All 3 Uses of
Lord of the Flies
- Suddenly Piggy was a-bubble with decorous excitement.†
p. 15.7
- That was from Piggy, shocked out of decorum.
p. 89.3 *decorum = manners and conduct considered to be proper
- Not one of them was an obvious subject for a shower, and yet—hair, much too long, tangled here and there, knotted round a dead leaf or a twig; faces cleaned fairly well by the process of eating and sweating but marked in the less accessible angles with a kind of shadow; clothes, worn away, stiff like his own with sweat, put on, not for decorum or comfort but out of custom; the skin of the body, scurfy with brine— He discovered with a little fall of the heart that these were the conditions he took as normal now and that he did not mind.†
p. 110.2decorum = proper manners and conduct
manners and conduct considered to be proper and in good taste