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Your Privacy

(Our policy has changed only once on 6/21/19. At that time we eliminated all use of cookies.)™ is committed to preserving the privacy and security of its participants. Information about visitors will not be sold or willfully provided to third parties. We do not use cookies.

In general, our service automatically gathers certain usage information like the numbers and frequency of visitors to different pages on our site, IP address, browser type, and the date and time of your request. We only use such data in the aggregate. This collective data helps us improve our site and prevent abuse.

If you click on an external link, such as Google®, or Wikipedia®, a new window will open and it will be apparent to average users that you have entered another site with its own privacy policy. When entering another site, reasonable steps such as specifying Google's SafeSearch® are taken.

If you send an e-mail to us, we will keep your address as appropriate to reply. We will not send you junk mail or willfully provide your address to third parties.

We do not anticipate changing our privacy policy in a significant way, but should our policy become less restrictive of us in the future, we promise to make reasonable attempts to alert you about the change.