All 3 Uses of
A Tale of Two Cities
- Each of these stoppages was made at a doleful grating, by which any languishing good airs that were left uncorrupted, seemed to escape, and all spoilt and sickly vapours seemed to crawl in.†
Chpt 1.5 *languishing = suffering in a bad situation for a long time
- As a consequence, country airs circulated in Soho with vigorous freedom, instead of languishing into the parish like stray paupers without a settlement; and there was many a good south wall, not far off, on which the peaches ripened in their season.†
Chpt 2.6
- Games at cards languished, players at dominoes musingly built towers with them, drinkers drew figures on the tables with spilt drops of wine, Madame Defarge herself picked out the pattern on her sleeve with her toothpick, and saw and heard something inaudible and invisible a long way off.†
Chpt 2.15languished = suffered in a bad situation for a long time
to suffer in a bad situation for a long time