All 10 Uses of
Howards End
- Frieda, you despise English music.†
Part 5despise = dislike strongly and look down upon
- In theory she despised them—they took away that old-world look—they cut off the sun—flats house a flashy type of person.†
Part 7despised = disliked strongly and looked down upon
- I think it's affectation to compare the Oder to music, and so do you, but the overhanging warehouses of Stettin take beauty seriously, which we don't, and the average Englishman doesn't, and despises all who do.†
Part 9despises = dislikes strongly and looks down upon
- She could not despise it, as Helen and Tibby affected to do.†
Part 12despise = dislike strongly and look down upon
- How dare Schlegels despise Wilcoxes, when it takes all sorts to make a world?†
Part 12
- I'm glad you don't despise the goods of this world.
Part 18 *
- He has all those public qualities which you so despise and which enable all this—" She waved her hand at the landscape, which confirmed anything.†
Part 19
- Could not the men whom they despised as milksops beat them, even on their own ground?†
Part 26despised = disliked strongly and looked down upon
- I have known cases of other men—I despised them once, I thought that I'm different, I shall never be tempted.†
Part 29
- Tibby gave all the praise to himself, and so despised the struggling and the submerged.†
Part 39
to dislike strongly and to look down upon with disrespect