All 3 Uses of
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Guillaume Rym alone might have conjured away the difficulty, but Coppenole had heard the cardinal.†
Chpt 1.1.4 *conjured = summoned into action or brought into existence
- Again, it is certain that the archdeacon had been seized with a singular passion for the symbolical door of Notre-Dame, that page of a conjuring book written in stone, by Bishop Guillaume de Paris, who has, no doubt, been damned for having affixed so infernal a frontispiece to the sacred poem chanted by the rest of the edifice.†
Chpt 1.4.5conjuring = summoning into action or bringing into existence
- I conjure your majesty—†
Chpt 2.10.5conjure = summon into action or bring into existence
summon into action or bring into existence -- often as if by magic