All 4 Uses of
A Room of One's Own
- ....In justice to the sex, I think it but candid to acknowledge that, in a subsequent conversation, he told me that he was serious in what he said.†
Chpt 2 *acknowledge = recognize
- They alone were deaf to that persistent voice, now grumbling, now patronizing, now domineering, now grieved, now shocked, now angry, now avuncular, that voice which cannot let women alone, but must be at them, like some too-conscientious governess, adjuring them, like Sir Egerton Brydges, to be refined; dragging even into the criticism of poetry criticism of sex; [*1] admonishing them, if they would be good and win, as I suppose, some shiny prize, to keep within certain limits which the gentleman in question thinks suitable—'....female novelists should only aspire to excellence by courageously acknowledging the limitations of their sex'.†
Chpt 4acknowledging = recognizing
- [*2 'If, like the reporter, you believe that female novelists should only aspire to excellence by courageously acknowledging the limitations of their sex (Jane Austen [has] demonstrated how gracefully this gesture can be accomplished ....)†
Chpt 4
- Then, in case any of you aspire to fiction, I have copied out for your benefit the advice of the critic about courageously acknowledging the limitations of your sex.†
Chpt 6
(acknowledge as in: acknowledge her or the truth) express recognition or appreciation of someone or something; or admit something
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Specialized senses include sending an "acknowledgement" (letter or other message) to indicate that something was received and the "acknowledgements" section at the beginning of a book where an author recognizes and thanks other people who helped in creating the book or ideas contained in it.