All 31 Uses of
The Ramayana
- So Aditi shone more and more, The Mother of the Gods, when she The King of the Immortals(132) bore, The thunder-wielding deity.†
Book 1 *wielding = holding and using, or having with the ability to use
- My faithful heroes skilled to wield The arms of war will take the field; Their skill the demons' might may break: Ráma, my child, thou must not take.†
Book 1wield = to hold and use, or to have and be able to use
- All these the mighty saint will yield To Ráma's hand, to own and wield; And armed with these, beyond a doubt Shall Ráma put those fiends to rout.†
Book 1
- I'll give thee as a pledge of love The mystic arms they use above, For worthy thou to have revealed The weapons I have learnt to wield.†
Book 1
- u wont to wield.†
Book 1
- Win Siva that his aid be lent To hold her in her mid descent, For earth alone will never bear Those torrents hurled from upper air; And none may hold her weight but He, The Trident wielding deity.†
Book 1wielding = holding and using, or having with the ability to use
- u, bearing shell, and mace, And discus, showed his radiant face, And thus addressed in smiling glee The Trident wielding deity: "What treasure first the Gods upturn From troubled Ocean, as they churn, Should—for thou art the eldest—be Conferred, O best of Gods, on thee.†
Book 1
- A boundless power 'tis thine to wield: To such a king thou shouldst not yield, Who, very mighty though he be,— So fierce thy strength,—must bow to thee.†
Book 1wield = to hold and use, or to have and be able to use
- To me be all the arms revealed That Gods, and saints, and Titans wield, And every dart that arms the hands Of spirits, fiends and minstrel bands, Be mine, O Lord supreme in place, This token of thy boundless grace.†
Book 1
- s use: The dart he loves who wields the bow Pináka, and twin bolts that glow With fury as they flash and fly, The quenchless Liquid and the Dry: The dart of Vengeance, swift to kill: The Goblins' dart, the Curlew's Bill: The discus both of Fate and Right, And Vish?†
Book 1wields = holds and uses, or has and is able to use
- No arm like his the bow could wield, Or drive the chariot to the field.†
Book 2wield = to hold and use, or to have and be able to use
- Skilled in the use of spear and shield, And arms which heavenly warriors wield, Supreme in war, unconquered yet By man, fiend, God in battle met, Whene'er in pomp of war he goes 'Gainst town or city of the foes, He ever comes with Lakshma?†
Book 2
- May He whose hands the thunder wield Be in the east thy guard and shield; May Yáma's care the south befriend, And Varu?'†
Book 2
- To Bharat's hand the king will yield The regent power I thought to wield, And me, a hermit, will he send My days in Da?†
Book 2
- Ah me, my son, mine eldest-born, Where roams he in the wood forlorn, The wielder of the mighty bow, Whose shoulders like the lion's show?†
Book 2wielder = someone who holds and uses something, or has something and is able to use it
- s bosom swayed: "What need have we the sword to wield, To bend the bow or lift the shield, If Bharat brave, and wise, and good, Himself has sought this sheltering wood?†
Book 2wield = to hold and use, or to have and be able to use
- In space itself no space remained, But all was filled with arrows rained Incessantly from each great bow Wielded by Ráma and his foe.†
Book 3wielded = held and used, or had with the ability to use
- He saw a band of Vánars wait, Wielding their weapons, at the gate Where golden portals flashed between Celestial garlands red and green.†
Book 4wielding = holding and using, or having with the ability to use
- Deep in the Vedas, skilled to wield The mystic shafts to him revealed: Whose flaming darts to heaven ascend, And through the earth a passage rend: In might like him who rules the sky; Like Yáma, when his wrath grows high: Whose queen, the darling of his soul, Thy magic art deceived and stole: There royal Ráma stands and longs For battle to avenge his wrongs.†
Book 6wield = to hold and use, or to have and be able to use
- Thus to the monarch's speech replied: "Long reigns the king in safe repose, Unmoved by fear of vanquished foes, Whose feet by saving knowledge led In justice path delight to tread: Who knows to sheath the sword or wield, To order peace, to strike or yield: Prefers, when foes are stronger, peace, And bids a doubtful conflict cease.†
Book 6
- North, where approach is dreaded most, The king, encompassed with a host Of giants trained in war, whose hands Wield maces, swords and lances, stands.†
Book 6
- Axe, spear, and mace were wielded well: At every blow a Vánar fell.†
Book 6wielded = held and used, or had with the ability to use
- Fierce on the foe the Vánars rushed, And, wielding trees, the foremost crushed; But, feathered from the heron's wing, With eager flight from sounding string, Against them shot with surest aim A ceaseless storm of arrows came: And, pierced in head and chest and side, Full many a Vánar fell and died.†
Book 6wielding = holding and using, or having with the ability to use
- But crushed by branchy trees and blocks Of jagged stone and shivered rocks Which the wild Vánars wielded well The bravest of the giants fell.†
Book 6wielded = held and used, or had with the ability to use
- He passed the city gate, and viewed, Arrayed, the Vánar multitude, Those wielding massy rocks, and these Armed with the stems of uptorn trees, And Ráma with his eyes aglow With warlike ardour viewed the foe, And thus the brave Vibhisha?†
Book 6wielding = holding and using, or having with the ability to use
- best Of weapon-wielding chiefs, addressed: "What captain leads this bright array Where lances gleam and banners play, And thousands armed with spear and sword Await the bidding of their lord?"†
Book 6
- He wields a bow like Indra's own; A lion on his flag is shown, His eyes with baleful fire are lit: 'Tis Ráva?'†
Book 6wields = holds and uses, or has and is able to use
- Go forth like Yáma to the field, And let thine arm thy trident wield.†
Book 6wield = to hold and use, or to have and be able to use
- Where is Dhúmráksha, skilled to wield All weapons in the battle field?†
Book 6
- They brought him, while the flame yet glowed, The dart by Brahmá's grace bestowed, And all the arms he wielded well Were charmed with text and holy spell.†
Book 6wielded = held and used, or had with the ability to use
- Ancestral shades,(1016) by men revered, In venerable state appeared, And he from whom all riches flow,(1017) And Yáma Lord who reigns below: King Indra, thousand-eyed, and he Who wields the sceptre of the sea.†
Book 6wields = holds and uses, or has and is able to use
to have or use
The exact meaning of wield can depend upon its context. For example:
- "to wield an ax" -- to have it in hand
- "to wield power or influence" -- to have or exercise power or influence