All 6 Uses of
A Streetcar Named Desire
- ...[The Princess utters a soft laugh m her dmmed-out area.†
Scene 1.2utters = says (or makes a sound) with the voice
- [Blanche utters a sharp, frightened cry and shrinks away; then she laughs breathlessly again†
Scene 3.2
- [Blanche utters a moaning cry and runs into the bedroom, throwing herself down beside Stella in a rush of hysterical tenderness†
Scene 3.4 *
- — Y'know, I really shouldn't let you in after the treatment I have received from you this evening I So utterly uncavalier !†
Scene 3.9 *utterly = completely or totally
- She utters a frightened gasp.†
Scene 3.9utters = says (or makes a sound) with the voice
- The utter exhaustion which only a neurasthenic personality can know is evident in Blanche's voice and manner, Mitch is stolid but depressed.†
Scene 3.6
(utter as in: utter stupidity) complete or total (used as an intensifier--typically when stressing how bad something is)
(utter as in: utter a complaint) say something or make a sound with the voice
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Less commonly, and archaically, utter can mean to let out.