All 3 Uses of
A Room With A View
- He uttered this remark with a voice full of meaning, and ended with a sigh.†
Chpt 5uttered = said (or make a sound) with the voice
- Miss Bartlett uttered a cry of genuine alarm.†
Chpt 7 *
- Mr. Beebe, who could be silent, but who could not bear silence, was compelled to chatter, since the expedition looked like a failure, and neither of his companions would utter a word.†
Chpt 12 *
(utter as in: utter stupidity) complete or total (used as an intensifier--typically when stressing how bad something is)
(utter as in: utter a complaint) say something or make a sound with the voice
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Less commonly, and archaically, utter can mean to let out.