had been gathered, probably, in some deep Bohemian forest.... XI DURING THE WEEK before Christmas, Jake was the most important person of our household, for he was to go to town and do all our Christmas shopping.† (source)
- Grandmother murmured something in embarrassment, but the Bohemian woman laughed scornfully, a kind of whinny-laugh, and, catching up an empty coffee-pot from the shelf, shook it at us with a look positively vindictive.† (source)
- After the concert was over, Antonia brought out a big boxful of photographs: she and Anton in their wedding clothes, holding hands; her brother Ambrosch and his very fat wife, who had a farm of her own, and who bossed her husband, I was delighted to hear; the three Bohemian Marys and their large families.† (source)
- Sometimes there were Bohemians from Wilber, or German boys who came down on the afternoon freight from Bismarck.† (source)
- Through July, Antonia said, the house was buried in them; the Bohemians, I remembered, always planted hollyhocks.† (source)
- Yet people saw no difference between her and the three Marys; they were all Bohemians, all 'hired girls.'† (source)
- I told him he'd have to go to the Bohemians for beer; the Norwegians didn't have none when they threshed.† (source)
- Let's forget the Bohemians.'† (source)
- If Kutuzov decided to abandon the road connecting him with the troops arriving from Russia, he would have to march with no road into unknown parts of the Bohemian mountains, defending himself against superior forces of the enemy and abandoning all hope of a junction with Buxhowden.† (source)
- The Bohemians, said Gringoire, were vassals of the King of Algiers, in his quality of chief of the White Moors.† (source)
- It appeared that a Bohemian, a bare-footed vagabond, a sort of dangerous mendicant, was at that moment in the town.† (source)
- Yet it was merely a very pretty drawing-room, and within it a boudoir, both spread with white carpets, on which seemed laid brilliant garlands of flowers; both ceiled with snowy mouldings of white grapes and vine-leaves, beneath which glowed in rich contrast crimson couches and ottomans; while the ornaments on the pale Parisian mantelpiece were of sparkling Bohemian glass, ruby red; and between the windows large mirrors repeated the general blending of snow and fire.† (source)
- With a calm smile and a gentle wave of the hand, Monte Cristo signed to the distracted mother to lay aside her apprehensions; then, opening a casket that stood near, he drew forth a phial of Bohemian glass incrusted with gold, containing a liquid of the color of blood, of which he let fall a single drop on the child's lips.† (source)
- Your mother will add to them a recipe for a certain balsam, which she had from a Bohemian and which has the miraculous virtue of curing all wounds that do not reach the heart.† (source)
- She became a perfect Bohemian ere long, herding with people whom it would make your hair stand on end to meet.† (source)
- True, the Hampton Court Bohemians, without exception, turned up their noses at Merdle as an upstart; but they turned them down again, by falling flat on their faces to worship his wealth.† (source)
- There was a whisper of the pervading Bohemian character in the nomadic nature of the service and its curious races of plates and dishes; but the noble Refrigerator, infinitely better than plate or porcelain, made it superb.† (source)
- person of whom he was in search, was directed to the very top of the house, above the first-floor rooms where some travelling pedlars had lived, and were exhibiting their jewellery and brocades; above the second-floor apartments occupied by the etat major of the gambling firm; above the third-floor rooms, tenanted by the band of renowned Bohemian vaulters and tumblers; and so on to the little cabins of the roof, where, among students, bagmen, small tradesmen, and country-folks come in for the festival, Becky had found a little nest—as dirty a little refuge as ever beauty lay hid in.† (source)
- Some of these Bohemians were of an irritable temperament, as constantly soured and vexed by two mental trials: the first, the consciousness that they had never got enough out of the public; the second, the consciousness that the public were admitted into the building.† (source)
- The troops of the center, the reserves, and Bagration's right flank had not yet moved, but on the left flank the columns of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, which were to be the first to descend the heights to attack the French right flank and drive it into the Bohemian mountains according to plan, were already up and astir.† (source)
- She was of a wild, roving nature, inherited from father and mother, who were both Bohemians, by taste and circumstance; if a lord was not by, she would talk to his courier with the greatest pleasure; the din, the stir, the drink, the smoke, the tattle of the Hebrew pedlars, the solemn, braggart ways of the poor tumblers, the sournois talk of the gambling-table officials, the songs and swagger of the students, and the general buzz and hum of the place had pleased and tickled the little woman, even when her luck was down and she had not wherewithal to pay her bill.† (source)
- I assuredly esteem as a rarity this nunlike prudery which is preserved untamed amid those Bohemian girls who are so easily brought into subjection.† (source)
- I have been of the watch these fifteen years, and I hear her every evening cursing the Bohemian women with endless imprecations.† (source)
- "That poor Esmeralda!" said a Bohemian.† (source)
- "Bohemian girl," the president continued, "have you avowed all your deeds of magic, prostitution, and assassination on Phoebus de Châteaupers."† (source)
- Imbued from her very infancy with the superstitions of the Bohemian tribe, her first thought was that she had caught the strange beings peculiar to the night, in their deeds of witchcraft.† (source)
- In order to arouse her, a police officer was obliged to shake her unmercifully, and the president had to raise his voice,—"Girl, you are of the Bohemian race, addicted to deeds of witchcraft.† (source)
- Fair cousin, did you not speak to us of a little Bohemian whom you saved a couple of months ago, while making the patrol with the watch at night, from the hands of a dozen robbers?† (source)
- "Phoebus," continued the Bohemian, gently releasing her waist from the captain's tenacious hands, "You are good, you are generous, you are handsome; you saved me, me who am only a poor child lost in Bohemia.† (source)
- The Bohemian tossed his head.† (source)
- Hence Phoebus's mind was soon at ease on the score of the enchantress Esmeralda, or Similar, as he called her, concerning the blow from the dagger of the Bohemian or of the surly monk (it mattered little which to him), and as to the issue of the trial.† (source)
- Then the unhappy girl heard the people moving, the pikes clashing, and a freezing voice saying to her,—"Bohemian wench, on the day when it shall seem good to our lord the king, at the hour of noon, you will be taken in a tumbrel, in your shift, with bare feet, and a rope about your neck, before the grand portal of Notre-Dame, and you will there make an apology with a wax torch of the weight of two pounds in your hand, and thence you will be conducted to th† (source)
- Is she your Bohemian?† (source)
- What Bohemian?† (source)
- He had petitioned the bishop for an edict which expressly forbade the Bohemian women to come and dance and beat their tambourines on the place of the Parvis; and for about the same length of time, he had been ransacking the mouldy placards of the officialty, in order to collect the cases of sorcerers and witches condemned to fire or the rope, for complicity in crimes with rams, sows, or goats.† (source)
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