The Only Use of
Of Mice and Men
- Slim gazed at him for a moment and then looked down at his hands; he subdued one hand with the other, and held it down.
p. 49.3subdued = brought under control
(subdue as a verb as in: subdued the opposition) to control, prevent, or make less intense -- sometimes through forceThe exact meaning of subdue depends upon its context. For example:
- "subdued a nation" -- defeated militarily and brought under control
- "subdued the fever" -- made it less intense or defeated it
- "subdued her enthusiasm" -- made it less intense
- "subdued her fears" -- made them less intense or overcame them
- "subdued my emotions" -- kept them under control
- "subdued the crowd" -- quieted or controlled it
(subdued adjective as in: subdued colors or mood) not intense, or less activeThe exact meaning of subdued depends upon its context. For example:
- "subdued colors" -- not too bright (soft, not intense)
- "a subdued voice" -- quiet; perhaps whispered
- "a subdued mood" -- quiet and less active; perhaps a bit sad or thoughtful
- "subdued summer activity" -- less active or busy than normal
- (3) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)