All 11 Uses of
Ulysses, by James Joyce
- To serve or to upbraid, whether he could not tell: but scorned to beg her favour.†
Chpt 1scorned = disrespected or rejected
- Stephen listened in scornful silence.†
Chpt 1 *scornful = full of strong disrespect or rejection
- the editor cried in scornful invective.†
Chpt 7
- Paddy Leonard said with scorn.†
Chpt 8scorn = disrespect or reject as not good enough
- Mr Dedalus eyed with cold wandering scorn various points of Ben Dollard's figure.†
Chpt 10
- Treats him with scorn.†
Chpt 11
- A brief cold blaze shone from her eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable.†
Chpt 13
- And if ever after he dared to presume she could give him one look of measured scorn that would make him shrivel up on the spot.†
Chpt 13
- It was now for more than the middle span of our allotted years that he had passed through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and, being of a wary ascendancy and self a man of rare forecast, he had enjoined his heart to repress all motions of a rising choler and, by intercepting them with the readiest precaution, foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at, rash judgers scorn and all find tolerable and but tolerable.†
Chpt 14
- MARY DRISCOLL: (Scornfully) I had more respect for the scouringbrush, so I had.†
Chpt 15scornfully = in a disrespectful or rejecting manner
- —Ah, you've touched there too, Mr Bloom said, Europa point, thinking he had, in the hope that the rover might possibly by some reminiscences but he failed to do so, simply letting spirt a jet of spew into the sawdust, and shook his head with a sort of lazy scorn.†
Chpt 16scorn = disrespect or reject as not good enough