All 25 Uses of
The Ramayana
- If thou wilt leave thy wife who still Entreats thee with undaunted will, This very day shall poison close The life that spurns the rule of foes.†
Book 2undaunted = not discouraged or intimidatedstandard prefix: The prefix "un-" in undaunted means not and reverses the meaning of daunted. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
- Still trusting to his own right arm Thy hero son will fear no harm: As in his father's palace, he In the wild woods will dauntless be.†
Book 2 *dauntless = never discouraged or intimidatedstandard suffix: The suffix "-less" in dauntless means without. This is the same pattern you see in words like fearless, homeless, and endless.
- Were all the worlds against him ranged His dauntless soul were still unchanged: He, dutiful, in duty strong, Would purge the impious world from wrong.†
Book 2
- There, with his friends and kinsmen nigh, Dwelt Guha, Ráma's dear ally, Heroic guardian of the land With dauntless heart and ready hand.†
Book 2
- Around each prince an arm he cast, And held the dauntless heroes fast: Then, though his gashes gaped and bled, Bearing the twain he turned and fled.†
Book 3
- Thus when each royal prince had grasped His warrior's mighty bow, and clasped His quiver to his side, With watchful eyes along the road The glorious saint Agastya showed, Dauntless in fight the brothers strode, And Sítá with them hied.†
Book 3
- They, as their leader bade them seize Spears, swords, and clubs, and rocks, and trees, Poured on the dauntless prince again A ceaseless shower of deadly rain.†
Book 3
- Thus was I spared, but all my band Fell slain by Ráma's conquering hand,— A boy, untrained in warrior's skill, Of iron arm and dauntless will.†
Book 3
- He strained Márícha to his breast And thus with joyful words addressed: "There spoke a hero dauntless still, Obedient to his master's will, Márícha's proper self once more: Some other took thy shape before.†
Book 3
- Soon as the fiend had fled from sight, The brothers, dauntless in their might, Reached a wild forest dark and dread Whose tangled ways were hard to tread.†
Book 3
- cried, The dauntless Ráma thus replied: "Brother, from causeless dread forbear.†
Book 3
- Thus in calm strength which naught could shake The son of Dasaratha spake, With glory yet unstained Upon Sumitrá's son he bent His eyes, and firm in his intent His dauntless heart maintained.†
Book 3
- His listening ear Sugríva bent, And spake in words more excellent: "Where is the dauntless heart that free From terror's chilling touch can see Two stranger warriors, strong as those, Equipped with swords and shafts and bows, With mighty arms and large full eyes, Like glorious children of the skies?†
Book 4
- With dauntless courage, strength, and skill Search every river, wood, and hill.†
Book 4
- The chieftain turned his glances where The legions sat in mute despair; And then to Hanumán, the best Of Vánar lords, these words addressed: "Why still, and silent, and apart, O hero of the dauntless heart?†
Book 4
- Yet dauntless hearts will never fail To win success though foes assail, And I this sorrow will subdue And search the palace through and through, Exploring with my cautious tread Each spot as yet unvisited.†
Book 5
- Then Bhásakama raised his spear, And Praghas with a laugh drew near, And, maddened at the sight, the two Against the undaunted Vánar flew.†
Book 5undaunted = not discouraged or intimidatedstandard prefix: The prefix "un-" in undaunted means not and reverses the meaning of daunted. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
- Come, this degenerate weakness spurn, And bid thy dauntless heart return, For each fair hope by grief is crossed When those we love are dead or lost.†
Book 6dauntless = never discouraged or intimidatedstandard suffix: The suffix "-less" in dauntless means without. This is the same pattern you see in words like fearless, homeless, and endless.
- While Raghu's son undaunted gazed, The waters of the deep were raised, And, still uplifted more and more, Leapt in wild flood upon the shore.†
Book 6undaunted = not discouraged or intimidatedstandard prefix: The prefix "un-" in undaunted means not and reverses the meaning of daunted. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
- s son by magic skill Checked them with arrows swifter still, When streams of blood from chest and side The dauntless Vánars' limbs had dyed, The giant in his misty shroud Showed like the sun obscured by cloud.†
Book 6dauntless = never discouraged or intimidatedstandard suffix: The suffix "-less" in dauntless means without. This is the same pattern you see in words like fearless, homeless, and endless.
- Still dauntless, with terrific blows, He struck and slew his foremost foes.†
Book 6
- His bow the dauntless giant drew; To meet the tree swift arrows flew, Checked the huge missile's onward way, And harmless on the earth it lay.†
Book 6
- When royal Angad, Báli's son, Saw the scared Vánars turn and run, Undaunted still he kept his ground, And shouted as he gazed around: "O Nala, Níla, stay nor let Your souls your generous worth forget, O Kumud and Gaváksha, why Like base-born Vánars will ye fly?†
Book 6undaunted = not discouraged or intimidatedstandard prefix: The prefix "un-" in undaunted means not and reverses the meaning of daunted. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
- Then let us still with dauntless hearts Endure this storm of pelting darts.†
Book 6dauntless = never discouraged or intimidatedstandard suffix: The suffix "-less" in dauntless means without. This is the same pattern you see in words like fearless, homeless, and endless.
- Yet for the fallen warrior plead The dauntless heart, the valorous deed.†
Book 6
to discourage or intimidate