All 28 Uses of
The Ramayana
- Let ships be formed with utmost care That artificial trees may bear, And sweet fruit deftly made; Let goodly raiment, rich and rare, And flowers, and many a bird be there Beneath the leafy shade.†
Book 1
- Thus entertained with utmost care Seven days, or eight, he tarried there, And then that best of men thus broke His purpose to the king, and spoke: "O King of men, mine ancient friend, (Thus Dasaratha prayed) Thy Sántá with her husband send My sacrifice to aid."†
Book 1
- ha, saintly man, In modest words this speech began: "Prepare the rite with all things fit As is ordained in Holy Writ, And keep with utmost care afar Whate'er its sacred forms might mar.†
Book 1
- Then the good priests with utmost care, In form that Scripture's rules declare, For the third time pure water shed On high souled Dasaratha's head.†
Book 1 *
- All these with utmost care were wrought By hand of priests in Scripture taught, And all with gold were gilded bright To add new splendour to the rite: Twenty-and-one those stakes in all, Each one-and-twenty cubits tall: And one-and-twenty ribbons there Hung on the pillars, bright and fair.†
Book 1
- That childless prince of high renown, Who smote in war his foemen down, At that same time with utmost care Prepared the rite that wins an heir.†
Book 1
- An arrow, swift as thought, Upon his bow he pressed, And smote, to utmost fury wrought, Márícha on the breast.†
Book 1
- Sumantra from the chariot freed With ready hand each weary steed; He groomed them with the utmost heed, Their limbs he bathed and dried, Then led them forth to drink and feed At pleasure in the grassy mead That fringed the river side.†
Book 2
- Sumantra, urged to utmost speed, Yoked to the car each generous steed, And then, with hand to hand applied, He came before the chief and cried: "Hail, Prince, whom mighty arms adorn, Hail, bravest of the chariot-borne!†
Book 2
- Where was the man might bend or lift With utmost toil that wondrous gift?†
Book 2
- He took the brand: with utmost heed He kept it for the warrior's need: To keep his trust he fondly strove When roaming in the neighbouring grove: Whene'er for roots and fruit he strayed Still by his side he bore the blade: Still on his sacred charge intent, He took his treasure when he went.†
Book 3
- But waxing wroth, with force unspent, He strained his bow to utmost bent, And forth his arrows keen and true In hundreds, yea in thousands flew,— Shafts none could ward, and none endure: Death's fatal noose was scarce so sure.†
Book 3
- When Ráma, pride of Raghu's race, Virtue's dear son, had cleft the mace, Thus with superior smile the best Of chiefs the furious fiend addressed: "Thou, worst of giant blood, at length Hast shown the utmost of thy strength, And forced by greater might to bow, Thy vaunting threats are idle now.†
Book 3
- And when mine arm has slain the foe Who laid those giant princes low, Long will I triumph in the deed, Like one enriched in utmost need.†
Book 3
- whose fraternal breast Longed for his weal, the chief addressed Whose soul gave way beneath the pain When all his eager search was vain, Like some great elephant who stands Sinking upon the treacherous sands: "Not yet, O wisest chief, despair; Renew thy toil with utmost care.†
Book 3
- Searching with utmost care I view The signs of one and not of two.†
Book 3
- Nor should the Vánar king refuse The boon for which the suppliant sues, But with his forest legions speed To save him in his utmost need.†
Book 4
- Now strain thine utmost power to trace The Maithil lady's dwelling place, And aid me in my search to find Fierce Ráva?†
Book 4
- Those lords who yielding to the sway Of love's delight would fain delay, Urge hither with the utmost speed, Or with thee to my presence lead: And those who linger to the last Until ten days be come and passed, And dare their sovereign to defy, For their offence shall surely die.†
Book 4
- Search every cave with utmost care If haply Ráma's queen be there.†
Book 4
- One hundred leagues in fair extent An island(705) fronts the continent: No man may tread its glittering shore, With utmost heed that isle explore, For the fair country owns the sway Of Ráva?†
Book 4
- With utmost care these realms survey, And all you meet upon the way.†
Book 4
- He is my consort's sire, and hence Deserves the utmost reverence.†
Book 4
- He neath the Vánars' hands had died, But Ráma from their fury freed The captive in his utmost need, And, merciful at sight of woe, Loosed all the spies and bade them go.†
Book 6
- Pale, wasted, weeping, on the ground The melancholy queen he found, Whose thoughts in utmost stress of ill Were fixed upon her husband still.†
Book 6
- Though swift as thought, his utmost speed Had failed him in the hour of need.†
Book 6
- Far, on the Milky Ocean's shore, Still grow those herbs in boundless store; Let swiftest Vánars thither speed And bring them for our utmost need.†
Book 6
- This chariot, kept with utmost care, Will waft thee through the fields of air, And thou shalt light unwearied down In fair Ayodhyá's royal town.†
Book 6