All 5 Uses of
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- On each one of its concentric walls, the priests could read the word translated and manifested to the eye, and thus they followed its transformations from sanctuary to sanctuary, until they seized it in its last tabernacle, under its most concrete form, which still belonged to architecture: the arch.†
Chpt 1.5.2 *manifested = made obvious (or shown)
- These external manifestations of joy at any good news sometimes proceeded to very great lengths thus, on the death, of Charles the Bold, to the point of vowing silver balustrades to Saint Martin of Tours; on his advent to the throne, so far as forgetting to order his father's obsequies.†
Chpt 2.10.5manifestations = demonstrations (things made obvious or shown)
- great tufts of Cyprus gold thread; good Flemish heads, after all, severe and worthy faces, of the family which Rembrandt makes to stand out so strong and grave from the black background of his "Night Patrol "; personages all of whom bore, written on their brows, that Maximilian of Austria had done well in "trusting implicitly," as the manifest ran, "in their sense, valor, experience, loyalty, and good wisdom."†
Chpt 1.1.3
- This populace, disciplined to waiting for public executions, did not manifest very much impatience.†
Chpt 1.6.4
- "Put it to the vote!" said one of the councillors; "the crime is manifest, and it is late."†
Chpt 2.8.3
(manifest as in: manifest destiny) obvious; or to make obvious; or to show or demonstrate
(manifest as in: ship's manifest) an official document listing contents being transported