All 9 Uses of
The House of the Seven Gables
- It is a heavy annoyance to a writer, who endeavors to represent nature, its various attitudes and circumstances, in a reasonably correct outline and true coloring, that so much of the mean and ludicrous should be hopelessly mixed up with the purest pathos which life anywhere supplies to him.†
Chpt 2
- —few sights with truer pathos in them, than Hepzibah presented on that first afternoon.†
Chpt 9 *
- It is perhaps remarkable, considering her temperament, that Phoebe oftener chose a strain of pathos than of gayety.†
Chpt 9
- The deepest pathos of Phoebe's voice and song, moreover, came sifted through the golden texture of a cheery spirit, and was somehow so interfused with the quality thence acquired, that one's heart felt all the lighter for having wept at it.†
Chpt 9
- No adequate expression of the beauty and profound pathos with which it impresses us is attainable.†
Chpt 9
- Pictures of life, scenes of passion or sentiment, wit, humor, and pathos, were all thrown away, or worse than thrown away, on Clifford; either because he lacked an experience by which to test their truth, or because his own griefs were a touch-stone of reality that few feigned emotions could withstand.†
Chpt 10
- We laugh at dead men's jokes, and cry at dead men's pathos!†
Chpt 12
- In the humorous line, I am thought to have a very pretty way with me; and as for pathos, I am as provocative of tears as an onion.†
Chpt 12
- "Cousin Hepzibah," said the Judge, with an impressive earnestness of manner, which grew even to tearful pathos as he proceeded, "is it possible that you do not perceive how unjust, how unkind, how unchristian, is this constant, this long-continued bitterness against me, for a part which I was constrained by duty and conscience, by the force of law, and at my own peril, to act?†
Chpt 15
a quality that arouses pity or sorrow