All 4 Uses of
Howards End
- Oh,—you musn't run down our English composers, Margaret.†
Part 5 *composers = people who write or create
- Not out of them are the shows of history erected: the world would be a grey, bloodless place were it composed entirely of Miss Schlegels.†
Part 4 *
- "For my part, I have heard the composition at Stettin," said Fraulein Mosebach, "on two occasions.†
Part 5
- She looked at the sorrel, and the red and white and yellow clover, and the quaker grass, and the daisies, and the bents that composed it.†
Part 44
(compose as in: compose a poem) to write or create something with care -- especially music or a literary work, but could be other things as diverse as a plan or a letter
(compose as in: composed of many parts) to create something by arranging parts; or to be those parts
(compose as in: compose myself) to calm someone or settle something
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Specialized senses of compose include typesetting (preparing text for printing). There are many specialized senses of composition where context tells what something is made up from. Finally, in classic literature, compose may have been used to indicate settling a dispute.