All 6 Uses of
Ulysses, by James Joyce
- General paralysis of the insane!†
Chpt 1 *
- Now if he got paralysed there and no-one knew how to stop them they'd clank on and on the same, print it over and over and up and back.†
Chpt 7unconventional spelling: This is the British spelling. Americans spell it paralyzed.
- And Ned and J. J. paralysed with the laughing.†
Chpt 12
- The face of William Shakespeare, beardless, appears there, rigid in facial paralysis, crowned by the reflection of the reindeer antlered hatrack in the hall.†
Chpt 15
- it and think no more about it why cant you kiss a man without going and marrying him first you sometimes love to wildly when you feel that way so nice all over you you cant help yourself I wish some man or other would take me sometime when hes there and kiss me in his arms theres nothing like a kiss long and hot down to your soul almost paralyses you then I hate that confession when I used to go to Father Corrigan he touched me father and what harm if he did where and I said on the canal bank like a fool but whereabouts on your person my child on the leg behind high up was it yes rather high up was it where you sit down yes O Lord couldnt he say bottom right out and have done with it wha†
Chpt 18unconventional spelling: This is a British spelling. Americans use paralyzes.
- head I ask pity it wasnt washing day my old pair of drawers might have been hanging up too on the line on exhibition for all hed ever care with the ironmould mark the stupid old bundle burned on them he might think was something else and she never even rendered down the fat I told her and now shes going such as she was on account of her paralysed husband getting worse theres always something wrong with them disease or they have to go under an operation or if its not that its drink and he beats her Ill have to hunt around again for someone every day I get up theres some new thing on sweet God sweet God well when Im stretched out dead in my grave I suppose 111 have some peace I want to ge†
Chpt 18unconventional spelling: This is the British spelling. Americans spell it paralyzed.
(paralysis) loss of the ability to move the body or a part of it
inability to act or make a decision - (2) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)