All 8 Uses of
Hiroshima, by John Hersey
- There was another thing, too: Mr Tanimoto had studied theology at Emery College, in Atlanta, Georgia, he had graduated in 1949; he spoke excellent English; he dressed in American clothes; he had corresponded with many American friends right up to the time the war began; and among a people obsessed with a fear of being spied upon — perhaps almost obsessed himself — he found himself growing increasingly uneasy.†
Chpt 1
- This morning, a Monday, the only worshippers were Mr Takemoto, a theological student living in the mission house; Mr Fukai, the secretary of the diocese; Mrs Murata, the mission's devoutly Christian house— keeper and his fellow-priests.†
Chpt 1theological = relating to the study of religion
- Then the theological student came up and grabbed Mr Fukai's feet, and Father Kleinsorge took his shoulders, and together they carried him downstairs and outdoors.†
Chpt 2
- The theological student, who was wearing slippers, had carried with him a bundle of clothes, in which he had packed two pairs of leather shoes.†
Chpt 2 *
- After the storm, Mr Tanimoto began ferrying people again, and Father Kleinsorge asked the theological student to go across and make his way out to the Jesuit Novitiate at Nagatsuka, about three miles from the center of town, and to request the priests there to come with help for Fathers Schiffer and La-Salle.†
Chpt 2
- The messenger Father Kleinsorge had sent — the theological student who had been living at the mission house — had arrived at the Novitiate, in she hills about three miles out, at half past four.†
Chpt 3
- The theological student led the way and tried to warn the others of obstacles, but one of the priests got a foot tangled in some telephone wire and tripped and dropped his corner of the litter.†
Chpt 3
- Back at the Novitiate that evening, the theological student, who had been rooming with Mr Fukai at the mission house, told the priests that the secretary had remarked to him, during an air-raid alarm one day not long before the bombing, 'Japan is dying.†
Chpt 3
the study of religion; or a particular system or school of religious beliefs