All 10 Uses of
The House of the Seven Gables
- The play and slight agitation of the water, in its upward gush, wrought magically with these variegated pebbles, and made a continually shifting apparition of quaint figures, vanishing too suddenly to be definable.†
Chpt 6 *agitation = the act of stirring up (emotionally or physically); or a state of emotional unrest
- Throughout this preparation there had been a constant tremor in Hepzibah's frame; an agitation so powerful that Phoebe could see the quivering of her gaunt shadow, as thrown by the firelight on the kitchen wall, or by the sunshine on the parlor floor.†
Chpt 7
- "Clifford," said she,—still too agitated to utter more than an abrupt sentence,—"Clifford has a home here!"†
Chpt 8agitated = not calm; or stirred up (often emotionally)
- Hepzibah spread out her gaunt figure across the door, and seemed really to increase in bulk; looking the more terrible, also, because there was so much terror and agitation in her heart.†
Chpt 8agitation = the act of stirring up (emotionally or physically); or a state of emotional unrest
- It would disturb him wretchedly to see me so agitated as I am.†
Chpt 8agitated = not calm; or stirred up (often emotionally)
- Then would the tears stand in poor Hepzibah's eyes, or overflow them with a too abundant gush, so that she was fain to betake herself into some corner, lest Clifford should espy her agitation.†
Chpt 10agitation = the act of stirring up (emotionally or physically); or a state of emotional unrest
- He had a singular propensity, for example, to hang over Maule's well, and look at the constantly shifting phantasmagoria of figures produced by the agitation of the water over the mosaic-work of colored pebbles at the bottom.†
Chpt 10
- "You can do nothing," said Hepzibah, controlling her agitation as well as she could.†
Chpt 15
- Even in her agitation, Phoebe could not help remarking the calmness of Holgrave's demeanor.†
Chpt 20
- The surprise of such a discovery, his agitation, alarm, and horror, brought on the crisis of a disorder to which the old bachelor had an hereditary liability; he seemed to choke with blood, and fell upon the floor, striking his temple a heavy blow against the corner of a table.†
Chpt 21
to stir up or shake -- emotionally (as when people are angered or upset) or physically (as when a washing machine cleans clothes)