Both Uses of
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- But underlying this thought, the first and most simple one, no doubt, there was in our opinion another, newer one, a corollary of the first, less easy to perceive and more easy to contest, a view as philosophical and belonging no longer to the priest alone but to the savant and the artist.†
Chpt 1.5.2 *corollary = something that follows from something else -- such as a logical consequence
- Rouge, Bishop of Noyon and Tournay, De Cupa Petrarum, which had given him a violent passion for architecture, an inclination which had replaced in his heart his passion for hermeticism, of which it was, moreover, only a natural corollary, since there is an intimate relation between hermeticism and masonry.†
Chpt 2.10.1
something that follows from something else -- such as a logical or practical consequence