All 9 Uses of
A Streetcar Named Desire
- But I guess the contract we signed is full of loopholes?
Scene 1.1 *contract = written agreement
- Chance: You said that you had a large block of stock, more than half-ownership in a sort of a second-rate Hollywood studio, and could put me under contract.†
Scene 1.1
- ...You wired for some contract papers we signed.†
Scene 1.1
- Soon as I've talked to my girl and shown her my contract, we go on, you and me.†
Scene 1.2
- And I have taken my false or true contract to flash in the faces of various people that called me washed up.†
Scene 1.2
- Chance: I swore in my heart that I'd never again come in second in any contest, especially not now that Heavenly was my — Aunt Nonnie, look at this contract.†
Scene 2.2
- Chance: She was and still is and never will cease to be an important, a legendary figure in the picture industry, here and all over the world, and I am now under personal contract to her.†
Scene 2.2
- Look at this contract.†
Scene 2.2
- Scotty: You carry the contract with you?†
Scene 2.2
(contract as in: legal contract) an agreement - typically written and enforceable by law
(contract as in: contract the disease) to get -- especially in reference to a disease
(contract as in: the metal contracted) when something gets shorter or smaller
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) A grammatical sense of the word form contraction describes can't as a shortened form of can not.