All 3 Uses of
Ulysses, by James Joyce
- Still Captain Culler broke a window in the Kildare street club with a slog to square leg.†
Chpt 5 *
- And by that way wend the herds innumerable of bellwethers and flushed ewes and shearling rams and lambs and stubble geese and medium steers and roaring mares and polled calves and longwoods and storesheep and Cuffe's prime springers and culls and sowpigs and baconhogs and the various different varieties of highly distinguished swine and Angus heifers and polly bulllocks of immaculate pedigree together with prime premiated milchcows and beeves: and there is ever heard a trampling, cackling, roaring, lowing, bleating, bellowing, rumbling, grunting, champing, chewing, of sheep and pig†
Chpt 12
- Subsequently he enclosed a bloom of edelweiss culled on the heights, as he said, in my honour.†
Chpt 15
to select from among many -- sometimes what is desired; sometimes to eliminate that which is not wanted