All 8 Uses of
The Ramayana
- Trisanku's speech the hundred heard, And thus replied, to anger stirred: "Why foolish King, by him denied, Whose truthful lips have never lied, Dost thou transgress his prudent rule, And seek, for aid, another school?†
Book 1transgress = violate a rule, promise, or social norm
- (235) Ikshváku's sons have aye relied Most surely on their holy guide: Then how dost thou, fond Monarch, dare Transgress the rule his lips declare†
Book 1
- One duty, dear the same for aye, Is sire and mother to obey: Should I their orders once transgress My very life were weariness.†
Book 2 *
- (313) If aught amiss by Ráma done Offend thee, O thou wicked one, What least transgression canst thou find In her, thou worst of womankind†
Book 2transgression = an act that violates a rule, promise, or social norm
- A life of sin I freely chose, And from my past transgression flows A ceaseless flood of bitter woes My folly to repay.†
Book 3
- Speak, Vánar King, that I may know Where dwells the cause of all my woe; The fiend for whose transgression all The giants by this hand shall fall.†
Book 4
- Thus we though faithful have transgressed, And failed to keep our lord's behest.†
Book 4transgressed = violated a rule, promise, or social norm
- The brave that law will ne'er transgress That spares a woman's helplessness.†
Book 5transgress = violate a rule, promise, or social norm
to violate a rule, promise, or social norm