All 21 Uses of
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
- "This bear did not die of a bullet," one of the Indians told him gravely.
Chpt 1.6 *gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
- And how does it go with you?" and Gordon answered gravely, It goes well, Mark.†
Chpt 3.16
- No one alive has seen the famous dance in which the young man, maddened by the cannibal spirit, returns to his village crying for flesh and carrying a body taken from a grave tree.†
Chpt 1.1
- It' only the grave of Johnny Ray who was drowned," Jim told him.†
Chpt 1.1
- The chief wishes the weesa-bedo to be buried in the old burial ground just beyond the end of the village, and the box is made, and the grave is dug, and already my people are gathering there.†
Chpt 1.2
- It is only the grave trees.†
Chpt 1.2
- Many have fallen as you can see, and the grave sheds that were built later have fallen and most of the old carvings.†
Chpt 1.2
- When he spoke, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills," there were the mountains rising above the great trees, and when he read that small and lovely prayer, " ....protect him all day long until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes ....," the sun had slipped beneath the mountain tops, and the shadows were lengthening on the small grave at his feet When it was done, he managed to find among all the faces the mother, and this time it was she who touched his sleeve gently and thanked him with her eyes.†
Chpt 1.2
- The older men went to the new burial ground, a mile from the village, to dig the grave, and the older boys followed them, cutting away the bracken, the devil's club, that had grown over the narrow path.†
Chpt 2.11
- The committal was brief, and when Mark had said the last words, "Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her," each man of the tribe helped fill the grave with a spade of earth while the women sang in Kwakwala the first hymns the tribe had been taught sixty-five years before.†
Chpt 2.11
- Then the wreaths were placed on the grave.†
Chpt 2.11
- But now many boxes have fallen from the trees and other trees have fallen on the grave houses built on the stumps.†
Chpt 3.15
- "If this disturbs you," Mark said, choosing his words carefully, "we can build a large communal grave and in it we can place all the boxes and the broken carvings.†
Chpt 3.15
- When they had cut their way through it, they saw that the year's windfall had been severe and that the old grave houses and the boxes that had fallen from the trees were covered with brush and branches.†
Chpt 3.15
- For five days the men of the tribe worked at the clearing, and when this was done, Jim and other younger men went up the huge spruce trees with ropes to lower the grave boxes that were still intact.†
Chpt 3.15
- When the huge grave was dug and ready, forty boxes were placed in it, and all the broken bones and bits of ancient grave posts and carvings.†
Chpt 3.15
- When the huge grave was dug and ready, forty boxes were placed in it, and all the broken bones and bits of ancient grave posts and carvings.†
Chpt 3.15
- Then on a sunny, clear morning, Mark held a brief service and the grave was covered.†
Chpt 3.15
- "When spring comes, grass will grow over the huge new grave," Peter said.†
Chpt 3.15
- Who will dig the grave?†
Chpt 4.23
- The grave was dug.†
Chpt 4.23
(grave as in: Her manner was grave.) serious and/or solemnThe exact meaning of this sense of grave can depend upon its context. For example:
- "This is a grave problem," or "a situation of the utmost gravity." -- important, dangerous, or causing worry
- "She was in a grave mood upon returning from the funeral." -- sad or solemn
- "She looked me in the eye and gravely promised." -- in a sincere and serious manner
(meaning too common or rare to warrant focus) Better known meanings of grave and gravity:
- grave -- a place where a dead body is buried
- gravity -- in the sense of physics to refer to the force of attraction between all masses in the universe--especially the force that causes things to fall toward the earth
- death -- as in "A message from beyond the grave."
- describing a color as dark
- to sculpt with a chisel
- to clean and coat the bottom of a wooden ship with pitch
- grave accent -- a punctuation mark (`) that is used in some non-English languages, and that is placed over some letters of the alphabet to tell how they are pronounced.
- grave musical direction -- in a slow and solemn manner