All 16 Uses of
The House of the Seven Gables
- Nor would it have been singular had they ceased to remember that the House of the Seven Gables was resting its heavy framework on a foundation that was rightfully their own.†
Chpt 1ceased = stopped or discontinued
- His blood might possibly exist elsewhere; here, where its lowly current could be traced so far back, it had ceased to keep an onward course.†
Chpt 1 *
- The street in which it upreared its venerable peaks has long ceased to be a fashionable quarter of the town; so that, though the old edifice was surrounded by habitations of modern date, they were mostly small, built entirely of wood, and typical of the most plodding uniformity of common life.†
Chpt 1
- Now she places a gingerbread elephant against the window, but with so tremulous a touch that it tumbles upon the floor, with the dismemberment of three legs and its trunk; it has ceased to be an elephant, and has become a few bits of musty gingerbread.†
Chpt 2
- "We will cease to speak of them, then," replied the artist, with a friendlier smile than his last one, "and I will leave you to feel whether it is not better to be a true woman than a lady.†
Chpt 3cease = stop or discontinue
- Shall I never, never have the courage,—will my voice never cease from trembling long enough to let me tell him what he is?†
Chpt 8
- The grime and sordidness of the House of the Seven Gables seemed to have vanished since her appearance there; the gnawing tooth of the dry-rot was stayed among the old timbers of its skeleton frame; the dust had ceased to settle down so densely, from the antique ceilings, upon the floors and furniture of the rooms below,—or, at any rate, there was a little housewife, as light-footed as the breeze that sweeps a garden walk, gliding hither and thither to brush it all away.†
Chpt 9ceased = stopped or discontinued
- Indeed, such was the native gush and play of her spirit, that she was seldom perfectly quiet and undemonstrative, any more than a fountain ever ceases to dimple and warble with its flow.†
Chpt 9ceases = stops or discontinues
- Therefore, it was well that Phoebe so often chose sad themes, and not amiss that they ceased to be so sad while she was singing them.†
Chpt 9ceased = stopped or discontinued
- A romance on the plan of Gil Blas, adapted to American society and manners, would cease to be a romance.†
Chpt 12cease = stop or discontinue
- But it was, perhaps, proof of the agency of other than spiritual fingers, that, after a few touches, the chords seemed to snap asunder with their own vibrations, and the music ceased.†
Chpt 15ceased = stopped or discontinued
- Is this your price for ceasing to persecute poor Clifford?†
Chpt 15ceasing = stopping or discontinuing
- Be the cause what it may, this little, quiet, never-ceasing throb of Time's pulse, repeating its small strokes with such busy regularity, in Judge Pyncheon's motionless hand, has an effect of terror, which we do not find in any other accompaniment of the scene.†
Chpt 18
- the watch has at last ceased to tick; for the Judge's forgetful fingers neglected to wind it up, as usual, at ten o'clock, being half an hour or so before his ordinary bedtime,—and it has run down, for the first time in five years.†
Chpt 18ceased = stopped or discontinued
- Here the conversation ceased, and Uncle Venner went on his way.†
Chpt 19
- Indeed, she had not energy to fling it down, but had ceased to uphold it, and suffered it to press her to the earth.†
Chpt 20
to stop or discontinue