ad hominemin a sentence
She could see she was losing the debate, so she switched to an ad hominem argument.
ad hominem argument = an argument that attacks the person making a case rather than dealing with the issue in dispute
- It was filled with ad hominem insults.† (source)
- The Boss knew all about the so-called fallacy of the argumentum ad hominem.† (source)
- By advantage taken of one in fault, in dire peril, and at thy mercy, thou hast seized goods worth above thirteenpence ha'penny, paying but a trifle for the same; and this, in the eye of the law, is constructive barratry, misprision of treason, malfeasance in office, ad hominem expurgatis in statu quo—and the penalty is death by the halter, without ransom, commutation, or benefit of clergy.† (source)